
People differ in several ways from everyone else and people often react differently to the same set of circumstances because of our different personalities.
Consider these examples below:
1. An attractive person of your opposite sex approaches and then greet you. What would you react? Would you rather blush and become self-conscious or do you return the smile and say "hello"?

2. You are riding a bus after midnight, and a burly passenger, apparently drunk, begins to abuse a small elderly man who is one of the few other people aboard. Do you sit quitely or do you beckon to the others to join you in tossing the bully off the bus at the next stop?

3. Walking along a street, you see an unusual-looking person holding aloft signs warning that "The end of the world is at hand." Do you take a leaflet he offers? Do you detour around him and give him no more thoughts? Or do you wonder how and why he came to do what he does?

4. The soup the waiter brings you in an elegant restaurant has cooled. Do you send it back to the kitchen, or do you eat and mumble complaints?

But then there are different reactions aside from the reactions stated above and it is because we have different personalities. In every case, how you react depends on your personality. Personality is a human nature, it is necessary for a person to have its own unique personality.

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