1997 Vision of an attack on America (Perry Stone)

From audio tape "America in the Last Days" Part I [emphasis mine]:


"I want to go ahead and go on record saying this. I went ahead and said this on our television program, and I have learned that if you feel something so strong, that the Lord gave you something, to go ahead and speak it. Pray it don't happen, but speak it so that the word is out there and people will know God revealed it.

Several years ago, I had what I call a night dream or a night vision. It was not a normal dream; it was 3 dimensional, it was full color, it was very vivid.

In this dream, I was in a house; and I . . . in fact, dad, you were in the house, and I don't remember the details, but I saw you in it. And I walked out into this area of this . . . what appeared to be like an apartment house, and there was glass right where these walls of this church are. It was glass all the way around it; you could see out of it. There was a digital clock, red digital letters that said 20 minutes till 12, and I was thinking midnight, but it was daylight. And that's prophetic, meaning, the hour is late. The midnight call comes, the bridegroom is coming; that's what I felt when I saw the clock; I said it's 12 midnight, but it's daylight.

I looked outside the window, and I saw United States military troops that were preparing for a war. It is not the war in Afghanistan. I thought maybe it would be, it is not the war in Afghanistan; I'm pretty confident of that. And they were making a plan, and it was like a desert area with some rock; I remember, I'm thinking, I'm thinking at the time maybe middle east, could be Iraq, probably wasn't Iraq, didn't know if it was Iraq . . . to be honest I didn't know where it was. But they're making plans.

Suddenly, airplanes fly by. These airplanes were so realistic I could reach out and touch them. I could even see the numbers on the tail like slow motion, they were flying. We were winning this war. It looked as though that we were going to come out with a victory, and all the sudden, way in the distance, I saw the skyline of a city. It was . . . it was in my opinion, I can't say this for sure, but it appeared to be an American city; that's the perception I got. And I saw a bomb go off, and if it wasn't a small nuclear bomb, it was as close as anything I have ever seen. Wasn't the Hiroshima devastating everything, but it took some buildings out.

Please listen to what I'm about to say. When this happened, our military went into confusion. Every friend of America was absolutely angry that it happened, but they all become afraid. And they told the American president - I didn't know at that time who it was - but I remember them saying 'We cannot stand with you in your war anymore, for if they can hit you, they can totally destroy us'. And America totally stood alone."


1997 Vision of an attack on America (Perry Stone)

From a 2001 on-location in Israel "Mannafest" television show [emphasis mine]:


"I had a dream, and I know I'm really stepping out here to share this, but recently the Lord has allowed three different things to happen that were a fulfillment of things that he showed us as far as 12 twelve years ago. So I'm getting a little bit bolder now than I used to on stepping out. But I want to give you a dream that's very interesting; I'm going to go ahead on record to share this, because if it should happen, then we will have a testimony that it was truly from the Lord.

But several years ago in 1997 I had a dream that I was in a home of some sort. Directly in front of me was a clock, it was a digital clock, and it said 20 minutes till twelve. Now in my mind I'm thinking 'Wow, it's getting close to midnight.' I knew that was prophetic - the midnight hour, and at midnight the call came that the bridegroom was coming. I knew that's what it alluded to.

Now let me say this to you: all the sudden, I stood in front of a glass window, and when I looked over, and . . . this is not the first time by the way that I have shared this, I have shared, not publicly, but with individual friends. But when I looked out the glass window, I saw what looked like a very rough terrain. It was a mixture of rock and desert, it was just very strange. I knew it wasn't Iraq; I knew it was somewhere else in the world.

I saw our military leaders gather together, planning for a war. Now first of all, the plans were made by the leaders. The second thing that happened was a fighter jet - it was as real as looking at these buildings - it flew by. I could read the number on the jet; I don't remember it, I didn't take it down, but I could read it. It was an American fighter jet with the missiles on it, and it flew by.

Now, after it blew by, a war broke out. Then I began to hear them talk about the ground troops going in, and the ground troops were going in. Now America was absolutely winning this war - 1997 - I had no clue where this war was. Suddenly, way out in the distance, and in this - I call it a night vision/dream - the buildings were about this high; it was a silhouette of a major city. And I detected that it was somewhere in America.

Suddenly, I saw a mushroom cloud hit one of the big skyscrapers. Now this was not like a bomb dropped on Japan years ago; it was nothing like that. It was going to devastate several buildings. And I remember when I saw that, I'm thinking 'is that nuclear, or is that just a major explosion somehow?' But it wasn't coming like the trade center, it was coming from the ground. When these buildings collapsed, this city was so impacted - now listen to what I'm about to say - every ally that America had backed away from us. I heard conversations where they said 'We will not stand with America, because if they can hit America, they can hit us.' And we were standing all by ourselves. I saw our military men in total complete confusion. And I remember thinking 'God, what is this?' It's a war of some kind - it's a major war in an area with mountains and different things of this nature.

Now, only time will tell what the full meaning of that is, and I do really believe that it was from the Lord. I also know that God can give you warnings to pray against those things from happening, or to delay it from taking place."


1997 Vision of an attack on America (Perry Stone)

From October Campmeeting 2002 message "A Serpent in the Eagle's Nest" [emphasis mine]:


"Years ago, I don't know the exact day, I've got this written down, I want to share this with you. I feel like I need to put it on tape and have it on record. Several years ago, I had a vision. I have not had many in my life. To be honest, I could probably count on one hand, maybe with this, in 25 years of ministry when I had a full color, three dimensional vision where you could hear, see, smell, taste and touch. But let me just give you the part that I do remember.

I remember being in an apartment building looking up; it's like an apartment building. I saw just some furniture, I saw . . . I even saw what time it was on the clock. It was a digital clock with red letters. And I remember thinking, 'It's night, it's coming toward midnight; why is it so bright out?'

'Cause it was toward midnight, it was like - if I recall, like 20 minutes before twelve, or 20 minutes before eleven, it was somewhere in there. I'll have to go back and get my notes because I'm not certain, but I know it was that 20 minutes till was there. And there was glass all the way around me.

And I looked out the glass window, and I saw an American military plane fly - ['whoooooffff' sound] - by; I could read the numbers - I don't remember 'em, but I could read 'em. Man it was so vivid, it was so clear and there was a war breaking out. Now I remember looking at the territory, and when I saw the territory, I've not - been to Iraq, I don't know what it all looks like - but I didn't think it was Iraq at the time. It looked a little different; it had more rock in it - I mean, I must have - I may have been thinking more of desert storm that just the desert. Maybe there is a lot of rock up there, I don't know.

Our military men were plotting. A war had began, planes were flying. Way in the distance, I saw the silhouette of a city. And I saw a nuclear bomb go off. I was not a Hiroshima bomb, it was a bomb just big enough to take out a building, or maybe 2 or 3. I couldn’t tell you how many it took out. But I remember specifically the mushroom look. Now, it may not have been nuclear, could have been atomic, it could have been a new kind of weapon, but it did that little ['wooooohhh' sound] outward, and the kind of implosion, like, you know, the little thing you see, like a mushroom.

When it happened, I felt it was an American city. And I said, 'Oh God, these guys - that's what I said - have hit a city in America, and the war is not there!' And our military men saw it, and I saw their countenances drop. I have never seen anything like this. And it was a look of total despair. I did not see this, but in my spirit, I felt that at that moment, a lot of the world who stood with us with whatever we were doing, suddenly said 'You're on your own. If they'll do it to you, they'll do it to us, and we're not having a part of it.' That was the dismay, because it put such a fear in the nations of the world, that this people - this was way before 9-11 by the way - that these people could hit us inside."


1997 Vision of an attack on America (Perry Stone)

From January 2003 message "Islam's Agenda Against America" [emphasis mine]:


"Perhaps the most disturbing thing in line with this type of, um, I guess you could say illumination that I'm receiving from the Lord, and I know it is from the Lord, is that several years ago, again, this was in the 19[9]0's [he misspoke and said '1980's', when it was in 1997] before the year 2000, I saw America going to war. Now, I have never been to Iraq. Now, to me Iraq - when I - Desert Storm most of the fighting took place in Kuwait. This was not Kuwait what I saw. This was not the sandy looking desert. This had some rock in it, and they tell me that parts of Iraq would look like this - I've described this to people in detail. They say 'Hey, you know, Iraq has territory like that', and I didn't know if it was Afghanistan, because it could be Afghan - it could look like Afghanistan. You know, in other words, in that part of the world, a lot of it looks alike, so it's hard to say where this was.

We were going into a war, and everything was fine. We sent in planes first, we sent in ground troops second, and everything seemed to be going well. And then all of the sudden, I looked over the horizon in the distance and I saw a city - it could have been a city anywhere in the world or anywhere in America I should say - and all the sudden I saw something go off that looked like, now I'm not saying it was nuclear, it looked like a nuclear explosion. It could have just been an explosion, but whatever this was, was so devastating that our military men were stunned and the rest of the world turned against us. The rest of the world said, 'Look, we can't stand with you if these individuals can do this to your country, what will they do to ours. And then America was kind of suddenly standing alone because everyone else was afraid just like our people were fearful.

There has been a lot of talk about the possibilities of somewhere down the road, not necessarily in the Iraqi war, which you know, who knows what about that, what's going to happen, but that somewhere down the road, something of this nature could take place. Now here's the point that I wish to make: I do not consider myself a prophet, I don't consider myself the son of a prophet. I consider myself just a minister of the gospel who prays, who from time to time the Lord shows me things. But I will tell you that the Bible says God does nothing, he allows nothing to happen - the book of Amos says - unless he first reveals it. I do believe that the Holy Spirit is revealing things to people in the body of Christ. Not just ministers, not pastors, not just evangelists, but to lay people who are praying people who are seeking God, who are praying fervently for the will of God to be done in the United States and in our nation."


    1. His father is over 70 years old. The fact that he is in the vision could be interpreted that he will still be alive when it happens. This means it probably will happen fairly soon rather than in 50 years.
    2. This is the 2nd vision/dream Perry has described seeing his father in a vision where buildings are destroyed and clouds are seen. The other one was given in October 2002 during the Fall Campmeeting in which the 5 tornadoes from the original 1996 vision were seen again. This dream can be reviewed here.
    1. The U.S. goes to war soon after February 2003
    2. This Iraq war is indeed the war represented in this night vision
    1. The fact that Arab/Muslim nations have threatened over and over that IF the United States attacks sovereign Iraq, severe consequences will be in order.
    2. The knowledge that several Russian suitcase nuclear devices went missing in the recent past, and were allegedly in the hands of Islamic terrorists. A device such as this could definitely cause the devastation seen in this vision.




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