Freud believed that the first few years of life were the most important for the development of a child's personality and character. He conceptualized several distinct stages of development called the "psychosexual" stages; each is concerned with a major biological function, and each influences personality development.

THE ORAL STAGE. The oral stage occurs from birth to eighteen months and centers on eating, biting, and sucking. Psychoanalytic theory holds that if people are either overindulged or overly frustated at this stage they become orally fixated and develop oral personalities. According to pdychoanalytic tradition, an oral fixation may last a lifetime and manifest itself symbolically.

THE ANAL STAGE. The anal stage begins at about two years of age and is concerned with toilet training and eliminating and holding feces. During the anal stage, the ego-ideal part of the superego becomes formed through analitic identification. Children are said to develop tremendous dependency on their mothers, and in their abscence becomes anxious. To relieve this anxiety, they introject the mothers into themselves as images of perfection. This is the origin of the ego-ideal and people are doomed to strive forever after to attain its high standards and seek love from ot fruitlessly.

THE PHALLIC STAGE. The phallic stage occurs by the fifth year. MAles are said to have sexual desires for their mothers and to wish to possess them totally. They are intenselly jealous for thier fathers and of any siblings who are rivals for their mothers' love. Castration Anxiety engenders more fear, not to say terror. Males are said to resolve their fear of ther fathers by identifying with them. This is known as identification with the agressor.

LATENCY STAGE. Latency is the period from the age five to the onset of puberty. After the turmoil of the Oedipus and Electra ages, this is a time of quiet and calm.

GENITAL STAGE. The genital stage occurs during adolescence when sexual feelings develop. At this time mature love becomes possible, and the desire to marry and raise a family appears and increases