Part of God's plan is that you confess your state in an audible voice, with your mouth. Please speak the words below out loud with sincerity:

"Lord God in heaven, I confess I have been born into sin, that I have lived a life of sin apart from you. Today, I am ready to change. I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son, that you sent him to earth to die for the sin of all mankind, including me. I believe that he was buried, but was risen from the dead by your power, and that he is alive today on the right hand of God making intercession for our prayers. Lord, please forgive me of my sins, all the wrong choices I have made in my life, all the bad things I have done. Make me a new person, and help me to turn away from the person I was. Thank you for your forgiveness. I ask these things in the blood and power of Jesus Christ, Amen."

If you said this prayer, and meant it, you are a part of God's family! It is that simple, but becoming a disciple of Christ doesn't end with salvation. Turn from your former life, and get involved in a fellowship with believers like you. This will be in a church or study group, and in that group of believers, you will learn about all the temporal blessings I referred to earlier that you are entitled to under the covenant you just made with God. That covenant means you belong to God and he belongs to you, and whatever you want him to do for you, he will do it. But it also means that whatever he wants you to do, you will do it.

The most important steps to take now are:

  1. Find a church or Bible study group with which to share you faith and struggles, and attend on a regular basis.
  2. Fervently study, not just read, the Bible.
  3. Talk to God constantly, including a special time set aside in which you get into deep, intercessory prayer.
  4. Ask God to give you that Comforter, the Holy Spirit,; then ask for the special prayer language of God. Attend a church and speak with a pastor about this gift from God.
  5. Confess and tell others about your experience. You will find there is a powerful boldness after you do this, which is evidence of the Holy Spirit instilled inside you.

You must do the five things above if you are going to survive as a Christian in a world that is ruled by the powers of darkness, Satan and his demonic forces. Remember his deception of Adam and Eve many thousands of years ago? He and his evil angels are still doing that today to you and I. They particularly target brand-new Christians, because he knows they don't yet have a foundation in their new-found salvation. Read a story that Jesus told which directly addresses this problem in Matthew 13:1-23. As a Christian, your battle against your flesh, whether to do good or to do evil, is a battle of the mind against Satanic forces who constantly tempt you to do evil, whether through mental torment or through another person or persons. This is spiritual warfare, and you can read about how to defense these attacks, as well as go on the offensive, by intense prayer and study of God's Word. There is great instruction in Ephesians 6:10-20 as well concerning spiritual warfare.

When you begin step 2 above, studying the Word, you will discover the amazing world of Bible prophecy. On this website, there are several essays and studies to get into once you have a better overall understanding of God's redemptive plan. Click here to get started now.

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