- Wow, I can't belive it, even now. I'm going to adopt a dragon! I mean, how cool is that? I choose to adopt an Air dragon. They are a shy breed, but that is okay, I'm somewhat shy myself. I've finnished the dragon's lair, it is located up in the cliffs of my new home, Dracoloinion Mountian. I can't wait for the egg to arive!


- My Air dragon egg came today, and wow, I've never seen anything like it. I've decided to name him Storm Racer. This is my first dragon, and I hope I can raise him well.

~ I'm still in my egg!


- Storm Racer hatched today! His first words where "I choose you! You are my bondmate!" then he fell asleep in my lap. I'll do everything I can to protect this little dragon. He is such a cute little hatchling.

~ The world is so big, and is filled with scary things! Sometimes strangers come from Dragon Rose just too look at me, but I hide because I'm very shy. Brierfox says that they will not hurt me, so I guess they are okay. My bondmate would never steer me wrong, and Brierfox the the best of all bondmates!


- Wow, they sure grow up fast! Storm Racer is a teen now, and he loves playing tricks on all the people that come to see him. He is a much better flier as well, and is always out flying nowadays.

~ I'm so glad I'm FINALY a teen! I'm not afraid of the strangers anymore, they are much more scared of me then I am of them. I've spent a lot more time up in the sky, where I belong. I LOVE flying, and I have seen some other dragons at a distance, but I avoid them. Being around others just makes me nervous. Maybe I'll try and meet some other dragons when I'm an adult.


Name: Storm Racer
Gender: Male
Breed: Air
Stage: Adult!
Parents: ?
Clutch: Wild #5
Colors: White, Blue
Food: Poultry
Temprament: Shy and preeocupied
Body Type: Air

~I'm an adult now, and have ventured out on my own. I've met so many dragons, and *gasp* even lifebonded a Fire dragon named Blink'n. She is soo beautiful!

~Blink'n broke our bond, I guess some things are not meant to be. It still hurts though. Is something wrong with me?

~Wow, you would not belive it, but I'm the luckest dragon in the world! I've lifebonded once more, to a Wild Flower named Jewel. She is much more beautiful the Blink'n, and we have so much more in common. I don't know what was wrong with me before, but now Jewel and I will be together for the rest of our days. I love her so much.

~I'm a father! Jewel laid a clutch of four eggs, they are so amazeing! Shadow Rose named them the Rain Dog dragons. Brierfox adopted a light blue egg and named him Aviator, Char adopted a rainbow and blue one named Angel Wings.

These are the awards that I won in the Drac Tournament!

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