[This page was drafted and posted to the Internet on March 1, 2003]

Perry Stone: 1996 Vision/Dream of the World Trade Center Attack

Description and Explanation After the Attack


From the "Mannafest" television program as taped on 2/28/2003 [emphasis mine]:


"What I'm going to show you is a series of pictures - now listen carefully - that were drawn by J. Michael Leonard in December of 1998. These pictures were shown at our television Prophecy Conference in February of 1999. In fact, I want the producer - don't clip this in because we've already had our time set here - but show them right now the video footage, just that excerpt, of me showing these pictures during the1999, February of '99, conference. [at this point, they show Perry speaking at his 1999 Prophecy Conference, with the same pictures he is showing on this show] Many of you who are watching me now saw that conference on some of the major Christian networks and heard me talk about this. If you have not seen this, let me show you this. If you have seen it, let me do a follow-up.

In 1996 in Brooksville, Florida, I was preaching for my dear friend Pastor David Garcia. And I went to lay down in the bedroom of a house we were staying in. Don Chanel, by the way, who plays bass for Benny Hinn and for our ministry from time to time, was with us traveling with us. And he was in another room. When I put my head on the pillow, it must have been 3 or 4 minutes, suddenly I went into a full-color, three-dimensional vision. Now the artist has drawn this out for you, so let me show this to you right now.

[during the show, Perry first holds up the first picture below, then continues with the explanation]



In this vision, that the Lord gave me, I was walking up a hill - I mean here's the hill right here - I was walking up a hill, and I was on the left side of the sidewalk. All this is very important to understand, the left side of the sidewalk. On this side and that side were homes made out of solid stone that to me, in the vision, appeared to be retired preacher's homes. When I walked up the hill, all I saw was a beautiful, clear sky and the top of this right here. It looked like a black cloud, but it was in a beautiful square shape. And I thought, 'What in the world is that? That's a strange looking cloud.' So I climbed to the top of the hill - this was a wall - climbed on top of the wall, and I saw something that greatly frightened me.

And this is what I saw: I saw a cornfield that from this direction to this direction you couldn't see the end of it. From here to here was about 300 yards or so, maybe 400 yards. Beautiful corn - I mean it was beautiful - but there was this tall structure, just like this like I'm showing you here, that was shrouded with a black cloud, and off of this were coming these five tornadoes. Now the interesting thing about these tornadoes is they were wind, but they also had sparks of fire. The one of the left began to spin, and as it spun, it hit this one, this one caused this one to spin, this one, this one, this one, this one.

Then what happened - this is the part I wanted to talk about in just a moment - after this last one started spinning, then this one on the left shot through this corn field and took out a clean row of corn. I mean took it root and all out, there was nothing left, then this one was to follow, this one was to follow, this one was to follow, this one was to follow. I remember seeing something that appeared to be a cistern or a well of water when the third one came, which was right here. I turned around in this vision, now this is not a dream, it was a full color vision, ran down the hill, and I remember being barefooted. That's something else important to remember. And I said two times, now it's important you understand I said this twice, not once, this is the part that was quickened back to me the other day. I said two times, 'I have to get to the cleft of the rock', and then I said it a second time, 'I have to get to the cleft of the rock'. Now, of all the times I've ever told this, it struck me the other day, that TWO TIMES I talked about the cleft of the rock. Keep that in my, because we're going to tell you something about the terr - the future terrorist attack in America in just a moment.

Now, several months later I had a "night vision". Now, the difference between this and the other one was with the other one I was fully awake - all I had was my eyes closed when I saw it - this one I was asleep. I was in a major city. And I heard people say 'The storms are coming, what will we do?' And when they said that, I led them into a church. I remember this church had a sandstone, gray-looking - it wasn't brick - it was the old kind of stone looking color. We went into a door of this church, I remember once we got into the door of this church, here's exactly what we saw.

[during the show, Perry first holds up the second picture below, then continues with the explanation]


There were three ethnic groups, this is supposed to be me looking this way out the door. There were three ethnic groups - there were Asian people, there were Hispanic people, and there were African American - I want to say African American, there was a lot of people that could have been from Haiti or Jamaica as well. But in other words, there were three ethnic groups I specifically remember praying in this church. Outside, five tornadoes blew by. This time, they were throwing - there was enormous amounts of paper, huge amounts of papers, that was in these twisters. I specifically remember these - this, this church being so different than the modern church buildings. My impression was it was an old, old church in a downtown city, because we were in a downtown city where these tornadoes began to hit.

After the storm - let me go to another picture here -

[at this point in the show, Perry first holds up the third and final picture below, then continues with the explanation]


After the storm - and again, these pictures were made in 1998 by J. Michael Leonard, and so this is not something I'm showing you now after all this has happened, this was all preached about, in fact, we preached this on television, I told this at my campmeeting November of 1999 I told this whole story at my campmeeting before it happened because some people felt, and I didn't know what it meant, that it could be the Y2K computer thing that would somehow affect the cities, but I had been telling - in fact I think, if I'm not mistaken dad, my dad and I did a videotape on visions and dreams, I think I told a little bit of it on that videotape and mentioned about the World Trade Center, that I felt it was about the World Trade Center attack. [Note: the quote from the video of Visions and Dreams Perry is referring to is also on my website, and may be accessed by clicking here]

When we came out of the building, here's what happened. We came out of the building, and I noticed that if this was a tornado, what kind of damage would it have done. Well I noticed the inside of the buildings were ruined, but the structures were still there, at least in the part of the city where we were at, and the glass was cracked, and on the inside you just couldn't do anything - the furniture and everything was ruined on the inside - but outside on the streets was food, clothes, and there was even some children's toys. And people were coming - you can see in the picture - people were coming.

Now here's the part that has always intrigued me because this is the one part that has not totally happened at all yet. I was standing here in this night dream/vision, and actually it was like a vision more than a dream, and I knew that because we saw five tornadoes, that this was the same as the vision we saw. I was standing in front of a church building, and I was, there were five gray pearls lying on the ground. The pearl, of course, represents the gospel, and I was putting these pearls back together again. And somehow, for some reason I felt that they were my pearls. Now don't ask me why I felt that they were my pearls, but I felt like that they were mine.

Well, let me just say this to you. That, as time progressed - now this happened in '96 and I began to share it and I told people I don't know what it means - but I said for a long time it appears to be an attack on the World Trade Center. And I began to go through my mind and I began to reevaluate everything that I saw. Well, uh, you know, when you talk about '96 and you go up to the year 2000 and nothing has happened, what I finally did was put the pictures away. Now, on the left side of me is Mel Kolbeck who works in our office, and Mel will remember me pulling these pictures out on about September the 6th or 7th, and I showed him this picture. And I said, 'Mel, and he'll remember this in the TV room I said, 'Mel, this is the World Trade Center, and terrorists are going to hit the World Trade Center and gonna, and gonna do something. I don't know what they're going to do, but that's the World Trade Center and this is a problem.'

And they came in and the planes hit the World Trade Center, I was, I was in shock because I told Mel and the people there, 'That's the vision that God gave me.' I didn't know that the building was going to collapse, but when we went and watched the TV program, right there's where the smoke was coming out, was from the top part of it - we'll show you a picture. So that's what I saw first in the vision. Now let me explain the vision to you.

Number one, I'm walking up the left side of the sidewalk. In the book of Job, it talks about the left hand of God. The right hand of God is God's favor, but the left hand of Job - I'm sorry- the left hand of God is where the trouble originates. You see, the Jews say God created the world with light and darkness. Light was on the right hand, darkness was on the left hand, so it represents trouble coming. Your feet, your feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel, and in this vision, I was barefooted, which would imply to me not being prepared for what's going to happen. Well, who was prepared for what was going to happen? The fact that these homes were built out of stone, the Bible says don't build your house out of sand, build it out of stone, and that represents these ministers or those ministries or retired pastors, people building on a solid foundation of Jesus Christ, which means that these storms, here's a wall, would not affect them.

The wall could have a double meaning, not only a barrier, but right in front, right near the towers, was Wall St. So everything God does, you have to understand, has a symbolic meaning to it. Also Church St. runs near there, and these were retired preacher's homes pastoring former churches, so you've got Church St. and Wall St., I mean everything in here has a symbolism to it. The field represents the world, according to the gospel, but the field in the Old Testament can also represent your economy.

Now here's the part that's intriguing. If you take, and I'm going to show you a picture here in a moment, you have the towers - someone said 'Why didn't you see two towers?' because there's you can see where you put these two towers together at a certain angle near the church I'm going to show you, it looks like one large building - but anyway, there's the attack on the tower, the black smoke. Five fiery tornadoes came off of this.

[at this point, Perry holds up a picture of the World Trade Center surrounding buildings from an overhead view. I am leaving this part out as it is not relevant]

Listen very carefully because I want to show you something here. Two things struck me just the other day. Number one, if all of this has already happened so detailed with the World Trade Center, and I have no doubt personally that it has. And I don't know why the Lord gave me the warning, I honestly don't know why that warning came, have no idea. I'm like my father, God just does what he wants to do and how he wants to do it. But I know that, for example, and I'm going to show you this, that the church that the people ran into, right here is St. Paul's Chapel on Broadway and Fulton St. This was the building I saw, there's absolutely no question about it, that's the building, that's the stone the color of the stone [SEE PICTURE BELOW]. There's the door that people, that I was looking out of. Notice this right here, you've got a cemetery, look at all the paper - if you look out that door, that was the door where the World Trade Center was facing the World Trade Center. So in other words, you've got all this taking place right in this area just exactly like the church that we saw in the vision where God showed us in the particular vision.

[Below is a picture of the St. Paul's Chapel, which is the church Perry says he was in during the vision]:

But the point that I want to make is this, and this very very very important. That, um, when I said twice coming down the hill that we have to get into the cleft of the rock, it appears to me that saying it twice implies that there's coming another attack of some sort. Number two, the fact that those five pearls - now remember there's five tornadoes - they come after they hit the building, they come through the field and take out a row of corn. Now could that allude to the fact of people dying in the attack? Yes it could, hopefully, let me say this, hopefully all of this has already happened. But I'm concerned about the fact of twice saying we have to get to the cleft of the rock and hide in Christ. But the other thing is those five pearls that represent the pearl of great price is the gospel, are divided up and chopped up in front of that church building.

I'm of the very strong feeling, and I want to say this. The reason I'm saying this now, I'm a little bit bolder than I used to be. I used to have something like this and just tell my friends privately and God would show me something and I would tell them just to confirm it so that later - but I'm a little bit bolder now than I used to be in this area. It is very possible that there will be five different cities, five different attacks, five different time frames over a period of time of attacks, that are going to affect America. The corn can represent the world. Therefore these can be five attacks throughout the world. The corn can also represent the harvest, it can represent the food supply, it can represent the economy.

The point is, and I want to make this point very clear: that whatever it is that is yet to come, we are not as believers to be afraid, but to be in prayer and understand that the purpose of God allowing anything to happen is to save much people. Your eternal salvation, my friend, is worth much more than anything you own or will have in this life. It's worth more than your stocks, your car and your home. And I want to simply say to you that are watching me, whether you are a Christian, a Muslim or perhaps an unbeliever. If you are a type of an individual, let's say you're an unbeliever or maybe from another faith background than Christianity, I want to encourage you to read your Bible. Get a Bible and begin to study John's gospel about Christ, and go somewhere where you can hear teaching of the Word of God. Stay tuned to Christian television and get the teaching, but above all, above everything, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible says, and you shall be saved. Confess him with your mouth, believe that he was God's Son and that he died on the cross and rose from the dead, and when you pray that prayer, asking the Lord to come into your heart, something will happen to you spiritually. It will - there will be a major transformation you can't explain it, it's supernatural, and you will start a journey with God. And there's something about knowing that one day, when you leave this life, you have an assurance of eternal salvation.



Hosted by www.Geocities.ws