Microsoft Escalation

Bizet - French translated - My Love Is A Rebellious Bird

Well, this is the Upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year of the Cock! LOL

Employee Profile


Escalation Engineer
WA - Redmond

To change the music, Click Hear!


"I’m an escalation engineer for Microsoft® Windows®, and I’ve been with product support since coming here six years ago. When a customer alerts us to a product issue, I analyze the problem, review the source code, and prepare the bug for dev."

Campus Life

"When I moved here from New Jersey, I was expecting the atmosphere to be intense and competitive. But it’s very relaxed and comfortable. I really like it here in the Seattle area…. I do miss good pizza, though."

Fueling the Fire

"What I do impacts the entire computer industry. The bugs I help fix will improve 20 million computers in this year alone. Nothing beats being able to put your contributions into context and seeing the results in front of you."

Opening Doors

"I moved into my current position not because I had the formal training for it, but because my manager believed in me and knew I could do the job. That kind of support is invaluable."

On the Job

"I love the fact that I get to play with all the cool toys and technologies before they’re released to the public. New laptops, games - that kind of thing - get delivered to my cubicle every day."

The number one thing at Microsoft that is important, isn't your education, training, innovative thinking, truthfulness, or individuality. You have to be a TEAM PLAYER! And of course, TEAM PLAYER always like to win buy stealing from the competition. They will never change because they are a TEAM.

If your Game is Solitary, Black Jack or Poker, you are never going to fit in here. Gates is a Bridge Player and Ballmer - the CEO is a team player himself. Now lets not forget Paul Allen. Some of the Nerds tried to get us together when he was still active at Asymetrix. I never look twice at anyone who can't hold his own and play it alone.

The Borg was yet another collective of inferior intellects. Together they seem invincible. But in the end, it was the single mindedness of a REAL human who came up with an innovative way to beat them! The way the Borg were beaten is the same way Microsoft is now being beaten. AND they are so stupid that they can't even see it and neither can any big bureaucratic system.

Get a job at Microsoft, and become a BORG! Just like these Idiots did!

The really coolest thing is that if you use Safari or any other browser, you can't access any of Microsoft recruiting information! Yeah! LOL Lenix, Unix, Mac, etc. need not apply!

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