2000 Word of Knowledge about the Florida Election

"The 2000 election will be about the will of God versus the will of the people."


From the 2001 non-fiction book "Plucking the Eagle's Wings", pp. 235-236 by Perry Stone [emphasis mine]:


"As the time for the election drew near, I began considering the words I had heard. I never heard God say that the Governor would be the next president, but I heard that it was 'God's will.' This puzzled me, because whenever the Holy Spirit impresses my spirit, it is always with a very clear word. Six days before the election I understood why the Holy Spirit's word to me was, 'It is My will' and not, 'It is guaranteed to happen.'

Six days before the 2000 election, I was preparing to speak at a banquet in Tampa, Florida, hosted by the prophetic ministry God's News Behind the News. Israel Arobaugh, a Jewish friend who was visiting from Jerusalem, called unexpectedly and said, 'Perry, I am in Cleveland and I feel that I am supposed to come by and pray with you.' Israel arrived, sat down in my office, and began to share with me an important update involving Israel. Afterward, we began to pray. We both prayed in English, but soon we started praying in our prayer languages (I Corinthians 14:2-3). The prayer was very intense, and suddenly Israel said, 'Perry, I can understand the language you are praying in!' I was praying in a form of Arabic, and Israel speaks both Hebrew and Arabic. As we continued, Israel grabbed my hand and began to switch them one over top of the other. It reminded me of Genesis 49, where Jacob blessed Ephriam and Manasseh while switching his hands. Suddenly, through the Holy Spirit, Israel shouted, 'The Lord is saying the House of Ishmael is on the left.' Then he cried out, 'They are trying to switch the blessing! They are trying to switch the blessing!'

Israel was repeating what I actually said as I prayed in Arabic, a language that I cannot speak in the natural. When we concluded, I sat down and began to write these words: 'The 2000 election will be about the will of God versus the will of the people.'

When I arrived in Tampa, Florida on November 3 to speak at the God's News Behind the News partners meeting, there were over 400 Floridians present. The message that night was prophetic.

My opening statement was, 'This upcoming election will be about the will of God versus the will of the people.' The host, Dr. Joe VanKoevering, said, 'I was in prayer and the Holy Spirit told me to watch Florida because it will determine the outcome of the election.' Little did anyone know about the explosive battle that would follow in Florida!"


From the video "America's Prophetic Destiny", by Perry Stone [emphasis mine]:


"Now let me take you to the time prior to the election. Prior to the election on Thursday, I think this would have been November the 2nd, I received a telephone call from Israel Arobaugh. Israel is a very dear Jewish friend of mine that lives in Israel, the nation of Israel, and he's, he's almost like an Old Testament prophet of God, and when he says something, it comes to pass.

And he called me, and he said, 'Perry, I'm in Cleveland, I'm in town, I feel like I need to come over to your office to pray.' So we sat down and talked a lot about what was happening in Israel, prophetic implications of what was taking place. And so we decided to . . . it was time to pray.

I remember that I stood in front of Israel and we began to pray. Now, for those of you that may not understand what I'm about to say, many of you will, I began to pray in the prayer language of the Holy Spirit. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit since age 11, God gives you a prayer language upon receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and I began to pray in my prayer language. What was so strange is that I began to pray in a dialect that Israel understood. And I began to name all the nations in, around Israel, not in English, not in Hebrew, but in a form of an Arabic language that were against Israel.

And he would say to me "I understand what you're saying', and he would call the name of that nation. I would pray it in the Holy Spirit, and he would call it. I would pray it in the Holy Spirit and he would call it out. And then he took my hands like this, and he began to grab my hands and just switch my hands. And it reminded me of the Old Testament scripture where, uh, when the old patriarch Jacob is blessing Ephraim and Manasseh and he switched his hands. And Joseph said, 'No, take them back, this is not the way it should be.' And the old man said, 'I know, I know.' And he left his hands the way they were and said 'I'm blessing the one that's supposed to be blessed.'

And as he did this, I continued to pray in the Holy Spirit. Now the Holy Spirit through me said in a foreign language that this man understood, he understood the language, 'The house of Ishmael is on the left hand, and they're going to try to switch the blessing. They're trying to switch the blessing. They're going to try to switch the blessing.' And I thought 'Wow!'. Immediately, when he told me that I had been praying in a middle eastern dialect that he understood, and what I said, he said to me, "Now this has something to do with someone trying to switch the blessing.' And I thought, 'Do you think it has reference to the fact that the descendants of Ishmael in the middle east are trying to take the blessing away from Israel, the blessing of Jerusalem, the blessing of the Temple Mount, the blessing of the land?' He said, 'Absolutely', but he said, 'Perry, I believe it means something else.'

When he said that, the Holy Spirit's inspiration came upon me, and I went to my desk and I began to write these words: 'The election of 2000 will be the will of God versus the will of the people.' I have those notes in my possession, written with a black marker. The will of God versus the will of the people. Now the Holy Spirit impressed me to preach that message, the will of God versus the will of the people, the following day, November the 3rd, in Tampa Florida, of all places, in Florida! It was a God's News Behind the News rally, there were over 400 people, approximately 400 people or so there, and I'm just going to do something here. I'm going to play to you the excerpt now of being introduced at the God's News rally, and the opening statement that I made about the election that was coming up in just a few days, the will of God versus the will of the people. And let me add that this tape is not for sale. It is not available through God's News or through our ministry. We've decided not to make this tape available due to the preaching and the teaching and the things that were on it, but we are going to show you a brief clip right now:"

[cut to Perry Stone speaking in front of a podium on November 3, 2000, speaking through a microphone at a God's News Behind the News election rally]

"If you have a Bible with you, would you open it to the book of Daniel, the 2nd chapter, and I've asked the Lord tonight to let me speak where he would have me to speak, and restrain me in any area where I need to be restrained, because of the sensitivity of what we're going to be dealing with. But most of all, let me bring a word from His heart, what I believe is from the heart of God. The Lord spoke to me and said, 'This election will be about the will of God versus the will of the people.' He said, 'This election will be about the will of God versus the will of the people.'

[cut back to the studio]

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, I think that you can see very clearly that the Holy Spirit knew, in advance, who was to be the president, what God's sovereign will was. The fact, watch this, that they were going to try to switch blessing, trying to switch that which was ordained, and how that after the election what did I hear on a consistent, continual basis? I heard, 'The will of the people. The will of the people.' You heard it as well: 'The will of the people, the will of the people must be done, the will of the people.'




This is simply amazing! Two days prior to the election, the Lord revealed to Perry what was going to happen several weeks after the election was over. Al Gore and Joe Lieberman, as well as their lawyers, were constantly in front of the camera quoting the phrase, "The will of the people". I heard it over and over, and when I saw it, this sent chills up and down my spine! For proof of how many times this phrase the will of the people, check out the numerous links below:








These are just a few of the many examples. Praise the Lord for revealing to his children things to come (John chapter 16).




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