The Survey Results as of: Monday November 6th 2000.

Number of people who have completed the survey, in whole or in part:

How the 12 people responded:

male - 7 responses
female - 5 responses

- 17 - 1 response
- 21 - 2 responses
- 24 - 1 response
- 25 - 2 responses
- 26 - 1 response
- 34 - 1 response
- 36 - 2 responses
- 48 - 1 response
- 49 - 1 response

City and country you're in:
Ottawa, Canada - 5 responses
Qu�bec, Canada - 1 response
Austin, Texas, USA -1 response
Wollongong, Australia (just south of Sydney) -1 response
Oxford, England -1 response
Urbana, IL, USA -1 response
Melbourne, Australia -1 response
Detroit, MI, USA -1 response

Dietary Habit:
vegan - 5 responses
vegetarian - 5 responses
meat-eater - 1 response

If you *are* a vegetarian or vegan, for how long have you been one:
less than 1 month - 0 responses
1 to 6 months - 0 responses
7 months to 1 year - 1 response
1 to 5 years - 5 responses
6 to 10 years - 0 responses
for as long as I can remember! - 5 responses

If you are *not* a vegetarian or vegan, do you plan on becoming one:
Definitely! and now that I found this recipe collection, there's no stopping me! - 1 response
No, but I do try to limit my consumption of animal flesh. - 1 response
Nope. I'm a hard-core meat-eater. - 0 responses

What is/are your primary motivation(s) for being/becoming vegan/vegetarian:
Animal rights - 10 responses
Environmental - 6 responses
Health - 6 responses
Spiritual/Religious - 4 responses
Don't like the taste of flesh - 4 responses
Other - 2 responses
Feel free to comment:
- cheaper

Your thoughts and feelings on tofu:
*Deeeeelicious!* I even eat it raw, straight out of the package. - 4 responses
*Deeeeelicious!* But it has to be cooked or prepared in some way. - 4 responses
If it's prepared nicely, I don't mind it. - 3 responses.
I can't stand it, it's disgusting and I will never eat it again in my whole entire lifetime. - 0 responses
I've never tried it. - 1 response

How did you find out about Lisa's Tried-and-True Recipe Collection:
Lisa told me - 5 responses
a friend told me - 1 response
from an internet search - 1 responses
just stumbled on it while surfing - 0 responses
I linked from another page - 1 response
other - 3 responses
Comment if other:
- vegetarian newsgroup -2 responses
- newsgroup, -2 responses

Have you actually tried making one of the dishes in Lisa's Tried-And-True Collection:
yes - 1 response
not yet, but I definitely will! - 11 responses
no, and I'm not gonna either - 0 responses

Which kinds of recipes you would like to see more of:
- stuff that lasts a couple weeks in the fridge without going skanky
- deserts
- Sweets that are absolutely without animal products (because I have a hard time finding vegan margerine and substitutes for other traditional dairy products)
- Unusual recipes that can't be found elsewhere.
- cookies w/o margarine
- quick-easy-cheap

Anything else you'd like to say, about Lisa's Tried-and-True Recipe Collection or about vegetarianism or anything else:
- thanks for inviting me. the pages are accessible and informative.
- This site is fantastic. It is absolutely wonderful, I'm quite impressed. I really enjoy what your doing here, and I commend you on your effort, and congratulate you on a job well done. I can't wait to watch it grow and become even better.
- Take a look at my vegan site: Http:// I'll put a link to your site in my next update.
- You have a neat collection of recipes!
- If music be the food of life, I'm gonna eat the whole damn orchestra.

Now it's your turn! Fill out the survey!


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