Evil Angelica -- http://www.safemode.org/mirror/2001/04/12/www.lovecats.com/
Bitch gone bad  --- Walking the Dog_Superman Hero -- Neumann to the rest Q


Thinking Outloud

Lyrics to Sisters of the Moon
Download the midi. It sounds better without IE or Netscape.

Nukes: A Lesson From Russia--the RISK in MS software.   Yet another SOS from Peter Neumann. After a week of MS Instant Messaging being out and account data being lost, not one word was publicly posted. SOS--the deadly sound of silence is getting more deft-Con-Nation. Now we know why Microsoft is quickly making concessions regarding their antitrust case. Once again, warning Microsoft of such flaws is considered harassment.... LOL



Prelude To The REEL GAME

Some people think this is an angry women site. They have no sense of theater or drama. I'm not angry! I'm not even mad. I'm bAd..:-) LOL. Now who dumped on MSFT? LOL! AOL!

I feel like Alice in the UnderWorld. The whole psychological climate in society today is wacko. And I'm just a very curious lady. Maybe I need to set the stage correctly for this.

I'm an ECHO for other women. I was a rancher in rural America in the Counter Culture. I've done midwifing, raised and slaughtered, birthed three children and breast fed them each for 2 years. I've cooked on a wood stove for +10 years and lived without media--radio and TV included--for about 17 years. I still consider most media unhealthy. When I collided with mainstream feminist, I was shocked and dismayed at just how much women had given up in the way of personal dignity in order to obtain economic success and in many cases wealth.

I read the women and reflex their Oppression. There is a lot to be learned on this web. Something that both men and women need to get a grip on. I think that we are living in a fantasy world where men and women hold the same old fashion myths that men are strong and heroic and women are weak and angelic. My name sake is Joan of Arc. And while she was a Saint, she was a soldier. I think there is a bit of Joan in all women. You just have to dig a bit deeper. And there is a bit of Jesus in all men if they dig in their soul.

Hey boys, get in tuned. Any man who has seen a women birth a child should know that we women are tough and have a very different sense of humor. Especially when it comes to men.

We women are screaming in stereo. We do 80% or more of the buying and represent the biggest market nitch in computing. You either learn what bugs us about what you do or you loose more money. I can see MSFT going all the way down to $30 a share if Win XP misses expectations. Give the problems with MSN, Passport and MS Instant Messenger, that $30 a share is more the reality. As always, MSFT is a buy when it is below $50 and a sell when ever it is over $70.

G2G... The boys still don't get that we don't buy from banner adds. They don't know how to sell to women. Oxygen is getting there. eBay is getting there. Gee it seems that only the companies owned by women are getting it right.

Love to all the Children. Redmond Rose~
The Mother Brier Rose Bush

Angel Baby... My Angel Baby

Hey Girls, MS is discounting your features.

Now I see Fluffi Bunni Ownz U

In the early hours of Friday morning (Jul 13), a defacer known as "Fluffi Bunni" defaced the website of SANS (www.sans.org). As of this posting (Jul 14, 5am MDT) the site is still not responding. On the defacement, it asks "would you really trust these guys to teach you security?"

According to their website:

The SANS (System Administration, Networking, and Security) Institute is a cooperative research and education organization through which more than 96,000 system administrators, security professionals, and network administrators share the lessons they are learning and find solutions to the challenges they face. SANS was founded in 1989.

SANS is well known for providing security seminars and training to administrators and security consultants around the world. SANS training and seminars often cost upwards of $1,000US and cover all aspects of security including server hardening, intrusion detection, computer forensics, firewall installation and incident response.

It will be interesting to see if SANS can use their own forensic skills to
track down "Fluffi Bunni". =)

For those interested in hearing more about SANS and security, you can subscribe to their newsletter by sending a note to [email protected] and requesting a subscription. Beware, a couple years ago, an unknown hacker compromised machines on the SANS network and sent out an insulting (and amusing) spoof newsletter to their entire subscriber base.

MS Little Shell Game?
Would I lie? We all know that MS just moved thier money from support to revenue. Now Ballmer you have to stop doing these things. It's only a matter of time before the SEC, who is l00king at you anyway, is going to notice.BTW, C MORE has been around as long as I have-- ++11.

Man Creates Machine! But Women Create Man. Now who can create the most organic like WORM on the Internet? Women! And as all women KNOW, men are cluelss about how we think and work. LOL LOL LOL And because Male dominated IT groups don't really hire women, female hacker are having a field day. And like Opera likes to say: GO GIRLS! Opera and the others are learning something from Joan. If you want credibility on this web, you gotta get down to the nitty griddy. What women want on the web is truth--something totally lacking in male controlled mainstream media.

Best Defacement I've ever Seen
and a women did it.

~ Hot Fire ~

I think I must have inspired this one from here--the third time I posted it since 1996?

Carmina Burana -- Carl Orff -- If you hit a language problem you can translate a page using AltaVista - World / Translate
For most Western languages.

As always there are many broken links to classical works due to the copyright police. The men haven't figured out how to sell to women yet.
This page was one hell of an add and it was free of charge you idiiot!

Ah, I suppose Hitler is a HREF to Gates? :-)

What if a Microsoft Certified Idiot in the White House was passing this WORM all over the Internet. What a novel idea. They can't even make their Video work on the RealPlayer. These people are so stupid that all they do is use scripts they can't even read or understand because Microsoft said so. We call this AI. Well the real risk to AI is that a deviant person can make the AI do things for people that they don't know they are doing--like send a virus to a friend that trashes a whole corporate network. It's all Cute and Paste programming--complements of MS developer support and their Web. How very cool NOT!

Here is a Women who calls herself Evil Angelica with such wonderful artistic talents, not unlike myself, out of work or perhaps working part-time at McDonaldl's  or as a TEMP in a government agency because of her sex. And would she risk her job like I did by trying to report a security problem? Not if she wants to ever work in the computer industry. After all you could end up in a wheelchair, living in HUD Housing, eating out of the food bank and living on $560 a month Social Security for life.

Microsoft placed an uneducated Filipino national over me and subjected me to outrageous abuse--even though he knew nothing but data entry and telemarketing. I was only able to get a job as a TEMP also. I graduated with a 3.7 GPA--a single mother with three children at the time--in multiple technologies. Go figure... :-)

Well, these women defacers are doing much better defacements than the men. I can't believe all the data they are able to upload. Most of the males are script kiddies with ego problems and low selfesteme. Not these Evil Ladies. They have it pumped up, enough in fact to more than deface any server. I mean G2G -- Who Killed the Messenger? :-) Source view what they did.... It would seem to me that females hack out of BoreDUM and males hack because of female rejection--they are boreRING--as in PIGS Knows?

Don't be a fool like I was Angelica. If you see a security problem because a MS Certified male moron IT is supervising you, look the other way and let it go. If the US government thinks a stupid MS IT certified male is better suited for a job than a college educated women, let them suffer the consequences.

The whole purpose of my web is to make sure women understand the very sever consequences of thinking you have civil right in the USA. You don't. To the US government a women is worthless. They only are allowed to have jobs if they suck up to a man. And like we found out with the last President, that usually means getting on your knees.

A lot of husbands would be surprised at what their wives don't tell them about what happens on the job these days. I had more rights in the 60s and 70s. What happened? This was a sexual revolution? Looks like slavery to me.

I said NO to a male moron who wanted to exploit my skills and pass them off as his. Only a psychotic or someone with some other mental impairment--like autism or Asperger Syndrome. I lost my children, career, was assaulted, left disabled for life and had no legal or civil rights. I had two sons. Didn't what they did to me violate their civil rights too?

You created a DO LOOP boys. Oh, that's right, your technically illiterate and don't know what that is... :-) It's bugging you. And remember Girls, Protect yourself and your children. MUMS the WORD!

You don't want to end up like this. Now as a disabled women I'm even more harassed and violated. And attorneys won't touch a case when the men involved are Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Brain Valentine, Jeff Raikes and a number of other Microsoft Millionaires.


I want security and reliability. Don't we all. I recently moved to SuSE Linux. It's pretty amazing. The KDE windows interface is like the Mac. I would really like to thank Keith Couch and the others at the Seattle Linux User Group for their help. Being disabled I couldn't take my machine into a meeting so they came to me. No Windows people would help me over the past two years even though Microsoft is right here.

There's really good free applications every where. For under $100 you can get Linux with the equivalence to Photo Shope--GIMP with free plugins, Office 2000--StarOffice, lots of games and so on. All kinds of development tools. I'm moving to a new 3D graphics program that only cost $50 to register and comes with all the plugins for free.  It's totally worth it to pay someone to install it if you aren't technically up on it.   

Linux is freedom. I figure it would cost about $3-5 thousand or more to buy the same thing from Microsoft and others. I can't keep up with the constant expense of software upgrades related to Microsoft constant patches and OS changes. I only made $6,600 on SSI and SSA last year. Microsoft is the digital divide and Linux is the poor person's symbol of FREEDOM! Now that I have development tools maybe I can even go back to programming and in Linux the math even seems to be working correctly. LOL! Now I know what the Military gave a company $1.2 million to do security for open source.

Even my Encarta no longer works since they changed their multimedia. HP doesn't support this platform so I'm going to be selling my HP computer and will never buy another computer from any OEM of Microsoft's Consortium again. This monopoly is costing me the ability to make a living as a disabled computer engineer. Since 1998 I've struggled with the mouse on this machine. I attempted to replace it with a PS/2 Microsoft mouse but HP put a different kind of connection on their PS/2 mouse. I still have the label on my computer of what I was buying and it was a total lie. It took me over 3 years to save up for my computer, and I've invested another $1000 into it with no improvement because there is on way to know what is consumer rip off or what is good.

Microsoft Accessibility? Where is their support? What is even better than this getting a document in Word that format when I can't use products like Microsoft Office. :-) These products are like going into a mine field for people with movility problems. They don't even have a plugin. FrontPage is that way too so I use a text editor and cut and paste. Even only trying to use it to change text colors causes major problems. It will change the name of a graphic or link to "file://// something" for no reason that I can see. It will look fine in Front page but,,, Then I have to go back to a text editor and fix it. A wonderful feature to someone who is disabled. Yeah, Microsoft is really into accessability. Their whole web is one barrier after the other. AND complaining is harassment? This is the real story about what it's like to have a disability and deal with Microsoft. When you have this kind of stuff going on constantly, you feel harassed.

For the Federal government to meet Section 508 giving disabled people equal access to the Internet, they first have to do something about the Microsoft Monopoly that creats the biggest barrier to computers.

All consumer are suffering, even the US government. How can the government justify the huge expense of dealing with Microsoft when there is so much free software in Linux. All you need is to pay for support and you are all already doing that anyway. If the OEMs are smart they will start thinking about selling computers with Duel boot features in them. That could totally open the computer market.

Well there isn't any real quality assurance at Microsoft. They don't care about the disabled and they don't care about the quality of their product sold to the US government -- ot that is how it appears.

After a week of MSN Instant Messenger being out, now the US Department of Defence is giving $1.2 million to support Open Source development for Security that might be use in the Apple OS X system. Still more in the CHAIN of MSFORTUNATE.

Lets see Mr. Gates, now how much money did I cost you so far because you WOULDN'T compensate me for my VERY real damages... I think we are in the $45 billion market, not to mention how much your jock hacker wackers at Microsoft and the stock holders lost... :-) Hit me again baby and WE WILL SEE WHERE YOU LAND NEXT TIME! After all, isn't Monopoly YOUR game.

You know the rules baby. I bet those share holders could sue you indefinitely for not being honest about the pending lawsuit. I hope so. Hit me. If I die it will take about a week to find my bloated body and that will have the women gossiping for years and years and years to come.

Is Evil Angelica being Hunted by the MS VP of Windows -- Brian Valentine?

Devil Children

Go Girls... Kill MSNot Messenger


Microsoft Emplyee Horror Stories


The Sound of Music

The hills are alive with the sound of music
With songs they have sung for a thousand years

The hills fill my heart with the sound of music

My heart wants to sing every song it hears
My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds

that rise from the lake to the trees
My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies
from a church on a breeze

To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls
over stones on its way
To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray
I go to the hills when my heart is lonely
I know I will hear what I've heard before
My heart will be blessed with the sound of music

And I'll sing once more

As a child I couldn't afford much in the way of art supplies so I used those tins of paint.


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