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"Not to know what happened before means to remain forever a child"
(Marcus T. Cicero, 106-43 B.C.)

"You know how numerous that crowd is, how great is its unanimity,
and of what weight it is in the popular assemblies. I will speak in a
low voice, just so as to let the judges hear me. For men are not wanting
who would be glad to excite that people against me and against every
eminent man; and I will not assist them and enable them to do so more
easily. As gold, under pretense of being given to the Jews, was accustomed
every year to be exported out of Italy and all the provinces to Jerusalem
(Marcus T. Cicero, 106-43 B.C.; Oration in Defense of Flaccus; Cicero
was serving as defense counsel at the trial of Flaccus, a Roman official
who interfered with Jewish gold shipments to Jerusalem)

"They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons
and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised
if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race."

--Voltaire, "Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron", 1771;
"Letters of Memmius to Cicero", a fictive correspondence

"Among themselves they are inflexibly honest and ever ready to shew compassion, though
they regard the rest of mankind with all the hatred of enemies. - Surely Tacitus had seen the
Jews with too favourable an eye. The perusal of [Jewish historian 'Flavius'] Josephus must
have destroyed the antithesis [i.e., theory of gentile 'anti-Semitism'].
"... who faintly disguised, their implacable hatred to the rest of humankind."
(Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794, in "The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire",
footnotes; first part of text Tacitus, second part Gibbon's comment; Gibbon on
Jewish "humanism": the wise, the humane Maimonides openly teaches that, if
an idolater fall into the water, a Jew ought not to save him from instant death -
Palestinian activists bleed to death "guarded" by Jewish soldiers today)

"Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it...
So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited
interpreters astray."
--Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma," pp. 104-105

"Who controls the past controls the future;
who controls the present controls the past."
--George Orwell

"If any one of you dared to write the truth he would soon find himself on the street looking for a new job. The major function of a New York journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie openly, to crawl at the feet of Mammon and to sell his race and his country for his daily bread. We are the tools and puppets of rich men who stay behind the scenes; we are jumping jacks. They pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our resources, our very lives, belong to other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
--John Swinton, Managing Editor of the "New York Times,"
at a retirement banquet given in his honour

"The Jewish problem is one of the great problems of the world, and no man, be he a writer, politician
or diplomatist, can be considered mature until he has striven to face it squarely on its merits."
(Henry Wickham Steed, The Hapsburg Monarchy, 1919, pp. 180-181)

"We learn from history, that we learn nothing from history"
(George Berhard Shaw, 1856-1950)

"All the Bismarcks, Beaconsfield [Disraeli], the French [Commune-ist] Republic and [the Jewish Rothschild-friend] Gambetta etc. - all are for me only a façade. Their master, the master of all and of the whole of Europe, is [the Hidden Hand and its agenda, it will] dominate everything: Europe and enlightenment, the whole civilization and socialism - especially socialism, for with its help [it] will eradicate Christianity and destroy the Christian civilization. Then when nothing will be left but anarchy, the [Hidden Hand] will command everything. For a while he preaches socialism, he and the other members of his race remain outside, and while the whole wealth of Europe will be destroyed, the [international] bank will remain. Then the Anti-Christ will come and anarchy will reign."
(Dostoyevsky in 1880, one year before his death; quoted in "Prophets and Peoples" by Hans Kohn, 1946, p. 27)

Recommended books to read (authors, from A-Z):

Beware, Europe! Read the Hidden History of the New Totalitarian Religion. Stop the New Inquisition! Did the Christians enforce a law forbidding Jews to blame Romans for the murder of Jesus (contrary to the testimony of the Bible)? Well, now Jewish allies want to enforce a law forbidding Europeans to "deny the Holocaust" (as the "Holocaust" is made significant to the Jewish religious dogma, and taking the earlier historical guilt away from themselves). In a proposal for legislation in WHOLE EUROPE on Nov. 28th 2001 made official by the European Commission this SHALL BE ILLEGAL, i.e. questioning IF the figure 6 million is real or fictional AND IF people really died of gas and NOT of typhus. The Commission has also in mind stopping unwanted sites on the Internet, a new totalitarian dictatorship for whole Europe orchestrated by people who are not even in the Union, yet. The lowest sentence will be TWO YEARS! So read it while you still can. Later it will be an Orwellian thought-crime. Don't you just love those "broadminded liberals". PS. Holocaust Day is January 27th.

"The fact is [?] that it is not a Jewish obligation to remember [the Holocaust] - the memory must be kept alive by all of us who wants to contribute to a Europe [EU] - to a world - with democratic and human rights."
(Committee against anti-Semitism [Jewry], newspaper article Feb. 14th 2002)

"Two central dogmas underpin the Holocaust framework: (1) The Holocaust marks a categorically unique historical event; (2) The Holocaust marks the climax of an irrational, eternal Gentile hatred of Jews."
(Norman G. Finkelstein, Holocaust Industry, ch. 2, 2000)

" . . . the Holocaust has become The large symbol for genocide. . . But the Holocaust, the murder of European Jewry, was ideological in such a large sense that the Nazis behaved irrational."
(Yehuda Bauer quoted in newspaper, March 15-17 2002, Stockholm, Sweden)

Investigations into the Holocaust...

HOGGAN, David L. The Myth of the Six Million (Noontide Press 1969)
APP, Austin J. The Six Million Swindle (Boniface Press 1973)
HARWOOD, Richard. Did Six Million Really Die?: The Truth at Last (Historical Review Press 1974; 28pp.)
RASSINIER, Paul. Debunking the Genocide Myth (IHR 1978)
STÄGLICH, Judge Wilhelm. Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence (Grabert Verlag 1978 / IHR 1986)
BUTZ, Arthur R. The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (intro, chapter 1 and supplement A; IHR 1976, 1979; 313 pp.)
WEBER, Charles E. The "Holocaust": 120 Questions and Answers (IHR 1983, 1985)
VARIOUS AUTHORS. Dissecting the Holocaust (compiled by Ernst Gauss; site #1 and #2 - at least 20MB pdf-files; Grabert Verlag 1994 / Theses & Dissertations Press 2000; 416 pp.)
MATTOGNO, Carlo. The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews: Part I and II (1988)


APP, Austin J. The Six Million Swindle (Boniface Press; 1973); A Straight Look at the Third Reich (Boniface Press; 1974)

BARON, Alexander. Organised Jewry (or "Quick introduction into the Modern Jewish Question"; actually a speech turned into an essay; Anglo-Hebrew Publishing 2000); NOT THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION!: The Zunder Letter, The Israel Cohen "Racial Program For The Twentieth Century" Hoax And The Speech Of The Non-Existent Rabbi Rabinovich (1994)

BARRUEL, Abbe Augustin. Memoirs of Jacobinism (1797; translation of Memoire pour servir a l’histoire du Jacobinisme, 5 vol.); Simonini Letter (1806; document showing Jewish role in "Jacobin Plot", referring to army officer J.B. Simonini/Giovanni Simonini Batiste, Florence 5 August 1806 - "hatred of the Hebrew against the King of France")

CINCINNATUS. War! War! War! (1940, 290 pp.)

CHOMSKY, Noam. Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (1983/1999); 9-11 (140 pp., 2001); States (293 pp., 2001); (see also the silly book COHN, Werner. Partners in Hate: Noam Chomsky and the Holocaust Deniers [1985/1995]); Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs (Extracts+review; 254 pp, 2000)

CHRISTIAN, Prince Friedrich. Was Hitler Really a Dictator? (prince of Schaumburg-Lippe)

CHRISTOPHERSEN, Thies. Auschwitz: Truth or Lie / A Personal Account (Toronto; Samisdat 1974; 31 pp.)

DEGRELLE, General Leon. Hitler, Democrat (former leader of the Belgian Rexist movement; ch. 8: "Unlike Hitler, who wished only for the Jews to go away, the average German in 1920 felt much less kindly. Hitler's moderation was in marked contrast to the popular wrath of the time, and it is an irony of history that it was this moderation that was used in attempts to discredit Hitler in the eyes of the German people as being himself a Jew." - "On 14 October 1933 [wrong date] the British Daily Mirror, owned by Jewish press magnate Lord Beaverbrook, published the photograph of a Jewish tombstone... whom the Mirror claimed to be Hitler's grandfather." - London Times of July 13, 1933 published a story filed from Vienna entitled ALLEGED ANCESTRY OF HERR HITLER: "JEWISH STOCK ON MOTHER'S SIDE")

DISRAELI, Benjamin. "The Jewish Question is the Oriental Quest" (article; 1877)

DOSTOEVSKY, F. The Brothers Karamazov (1880; mentions the J. question); Diary of a Writer (1880; political radicalism spread by Alexander Herzen, Rothschild-financed)

ELMHURST, Ernest F. The World Hoax (1938; 243 pp.)

FIELDS, Dr. Ed R. What World Famous Men Said About The Jews (over 100 quotes; 36/52 pp.; editor of The Truth At Last/ex-The Thunderbolt); The Jewish Origins of Communism

FINKELSTEIN, Norman G. The Holocaust Industry (2000)

GIBBON, Edward. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (site #2)

GOEDSCHE, Hermann (alias Sir John Retcliffe). Biarritz (chapter called "In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague"; 479 pp., 1868; info.)

GRAVES, Philip. The Truth about the Protocols: A Literary Forgery (1921 pamphlet incl. 3 articles in The Times, August 16-18, 1921; intro. by Gordon Fisher & preface by "unnamed author" - and the strange story of "gentile" Mr. X and the appearance of the "Geneva Dialogues")

GRIFFIN, G. Edward. The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations (1964)

GRIMSTAD, William. The Six Million Reconsidered (1979); Antizion: A Survey of Commentary on Organized Jewry by Leading Personalities Through the Ages (1976)

ISRAEL, Menasseh ben. Menasseh Ben Israel's Mission to Oliver Cromwell (large PDF-files; pamphlets published to promote the re-admission of the Jews to England, 1649-1656; ed. by Lucien Wolf, British Zionist)

JOHN, Robert. Behind the Balfour Declaration: The Hidden Origins of Today's Mideast Crisis (IHR, 1988)

JTR. When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America

KARDEL, Hennecke. Hitlers Verrat am Nationalsozialismus (Marva, Genf 1981); Ein Zug durch Springers Gemeinde (Marva, Genf 1981; . 144 pp.)

LEDRAQUE, Jean. Springers Nazionismus (Marva, Genf 1978; 263 pp.)

MACHIAVELLI, N. The Prince (site #2)

MARSDEN, Victor. Jews in Russia

MARX & ENGELS. The Holy Family / Critique of Critical Criticism (translation; 1845; including 3 part on the Jewish Question)

MOUSSEAUX, Gougenot des. La Juif, le judaisme et la judaisation des peuples chretiens (1869, 500 pp.)

NN. The Arabs Must Win: The Qur'an's Promise of Victory of the Arabs (essay)

NN. The Cause of World Unrest (intro. by the Editor of "The Morning Post"; 1920, 264 pp.)

NN. The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion (the conspiracy at work)

NOI. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 1 (1991; "The West India Company, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions against cash payments. It happens that cash was mostly in the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors, they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there was also no competition in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers ... If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed." [Arnold Wiznitzer, Jews in Colonial Brazil, in SEC. LIFE, p. 29] - White Jewish Man's Burden?)

OSMAN-BEY, Major (alias Kibridli-Zade/Frederick Millingen). The Conquest of the World by the Jews (1875/1878; translated by F.W. Mathias; 71 pp.)

OZ, Amos. Interview in Davar (Dec. 17, 1982)

PERRY, Roland. The Fifth Man (Lord Rothschild the 5th Soviet spy in MI5 spy-ring?)

PILATE, Pontius. Pilate's Report to Tiberius Caesar of the Arrest, Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ ("At first I was apprehensive that his [Jesus'] design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as friend of the Romans than of the Jews. . . . I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His golden-coloured hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. . . . They even accuse me of being indirectly leagued with you [Jesus] for the purpose of depriving the Hebrews of the little civil power which Rome has left them. . . . Herod called on me at the Praetorium, and... asked me what was my opinion concerning the Nazarene. I replied that Jesus appeared to me to be one of those great philosophers that great nations sometimes produced that his doctrines were by no means sacrilegious, and that the intentions of Rome were to leave him to that freedom of speech which was justified by his actions. . . . They had seized upon Jesus, and the seditious rabble . . . one of the [Jewish] priests came to the Praetorium and said they were apprehensive that his disciples intended to steal the body of Jesus and hide it, and then make it appear that he had risen from the dead, as he had foretold... [I granted the priest to have] as many [Jewish soldiers] around the sepulchre as were needed; then if anything should happen they could blame themselves, and not the Romans.")

ROBNETT, George. Conquest through immigration: How Zionism turned Palestine into a Jewish state (407 pp.)

ROHLING, Professor August. Der Talmudjude (1871)

SCHICKEDANZ, Arno. Zionism (transl. of Der Zionismus; essay in Der Schulungsbrief, no. 3, April 1936, pp. 149-150 - "Zionism developed the nonsensical notion of an 'historic claim' to the 'promised land', to which Jews 'without any outside pressure' would gradually immigrate.")

SOMBART, Werner. The Jews and Modern Capitalism (1911 / 2001; translated by Mortimer Epstein; PDF-file)

TAYLOR, A.J.P. Beaverbrook (press magnate Lord Beaverbrook: "The Jews have got a big position in the press here. I estimate that one-third of the circulation of the Daily Telegraph is Jewish. The Daily Mirror may be owned by Jews. The Daily Herald is owned by Jews. And the News-Chronicle should really be the Jews Chronicle. Not because of ownership but because of sympathy. . . . The Times, The Daily Mail and the Express are the only papers left. And I am not sure about the Mail. . . . I have been, for years, a prophet of no war. But at last I am shaken. The Jews may drive us into war. I do not mean with any conscious purpose of doing so. They do not mean to do it. But unconsciously they are drawing us into war. Their political influence is moving us in that direction.")

WELLS, H.G. The Fate of Homo Sapiens (1939)

The rest...

ABRAHAMS, Israel. Jewish Life in the Middle Ages

ADAMS, President John. Works, with a Life of the Author (1850-6)

ALLEN, Gary. None dare call it conspiracy (In Danish: Ingen tør kalde det sammensværgelse)

ANONYMOUS (E. M. House). Philip Dru, Administrator (1912)

ANTELMAN, Rabbi Marvin S. To Eliminate the Opiate: The Frightening Inside Story of Communist and Conspiratorial Group Efforts to Destroy Jews, Judaism, and Israel (1974)

ARENDT, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism; Eichmann in Jerusalem (1964)

ASQUITH, Lord (Mr. H.H.) Memoirs and Reflections (1928)

BACU, D. The Anti-Humans: Student Re-education in Romanian Prison (1971)

BAKER, John. Race (Oxford University Press)

BAKUNIN, Michel. Polemique contre les Juifs

BALZAN, Consuelo Vanderbilt. The Glitter and the Gold (1952)

BARON, Prof. Salo. Social and Religious History of the Jews (1937)

BARRUEL, Abbe Augustin. Memoirs of Jacobinism (1797; translation of Memoire pour servir a l’histoire du Jacobinisme, 5 vol.); Simonini Letter (1806; document showing Jewish role in "Jacobin Plot")

BEALE, F.J.P. Advance to Barbarism (1955)

BEAMISH, Tufton, M.P. Must Night Fall (1951)

BEATY, John. The Iron Curtain over America (Offline; 1951)

BENSON, Ivor. The Zionist Factor (1992); The Opinion Makers; This Age of Conflict: The Source and Technology of Illegitimate Power

BENTWICH, Norman. The Jews (1934), Judea Lives Again (1943)

BERGER, Rabbi Elmer. The Jewish Dilemma (1946); A Partisan History of Judaism (1951); Who Knows Better Must Say So (1956)

BERNADOTTE, Count Folke. To Jerusalem (1951)

BERNSTEIN, Jack (and Leonard Martin). The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel (56 pages; 1984); My farewell to Israel: Thorn of the Middle East

BORD, Gustave. Conspiration Revolutionnaire de 1789

BORG, Christian. Who Are the Jews? (Veritas)

BORGIN, Karl & CORBETT, Kathleen. The Destruction of a Continent

BORKENAU, F. The Communist International (Faber and Faber, 1938)

BRANDEIS, Louis Dembitch. Miscellaneous Papers (1935); The Guide to the Modern World (1941)

BRASOL, Boris. The World At The Cross Roads (1921)

BRENNER, Lenni. Zionism in the Age of Dictators

BROOKS, Pat. The Return of the Puritans: Christianity and Socialism in Mortal Combat (1976)

BROWN, Bernard J. From Pharaoh to Hitler (1933)

BUCHAN, John. Oliver Cromwell (1934)

BUNICH, Igor. The Party's Gold (1992)

BURG, Joseph (Ginzburg). Schuld und Schicksal (1962); Zionazi; Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank; Auschwitz in alle Ewigkeit

BURKE, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution

BUTCHER, Harry C. My Three Years with Eisenhower (1946)

BUTLER, Eric D. The Fabian Socialist Contribution to the Communist Advance (Veritas); The Red Pattern of World Conquest

BUTZ, Arthur. The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (intro, chapter 1 and supplement A; Historical Review Press; 1976)

CARR, William Guy. Pawns in the Game (Chapters 12, 13 & 16; 1955); Red Fog Over America: International Conspiracy Explained (1968)

CHALMERS, W.D. The Conspiracy of Truth (1978)

CHAMBERLAIN, H.S. Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (Offline; German edition, 1899)

CHAMBERLAIN, W.H. Confessions of an Individualist

CHAMBERS, Whittaker. Witness (1952)

CHEREP-SPIRIDOVICH, Count. The Secret World Government (1921)

CHESTERTON, A.K. The Tragedy of Anti-Semitism (with Joseph Leftwich, 1948); The New Unhappy Lords (Candour)

CHURCHILL, Winston. The Gathering Storm; Their Finest Hour; The Grand Alliance; The Hinge of Fate; Closing the Ring; Triumph and Tragedy

CHUTTER, Rev. James B. Captivity Captive (1954)

CLARK, Richard. Technological Terrorism (Devin-Adair)

CLIFTON, Brigadier George. The Happy Hunter (1952)

CLOSTERMANN, Pierre, D.F.C. Flames in the Sky (1952)

COLEMAN, Dr. John. Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (Offline; 1992); Black Nobility Unmasked Worldwide; Diplomacy by Deception (1994)

CONNELL, Brian. From Manifest Destiny (1953)

COWLES, Virginia. Winston Churchill (1952)

DALL, Curtis B. FDR, My Exploited Father-in-Law (Noontide Press)

DAVIS, Forrest. Huey Long (1935)

DEMIDENKO, Helen (Helen Darville). The Hand That Signed the Paper

DES MOUSSEAUX, Gougenot. Le Juif (1869)

DEUTSCHER, Isaac. The Non-Jewish Jew (Oxford University Press)

DEWHURST, Brig. C.H., O.B.E. Close Contact (1954)

DICHEV, Todor. The Terrible Conspiracy (1994)

DILLING, Elizabeth. The Plot to Destroy Christianity; Red Network; The Roosevelt Red Record and It's Background; The Octopus (1940)

DISRAELI, Benjamin. The Wondrous Tale of Alroy (1833); Coningsby (1844); Life of Lord George Bentinck (1852)

DOUGLAS, C.H. The Monopoly of Credit; Programme For The Third World War; The Big Idea

DRACH, D.P. De I'Harmonie entre I'Eglise et la Synagogue (1844)

DUGDALE, Blanche E.C. Life of A. J. Balfour (1948)

DÜHRING, Eugen. Die Judenfrage (English edition; 1881)

EDERSHEIM, Alfred. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (1883)

EISENHOWER, Dwight David. Crusade in Europe (1948)

EISENMENGER, Johann Andreas. The Traditions of the Jews (first published as Judaism Unmasked; 1732)

FIELD, Carter. Bernard Baruch, Park Bench Statesman (1944)

FLYNN, John T. The Roosevelt Myth (1948)

FORD, Henry, Sr. The International Jews: Study of Jewish Influence in America (1925); The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem (offline; 1920-1922)

FORRESTAL, James. The Forrestal Diaries (1951)

FREEDMAN, Benjamin H. Facts Are Facts: The Truth About Khazars (Local; 1955, 80 pp.); The Hidden Tyranny (1970s)

FREEHOF, Rabbi Solomon B. Reform Jewish Practice (1944)

FRY, Louise (alias). Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ (1931); Le Juif Notre Maitre; The writer of the Protocols

FUNK, S. Die Entstehung des Talmuds

GARAUDY, Roger. The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics

GARNETT, David. Letters of T.E. Lawrence (1938)

GOLDBERG, J.J. Jewish Power (1997)

GOLDMAN, Rabbi Solomon. God and Israel

GOLDMANN, Nahum. The Jewish Paradox (1978)

GOLDSTEIN, Dr. John. All the Doors were opened (1955)

GOUZENKO, Igor. The Fall of a Titan (1954)

GOWAN, A. The X-Rays in Freemasonry

GRAETZ, Heinrich. Volksthuemliche Geschichte der Juden (1888)

GRENFELL, Russell. Unconditional Hatred (1955)

GRIFFIN, Des. Anti-Semitism and the Babylonian Connection; Descent into Slavery? (Chapter 5; 1981); Fourth Reich of the Rich

GRIMBLE, Sir Arthur. A Pattern of Islands (1952)

HADAWI, S. Bitter Harvest (Veritas)

HAMILTON, Alexander. Works (1886-7)

HARRIS, J.A. God's Chosen People: The Seed of Abraham (Offline; 1999)

HARRIS, Maurice H. Modern Jewish History (1909)

HARWOOD, Richard E. (alias) Did Six Million Really Die?: The Truth at Last (1974)

HECHT, Ben. A Jew in Love

HERDER, Johann Gottfried von. Untersuchungen des verg. Jahrhunderts

HERZL, Theodor. The Jewish State: Attempt at a modern solution to the Jewish question (1896)

HESS, Moses. Rom und Jerusalem, die letzte Nationalitaetsfrage (1862)

HILBERG, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews (pp. 967-976; 1961)

HORSTMANN, Lali. We Chose to Stay (1954)

HOUSE, E.M. Private Papers of Colonel House (1926)

HOWDEN, Arthur D. Mr. House of' Texas (1940)

HULL, Cordell. Memoirs (1948)

HULME, Kathryn. The Wild Place (1953)

HUTCHISON, Cdr. E.H. Violent Truce (1956)

FLYNN, John T. While you slept

FINDER, Joseph. Red Carpet: The Connection Between the Kremlin and America's Most Powerful Businessmen (1983)

HUNGFORD, Roland. The New Tolitarians

ICKE, David. ... and the truth shall set you free (1995)

IRVING, David. Uprising: One Nation's Nightmare: Hungary 1956 (Hodder & Stoughton); The destruction of Dresden; Hitler's war; Churchill's war; Nuremberg, the Last Battle; Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich [Free book downloads!]

IVANOV, V. The Secrets of Freemasonry (1992)

JEFFRIES, J.M.N. The Palestine Deception (1933); Palestine, The Reality (1939)

JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA (Funk and Wagnall, New York)

JORDAN, George Racey. From Major Jordan's Diaries (1952)

JOSEPHUS, Flavius. Antiquities of the Jews (70 A.D.)

KARDEL, Hennecke. Adolf Hitler: Founder of Israel - Israel in war with Jews (German edition: 1974)

KASTEIN, Josef. History and Destiny of the Jews (1933)

KAUFMANN, Theodore Newman Germany Must Perish (1941)

KEITH, Sir Arthur. A New Theory of Human Evolution (Watts)

KENAN, H.S. The Federal Reserve Bank

KERN, Erich. Dance of Death (1952)

KEYNES, J.M. Essays in Biography (1933)

KIPLING, Rudyard. Something of Myself (1937)

KITSON, Arthur. The Bankers' Conspiracy

KOESTLER, Arthur. Promise and Fufillment, Palestine 1947-9 (1949); The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage (1976, Devin-Adair)

KNIGHT, Stephen. The Brotherhood

KRAVCHENKO, Victor. I Chose Freedom (1946)

KRIVITSKY, General Walter. In Stalin's Secret Service (1939)

LAIBLE. Jesus Christus im Talmud

LANDRIEUX, Mgr. L'Histoire et les Histoires dans la Bible

LANE, Arthur Bliss. I Saw Poland Betrayed (1948)

LAZARE, Bernard. Antisemitism: Its History and Causes (1903)

LESSIG, Doris. The Good Terrorist

LEVIN, Meyer. In Search (1950)

LILIENTHAL, Alfred M. The Zionist Connection: What Price Israel? (1953); The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? (Chapters 10-13; 1978-1983)

LINA, Jüri. Under the Sign of the Scorpion (1994); Sovjetiskt inflytande i Sverige (1997)

LINDEMANN, Albert S. Esau's Tears: Modern anti-Semitism and the rise of the Jews (local excerpts; 1997)

LLOYD GEORGE, David. War Memoirs (1936)

LORENZ, Konrad. King Salomo's ring

LOTHIAN, Sir Arthur. Kingdoms of Yesterday (1951)

LUTHER, Martin. That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew (1523); Von den Juden und ihren Lügen (English edition: On the Jews and Their Lies; Offline; 1543)

MACDONALD, Kevin B. A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism As a Group Evolutionary Strategy (1994); Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (1998); The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (1998)

MACLEAN, Fitzroy. Eastern Approaches (1949)

MALON, Benoit. Espose des Ecles Socialistes (1872)

MANLY, Chesly. The U.N. Record (1955)

MARGOLIOUTH, Moses. History of the Jews of Great Britain (1857)

MARR, Wilhelm. Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum (1879)

MARSCHALKO, Louis. The World Conquerors (1958)

MARTIN, James J. The man who invented genocide

MARX, Karl. Zur Judenfrage (English edition; 1843)

MASSING, Hede. This Deception (1951)

MENUHIN, Moshe. The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time (Britons)

MESSICK, Hank. Lansky

MEYER, Eduard. Entstehung des Judenthums (1896)

MOCATTA, David. The Jews in Spain and Portugal

MOHR, Gordon. The Effects of the Talmud on Judeo-Christianity; Behold the International Jew!; A Study In Anti-Gentilism

MONK, Henry Wentworth. Simple Interpretation of the Revelation (1857)

MONTEFIORE, C.G. Religion of the Ancient Hebrews (1892)

MORTON, Frederic. The Rothschilds (1961)

MOSS, Stanley W. A War of Shadows (1952)

MULLINS, Eustace. The Secrets of The Federal Reserve (1948/1952); The World Order: Our Secret Rulers; The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History

MUGGERIDGE, Malcolm. Winter in Moscow

NECHAYEV, Sergei. The Catechism of the Revolution

NETCHVOLODOFF, A. L´empereur Nicolas II et les Juifs

NEWMANN, Margaret Bubers. Which Was the Worst? (1952)

NICOSIA, Francis R. The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (IHR review & IHR essay; 1985; 319 pp.)

NIKOLAYEVSKY, Boris. The Russian Freemasons and the Revolution (1990)

NORDAU, Max. Degeneration

NORTHCLIFFE, Lord. My Journey Round the World (1923)

NOSSIG, Alfred. Integrales Judentum (in English: Integral Jewry)

ORWELL, George. Such, Such Were The Joys (1945); Nineteen Eight-four (1948); Animal Farm (written 1946, published post mortem)

OSTROVSKY, Victor. By way of deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer; Other Side of Deception

PACKARD, Vance. The Hidden Persuaders

PEARSON, Hesketh. The Man Whistler (1952)

PEPPER, Senator George Wharton. Philadelphia Lawyer (1944)

PIKE, Albert. Morals and Dogma

PINAY, Maurice. The Secret Driving Force of Communism (1960s); The Plot Against the Church

PINCHER, Chapman. Inside story; Their trade is treachery

PINSKER, Leon. Auto-Emancipation (1881)

PITT-RIVERS, George. The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (1920)

PONCINS, Vicomte Leon de. Judaism and the Vatican: An Attempt at Spiritual Subversion (1967); The Secret Powers Behind Revolution: Freemasonry and Judaism

POOL, James & Suzanne. Who Financed Hitler? (Dial Press)

PORTER, Carlos. Made in Russia - The Holocaust (old url; 1988)

PRANAITIS, Rev. I. B. The Talmud Unmasked (1892)

PRINZ, Joachim. Helden und Abenteurer der Bibel (1930); Jüdische Geschichte (1931); Wir Juden (1934); Das Leben im Ghetto (1937); The Dilemma of the Modern Jew (1962); The Secret Jews (1974)

QUIGLEY, Carroll. Tragedy and Hope: A history of the world in our time (1960); The Anglo-American Establishment: The Conspiracy from Rhodes to Cliveden (1981); The Evolution of Civilization (1961); Weapons Systems and Political Stability: A History (1983)

RAMI, Ahmed. Vad är Israel? (1988); Israels makt i Sverige (1989); Judisk häxprocess i Sverige (1990); Israel: Falsk Varudeklaration

RASSINIER, Paul. Debunking the Genocide Myth: A Study of the Nazi Concentration Camps and the Alleged Extermination of European Jewry (1978)

RAUSCHNING, Hermann. Hitler Speaks (UK edition, 1939) / The Voice of Destruction (US edition, 1940)

REED, Douglas. Insanity Fair (1938); Disgrace Abounding (excerpt ch. 31; 1939); Far and Wide & Behind the Scene (1951); Behind the Scene (Special edition; Dolphin Press, 1975); The Grand Design of the 20th Century (Dolphin Press, 1977); The Controversy of Zion (written 1956; published post mortem 1978, Dolphin Press)

ROBERTSON, Sir William. Soldiers and Statesmen, 1914-1916 (1926)

ROBERTSON, Wilmot. The Dispossessed Majority (Howard Allen)

ROBINSON, Harold Cecil. Verdammter Antisemitismus (1995)

ROBISON, John. Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe (1793; Preface, 1798 edition)

RODKINSON, Michael Levi. History of the Talmud (1903)

ROMANESCU, Traian. La gran Conspiración Judía

ROOSEVELT, F.D. Personal Leters (edited by Samuel Rosenmann, 1947); Roosevelt and Hopkins (Robert A. Sherwood, 1948)

ROSENBLOOM, Morris, V. Peace Through Strength; Bernard Baruch and a Blueprint for Security (1953)

ROSS, Malcolm. The Webb of Deceit

ROUNDS, Frank, Jr. A Window on Red Square (1953)

RUBENS, William. Der alte und der neue Glaube im Judentum

SACHAR, Howard Morley. The Course of Modern Jewish History (Dell Publishing)

SALLUSTE. Les Origines secrètes du Bolchevisme: Henri Heine et Karl Marx (1930)

SAMUEL, Maurice. You Gentiles (1924)

SANNING, Walter. The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry (Institute for Historical Review)

SAUNDERS, Hilary St. George. The Red Beret (1950)

SCHOLEM, Gershom G. The Messianic Idea in Judaism (1971); Sabbatai Zevi (1973); Cabbala (1974)

SCHULMAN, Salomon. Jiddischland: Bland rabbiner och revolutionärer (1996)

SERRANO, Miguel. El Cordon Dorado: Hitlerismo Esoterico (1978; also in German)

SHAHAK, Israel. Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years (1994)

SHERWOOD, Robert, A. Roosevelt and Hopkins (1948)

SHIMONI, Gideon. Jews and Zionism: the South African Experience 1910-1967 (Oxford University Press)

SIMIS, Konstantin. USSR: the Land of Kleptocracy (Simon & Schuster)

SKOUSEN, Cleon. The Naked Capitalist

SMITH, Merriman. Thank You, Mr. President (1946)

SMITH, W. Robertson. The Prophets of Israel and their Place in History (1895)

SOLOUKHIN, Vladimir. In the Light of Day (1992)

SPENGLER, Oswald. Der Untergang der Abendlandes (1918; The Decline of the West)

SPRINGMEIER, Fritz. Bloodlines of the Illuminati (1998)

STÄGLICH, Judge Wilhelm. The Auschwitz Myth

STEINHAUSER, Karl. EG - Die Super UdSSSR von Morgen (1992)

STERN, Karl. Pillar of Fire (1951)

STIMSON, Henry L. On Active Service in Peace and War (1947)

STOLYPIN, A. Contre-Révolution (1937)

STOLYPINE, Alexandra. L'Homme du Dernier Tsar (1931)

STRACK, H.L. Einleitung in den Talmud (1908)

SUTTON, Antony C. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (Veritas), Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (Chapter 12; Bloomfield Books) and Wall Street and FDR (Arlington House)

TENNEY, Senator Jack B. Zionist Network

TOLSTOY, Nikolai. Victims of Yalta; The minister and the massacres

TORELL, John S. Bibelns budskap i de yttersta dagarna (1982)

SOLZHENITSYN, Alexander. The Gulag Archipelago; The Gulag Archipelago II (Collins Fontana); Lenin in Zurich; The oak and the calf

TAFT, Senator Robert. A Foreign Policy for Americans (1952)

TAYLOR, R.C. Winston Churchill (1952)

TOYNBEE, Arnold J. The Modern West and the Jews (Vol. VII of A Study of History, 1954)

VAN HELSING, Jan. (alias) Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (Offline; German: Geheimgesellschaften I & II, 1995)

WALSH, Patrick. The Unholy Alliance

WASHINGTON, Pres. George. Writings (1837)

WEBSTER, Mrs. Nesta Helen (maiden name: Bevan). The French Revolution (1919); World revolution (1921); Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (Preface, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, Appendix I; 1923); Socialist network (1926)

WEINTRAUB, Ben. (alias?) The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: The Keystone of the New World Order

WEISHAUPT, Adam. Einige Originalschriften des Illuminaten Ordens (published by the Bavarian Government, 1787); Nachtrag von weitern Originalschriften, etc. (Munich, 1787); Die neuesten Arbeiten des Spartacus und Philo in dem Illuminatenorden (Munich, 1794)

WEIZMANN, Chaim. Trial and Error (1949)

WELLHAUSEN, J. Israelitische und Juedische Geschichte (1897); Composition des Hexateuchs (1901)

WELLS, H.G. The Outline of History (1918); The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution / What Are We to Do with Our Lives? (1928/1931); The New World Order (1939)

WERNER, Steffen. The Second Babylonian Captivity: The Fate of the Jews in eastern Europe since 1941 (1990)

WHEATCROFT, Geoffrey. The Controversy of Zion (Excerpts; 1996)

WILSON, Derek. Rothschild (1988)

WILSON, R. McNair. God and the Goldsmiths

WILSON, Sir Henry. Life and Diaries

WILTON, Robert. Last Days of the Romanovs (1920)

WINROD, Gerald B. Adam Weishaupt: A Human Devil

WISE, Stephen S. Challenging Years (1949)

ZÜNDEL, Ernst. Zündel's Story - The Canadian Zündel Trial (1988)

Recommended movies:

Boris Pasternak's "Doctor Zhivago" (1968)
Soviet Jew about early Bolshevism

"Nineteen Eighty-Four" (1984)
or Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" (1985)
The future vision of Orwell

"Wag the dog" (1998)
Bill Clinton & advisors in action (seemed absurd before the bombing of Serbia)

American-Jewish Hollywood propaganda movies:

"[V]irtually all the senior executives at the major studios are Jews."
(JJ Goldberg, 1996, p. 288)

"Four of the largest five entertainment giants, are now run or owned by Jews. Murdoch's News Corp (at number four) is the only gentile holdout - however Rupert is as pro-Israel as any Jew, probably more so."
(Los Angeles Jewish Times, 1999, p. 14, article: "Yes, Virginia, Jews Do Control the Media."; Executive Vice President at the News Corporation is Gary Ginsberg, a Jew

"Time-Warner, Disney, Viacom-CBS, News Corporation and Universal rule the entertainment world in a way that the old Hollywood studio chiefs only dreamed of . . . And, after all the deals and buyouts, four of the five are run by Jews. We're back to where we started, bigger than ever."
(Jewish Week, 1999; GOLDBERG, J.J., 9-17-99, 12)

"A recent survey indicated that seventy to eighty per cent [70-80%] of the Screen Writers Guild was composed of Jews, a trend dating back to the 1930s."
(Patricia Erens, film scholar, 1980; ERENS, P., 1980, p. 116)

"Hollywood was a town dominated by Jews from its earliest days down to the present time."
(Lester Friedman, film critic; FRIEDMAN, L., 1982, p. vii)

"All the large Hollywood companies, with the exception of United Artists (a distribution company established by Hollywood actors who feared the big producers would restrict their artistic freedom) were founded and controlled by Jews"
(Encyclopedia Judaica; United Artists, however, was controlled by Jews later)

"The entire [movie] industry was dominated by the big five: MGM, Paramount, Warner Brothers, RKO, and Twentieth Century Fox, all of which were owned and controlled by Jews. And of the not-so-little three - Universal, Columbia, and United Artists - two were in Jewish hands."
(Chaim Bermant, 1977, p. 91-92)

"[The Hollywood scene is] a Jewish holiday, a gentile tragedy."
(F. Scott Fitzgerald, novelist; GABLER, p. 2)

"In the 1990s, it seems that the mother of every fictional female on television is advising her daughter to find a nice Jewish boy. And the daughters are listening. From hour-long dramas, 'Sisters,' 'Chicago Hope,' and 'Murder One,' to 30-minute comedies, 'Mad About You,' 'Cybill,' 'Partners,' 'Bless This House,' 'The Single Guy,' 'The Larry Sanders Show,' 'Friends,' 'Love and War,' 'Seinfeld,' and 'Murphy Brown,' Jewish men are dating and marrying Gentile women in numbers far exceeding any other interethnic relationship currently on television ... All [of these Jewish men] are either resident New Yorkers, as in 'Seinfeld,' 'Mad About You,' 'Love and War,' 'The Critic,' 'The Single Guy,' 'Friends,' and 'Dream On,' or transplanted New Yorkers, as in 'Northern Exposure,' 'Murphy Brown,' 'Anything But Love,' 'Homefront,' and 'LA Law' ... The question is, why should an ethnic group that makes up only two percent of the US population be so disproportionately, albeit stereotypically, represented on television? And why is that representation nearly exclusively male?"
(Alina Sivorinovsky, Jewish author, 1995; quoted by O'BRIEN, P., 12-23-97)

- - -

The major motion picture studios of the Hollywood and their Jewish founders:

Universal - Carl Laemmle, Jesse Lasky

Paramount - Adolph Zukor, Marcus Loew, Barney Balaban

20th Century Fox - William Fox (originally Fuchs!), Sol Brill, Joseph Schenck

MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) - Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn (originally: Goldfisz), Nicholas Schenck, Irving Thalberg, Dore Schary

Warner (Warner Bros/Brothers) - Harry, Sam, Albert, and Jack Warner

At Warner Brothers, brother Harry was an "ardent Zionist." Brother Jack even forced his Jewish employees to donate part of their salary to the United Jewish Welfare Fund. [GABLER, N., 1988, p. 289-290]

Columbia - Harry and Jack Cohn

The members of Columbia's 1957 Board of Directors (all Jews!):

President: Harry Cohn
First Vice President and Treasurer: Abe Schneider
Vice President for Production: B. B. Kahane
Vice President for Domestic Sales: Abraham Montague
Vice President for Foreign Distribution: J. A. McConville
Vice President for Advertising and Publishing: P. N. Lazarus, Jr.
Vice President for Public Relations: N. B. Spingold
Vice President for Finance: L. J. Barbano
Vice President and Assistant Treasurer: Leo Jaffe
Secretary: Charles Schwartz
Assistant Secretary (Legal): D. G. Cassell
Assistant Secretary: Bernard Birnbaum
Assistant Treasurer: Mortimer Wormser
Controller: Arthur Levy
Director (Hemphill Noyes): L. M. Blanke
Director (City National Bank): Alfred Hart
Director (Sonnebend): A. M. Sonnebend
Director: (Hallgarten): D. S. Stralem
Director: Ralph M. Cohn

- - -

Later Jewish film directors are Peter Bogdanovich (half-Jewish), William Friedkin, Stanley Kubrick [dead], Arthur Penn, and many others. More recent Jewish academy award-winning directors include Sydney Pollack, Stephen Spielberg and Barry Levinson [Wag the Dog]. Jewish influence in movie-making also has a strong international complexion: Polish-born Roman Polanski (a Jewish survivor of Nazi-occupied Poland) etc.

David Geffen (works with Spielberg, new Jewish movie company "Dreamworks"), who has risen to become one of the biggest record company, and mass media, executives in Hollywood.

- - -

Black Hawk Down(?), Pearl Harbor, Armageddon etc. (quasi-patriotic, producer: Jerry Bruckheimer "He is returning to his roots, by developing his first Jewish-themed film, 'Operation Moses,' based on the mass airlift of Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 1985." [Jewish ethnic newspaper in 2001] - "Even if [the critics] don't like my movies, the public does. That's why I make my pictures. I've gota take the bright side." [Bruckheimer; PFEFFERMAN, N., 5-25-01])

JFK, Born on the 4th of July, Platoon etc. (Oliver Stone, "half-Jewish" [Stein?]; director of a number of anti-military American films and defender of Israeli patriotism)

Funeral in Berlin (1966; Michael Caine in the secret service in East Berlin - a film not about those poor Germans behind the Berlin wall, but of Israeli Mossad hunting down a Bergen Belsen camp officer for supposed "Nazi Gold" in Switzerland - Caine helps the Israelis. Involves a Zionist Jewess, her gang in East Berlin and money that will "fuel" the State of Israel!)

Arlington Road (terrorism as a threat to NWO and mankind)

Ruby (Jack "the patriot" Ruby-Rubinstein)

Ruby Ridge (anti-sectarian)

The Siege (anti-Arab)

Independence Day

Executive Decision (anti-Arab)

Eraser (1996; anti-Arab)

Schindler's List (Spielberg made his gentile wife convert into Jew-ism; 1993)

Amistad (Spielberg; 1997)

Saving Private Ryan (Spielberg; 1998)

Marlon Brando's "interesting" movies:

1. Morituri/Saboteur (1965) - Brando plays a German SS-officer on a cargo ship with some political prisoners on board. Brando is in fact a British recruited spy who's mission is to get the ship intact into US custody. The whole thing is about the "noble thing" of being a traitor to one's country and a German-Jewess prisoner (self-described "anti-German") and "concentration camp" and "gas chamber" is put into the mix (without any good reason really). The movie ends with the captain of the ship being recruited by the spy, Brando. And they say how proud they are of each other.

2. Quemada! (1969) - "In the 1830's, the island of Quemada in the Antilles is a Portuguese colony - that is, until an English agent provocateur arrives and inspires the black slaves to rise and expel the colonial authorities." Says it all really! Inspired by Communist tactics.

3. The Young Lions (?) - Brando plays a German general and the movie is very good and interesting, but in the end things suddenly change when Brando by accident (!) wanders into a concentration camp and realizes the horrible acts committed by his own people - a thing he or nobody else was aware of, but the camp commander gladly tells him (in the words of the script writer). The movie ends with Brando being shot by a Jewish soldier of the US army (!) as he is linking from the camp.

Marlon Brando interview:

"Larry King (interviewer): ...Our guest is Marlon Brando. . . . I know you have been an admirer of Judaism, right?...
- - -
King: You told me you are sending your children to Jewish schools?
Marlon Brando: Yeah, my kids go to a Jewish school.
- - -
King: Are you—are you critical of the Hollywood that makes violent movies?
Brando: I think that—I—am very angry with some of the Jews. I am very goddamned angry at some of the Jews who have known—who have suffered terribly at the hands of the Russians, of the Germans and the Poles and all of the anti-Semitic elements in Europe and it was a godsend to come to America where they could be free and they could do whatever they wanted.
King: Then what are you angry at?
Brando: And then Sam Goldwyn and all of the rest of them. Metro Goldwyn Mayer, they—Hollywood is run by Jews. It is owned by Jews—and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue people who are suffering. Because they've exploited—we have seen [all] the [stereotypes]—we have seen the [deleted] and greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino [not to forget the German, Arab or red-neck!], we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the—wagons around—[cut off by Larry King, of Jewish descent himself.]
- - -
Brando: No, the Jews have—they understand, they know perfectly well, what their responsibilities are and more and more you see among younger Jews [of the new Hollywood generation] a sense—I mean we wouldn't have the extraordinary films that come out of Hollywood that are so sensitive [black people as judges, teachers, presidents etc. instead of ghetto fighters] really—these are the old time Jews—that ran Hollywood. I think more and more that you see that. However, all those old films like John Wayne and Charlton Heston and all of those Indian killers, they killed—they did more harm to the American Indians than Custer did.
King: They didn't know, though, did they?
Brando: They—knew very well...
- - -
Brando: So my—my—as far as the Jews are concerned—in the early days when I was supporting the [unintelligible] they blew up the King David Hotel [in British occupied proto-Israel], they killed an awful lot of Englishmen, some Arabs and also some Jews. They—
King: They were persecuted."
(Interview, CNN’s Larry King Live, April 5, 1996)


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