November 99 Week 2


November 8
At the hospital on the terrace, Brandon is talking with Lexie, who can't believe that Rachel is gone. Lexie thinks they should have kept their professional distance. Brandon changes the subject to Lexie's pregnancy. Lexie says she will know later this morning if she is pregnant or not. Lexie decides to leave to check on a patient, but Brandon stops her to thank her for bailing her out. Lexie says she did it for Rachel, but Brandon asks if that is the only reason? Brandon wonders if she thought Abe shouldn't have arrested him. Abe shows up and says he'd like the answer to that question too. LExie says that she wouldn't say he was wrong, but he did overreact. Abe is furious and says that Brandon needs help. Brandon starts arguing with Abe, and the two almost come to blows. Lexie stops them and tells Abe that she had to bail Brandon out and tells him to listen to why she did it. Abe tells her that she can't justify sneaking behind his back, and he doesn't want to hear it. Abe walks out, and Brandon asks Lexie how she could let him treat her that way? How could she stay married to someone like that? Lexie tells Brandon that Abe is a wonderful man, but he is angry that she defied him. Brandon doesn't understand why Abe feels that their friendship is a threat to him, and why he has it in for him? Lexie tells Brandon that he doesn't have it in for him, but he does think something is wrong with him. Lexie tells him that he admitted he snapped, and she asks who he thought he was hitting in the ring? Before Brandon can answer, Lexie is called away by a nurse about her test results. Brandon is with Lexie when she gets the results of her pregnancy test, she's not pregnant. Brandon tells Lexie that this might not be the best time for her and her husband to have a kid anyways. Lexie becomes furious and tells him to stay the hell out of her life! Brandon tells her that he will as long as she stays out of his. They both agree not to meddle in each other's lives. Later, Abe returns and tells Lexie that he's sorry, he took his anger for Brandon out on her. Lexie says it is okay, and she explains that she had to bail Brandon out for Rachel. She thinks if they work together maybe they can help Brandon, but Abe thinks that Brandon might jump bail. BAck at the mansion, Brandon is packing because he is planning on leaving town.

Carrie looks into Austin's room and sees Sami with him. Kate shows up and is angry that Sami is visiting Austin. She tells Carrie to stop this, but Carrie says that Austin chose Sami, and they have to live with it. Lucas shows up and both Kate and Lucas agree that Sami hasn't changed, and she isn't what is best for Austin. Carrie says that there is nothing they can do about it, but Kate thinks otherwise.

In Austin's room, Austin tells Sami that he wanted to see her, not Carrie. Austin tells Sami about his dream, and how her testimony convinced the judge that he should live. He tells Sami that she reached him and brought him back. Sami didn't think she got through to him, but he says that she did. He also tells Sami that the judge told him that he had to chose who he wanted to be with when he got back, and he chose her. Sami begins to cry. She tells Austin that she will help him with his recovery. She also starts talking about how she hurt him by trying to make him love her, but Austin says that is the past and she has changed. Sami tells him that if she changed, it is because of her. Suddenly, Kate storms into Austin's room and tells Sami to get away from her son! Austin tells his mom that he will talk to her later and asks her to leave. Kate leaves, but is not pleased. Sami says she should let him get some rest, but Austin says that he wants her beside him when he wakes up.

Outside his room, Kate tells Lucas and Carrie that they have to put a stop to this before Sami destroys Austin's life. After Kate leaves, Lucas gives Carrie some advice. He tells her that if she wants to stop Sami, she has to fight fire with fire. Carrie doesn't understand what he's saying. Lucas tells her in order to beat Sami she has to be Sami!

At the nursing home, the nurse and "Dr. Sue Lee" are arguing about whether she can see Victor. Nicholas shows up and tells the nurse that it is okay for Dr. Lee to see Victor. The nurse says she still needs Dr. Bryce's permission, so she leaves to get him. Vivian manages to fool Nicholas, and lets him in on her scheme. Nicholas asks his aunt what she is up to now? Vivian says that she is hoping to find out the truth about Victor's condition. Nicholas goes in to see Victor. He tells VIctor that Vivian's doctor is here, but Vivian is still in Europe. Nicholas tells Victor that this healer is special, she only takes on one patient at a time and won't give up until he or she is well again. He also asks Victor to be discrete and keep this to himself, it would be for the best if he didn't tell Kate that Vivian arranged this. Victor says that he doesn't like keeping things from Kate, but he sees his point and will not tell her.

Meanwhile, "Dr. Sue Lee" meets with Dr. Bryce. Dr. Sue Lee says she'll need to see Victor's records if she is to begin helping him. Dr. Bryce says he can't do that until he sees her credentials. Dr. Sue Lee tells him that she is trained in holistic medication and is at the top of her field. When she tells him about her wonderful results, Dr. Bryce asks if she has any documentation? Dr. Sue Lee says she doesn't yet, but she will be on Dateline soon. Dr. Bryce calls her a quack and refuses to allow her to take advantage of Victor Kiriakis. Dr. Sue Lee tells him that people who are in pain should be allowed to seek any possible treatment that they can. Dr. Bryce says "not if it interferes with my treatment!" Dr. Lee tells him that her treatment won't interfere with his, and then accuses him of being afraid that her treatment will work better than his.

Dr. Lee and Dr. Bryce go in to see Victor. Dr. Bryce says that he tried to tell Dr. Lee to leave, but she refused. Victor says it is okay, he would like to give her methods a try. When Dr. Bryce tells Dr. Lee that Victor needs his rest, Dr. Lee says she would like to stay with Victor and feel his aura. Dr. Bryce and Nicholas leave, and Dr. Lee tells Victor that she will not give up until he is as strong and robust as he once was. Victor jokes and asks if he'll be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Dr. Lee laughs and tells Victor to rest. Victor ends up falling asleep, and Vivian gets a call from Nicholas. Nicholas tells her that Kate has gone to the hospital to spend time with Austin, so she is in the clear. Vivian looks at Victor and says she longs to lie beside him again. She figures "what the hell" and jumps into bed with him. Outside his room, Kate shows up to see Victor, but a nurse tells her that he is sleeping. Kate says she won't disturb him.

In Salem Place, Gina spies on John and Marlena. John realizes something is wrong with Marlena. Marlena tells him that she is unhappy because their friends, Bo and Hope, aren't as happy as they are. John tells her that they are headed in the right direction. Marlena says that Hope should be thrilled to be back, but she's not. Marlena tells John that Hope is angry and bitter. John doesn't have any doubt in his mind that Hope will move on with her life. MArlena says he knows a lot about that, and John laughs that he could write a book. He tells her that the more he forgets about his past, the happier he is. He says his life with Gina is dead and buried, his life is with her now.

Gina, who is around the corner, wonders what has happened to John, he is not the man she knew. Princess GIna's reflection begins taunting Gina about Marlena. She tells Gina that Marlena will be crushed when John walks out of her life and returns to her. Gina eventually leaves and runs into a bathroom. She sees Princess Gina in the mirror laughing at her. She splashes some cold water on her face, and then looks in the mirror again. She sees herself as an old hag and she says that John couldn't love her if she looked like this. She pulls some scissors out of her purse and begins to cut her hair. Greta walks in and asks "Hope" what she is doing? Gina reaches out to Greta and gives her a big hug. She tells her that she has missed her so much, and asks Greta if she missed her as well? As they are hugging, a worried expression overcomes Greta's face. Greta asks what this is all about? Gina says that she just likes having her close to her. Greta becomes upset and runs out of the bathroom. Gina looks in the mirror and sees the old hag looking back at her. She tells Gina that Greta doesn't love her anymore than John does! Gina puts her hair up and tucks it inside her hat.

Greta storms through Salem Place and runs into John and Marlena. Greta tells John and Marlena about her encounter with "Hope" in the bathroom and how it was almost like she was Gina again. Greta tells Marlena that "Hope" needs help. Marlena says she knows that, but it has to be her decision. Marlena then tells Greta that she and John are hear for her. When they share a group hug, Gina comes out of the bathroom and is floored to see Marlena with her man and daughter. John leaves Marlena and Greta in order to refill his coffee and get them some tea. Greta tells Marlena that she wants to help "Hope," but "Hope" doesn't understand that whenever she looks at "Hope," she sees her mother. GIna is furious with Marlena for stealing her family and vows to make sure Marlena doesn't get away with this.

In France, Kurt is watching over a sleeping Hope. The woman, Theresa, asks Kurt if there is anything she can get Hope? Kurt says that his wife likes tea. Hope wakes up and she still doesn't know who she is. Kurt tells her that all she needs to know is that he is her husband and he will take care of her, always/ Hope tells Kurt that she's feeling worse than she was yesterday. Kurt thinks that she just needs to rest up. Later, Kurt checks on Hope, but he can't wake her up!


November 9
At the home, a nurse tells Kate that Victor is sleeping. Kate says she won't disturb him. As she's about to open the door, Nicholas stops her and tells her that she can't go in there. Kate asks why not? Nicholas says Victor is busy working on Titan business, but Kate thinks this has something to do with Vivian.

Inside, Victor wakes up and asks Dr. Sue Lee what she thinks she's doing? She says she was trying to get his yin yang into a horizontal condition so he could embrace his aura. Victor says he knows exactly what she was trying to embrace, and he could have her arrested for it! Later, Kate walks into the room and exclaims "What in the world?" Dr Sue Lee is massaging Victor and is using all sorts of weird things on Victor. Victor tells Kate that this is his holistic healer. Nicholas tells Kate that this was his idea. Nicholas yanks Vivian out of the room and he scolds her for doing this. He asks when this lying is going to stop? Back inside, Kate says there is something strange about that doctor. Victor tells her to let him worry about Dr. Lee, she should worry about taking care of their business. He asks her to have Nicholas drive her back to the office. Kate gives him a kiss goodbye and leaves. Dr Lee goes back in to see Victor and tells him that she should rub some vitamin oil into his pectoral muscles, so he should take off his shirt. Victor tells Vivian to drop the act, he knows who she is. Vivian asks why he didn't expose her to Kate? Victor says he figured she really believed in what she was doing. Vivian says she does, and asks if he will give her plan a chance? He says no, he has a plan of his own to put into motion. He says that he is going to work with her. Vivian wants her to continue to be Dr. Sue Lee and continue looking for anything shady going on here. Vivian asks if they are partners, and holds out her hand for him to shake.

Nicholas takes Kate back to Titan and apologizes for making things worse between her and Billie. Kate tells him that she knows he is sorry. Nicholas hopes she will be able to forgive him one day.

At the hospital in Austin's room, Sami makes some calls about Austin's homecoming. She tells Austin that she has a surprise for him. Austin wants a hint, so she tells him that she is going to make this day as special for him as he has made it for her. Craig shows up because Sami asked to see him. Sami asks Craig to release Austin so she can take care of him. Craig says he wasn't going to release him for a few days, but both Sami and Austin would like him to go home. Craig says he will look at his latest test results and make a decision.

In the hall, Lucas tells Carrie that the only way to beat Sami is to fight dirty. Lucas says that Austin is confused because of his head trauma, and Sami is using his condition to her advantage. Lucas tells Carrie that she has to make Austin see that Sami hasn't changed. Carrie doesn't want to sink to Sami's level, but Lucas says Sami may convince Austin to marry her just so she can get Will back. He tells Carrie that she is the only person who can stop Sami. Later, Carrie and Lucas overhear news that Craig is going to release Austin into Sami's care. Lucas tells Carrie that Sami is already scheming, she has to stop her! Craig releases Austin, and Sami wheels Austin out of his room. Carrie decides to talk to Austin, she tells him that he's rushing his release. Austin asks Carrie why she didn't give Sami his message? Carrie says she tried, but Sami . . Austin tells her not to blame Sami, and tells her that he's just now beginning to see how infuriating she can be. When Carrie says she cares for him, he tells her to stop caring. Carrie asks Craig how he can let Austin leave? Craig says that Austin is in good condition, and he will be sending people to check up on him. Sami wheels Austin out of the hospital. When Lucas tells Carrie that went well, she tells him to shut up.

In Salem Place, Gina overhears Greta telling Marlena how worried she is about "Hope," who she thinks is having a breakdown. Gina tells herself that Doc should start worrying about her own life instead of hers. Greta and Marlena end up talking about relationships, and move to the subject of her and Eric. Greta doesn't know if what she and Eric have is a relationship. Marlena tells Greta that her son is a wonderful young man, and she thinks she is a fine young woman and he'd be lucky to have her in his life. Greta eventually leaves to shop, and Marlena runs into and upset Carrie. She asks Carrie what is wrong? Carrie tells her that Sami is going to ruin Austin's life, and she tells Marlena all about what Sami is doing. Marlena tells her that she and Austin are divorced, so if he wants to spend his time with Sami then there is nothing she can do about it. She tells Carrie that it is time to let go. Marlena sees John waving to her, so she says she has to go.

John finds "Hope" spying on MArlena and Greta, so he asks "Hope" what is up? Gina tells John that she doesn't know what came over her, one second she was find, and another second she was terrified. She grabs John's hand and puts it on her chest so he can feel how fast her heart as beating. John says he will call Bo, but she asks him not to. She shows him her hair and what she's done to it. She tells him that she was trying to get rid of the blonde streaks she put in as Gina. She tells him that her behavior lately hasn't been rational, and that's why she'd like to see Marlena. John thinks that would be a good idea. John has to leave to go see Marlena, and he asks her to come with him. Gina says she will see them later, right now she needs to go get a hair cut. After John leaves, Kurt calls Gina and tells her that he's found Hope, but she is not well. Kurt says that Hope needs a doctor, but Gina tells him absolutely not! When she hangs up, Greta shows up and calls her mother. Gina looks at her and Greta says that she knows she is Hope, but for a moment she thought . . Greta says that she was just projecting because she misses her mother. Gina tells her that she wanted to comfort her back in the ladies room, that was all. Greta tells her that MArlena has helped her, and she should call so Marlena can help her as well. Gina says she was just trying to call for an appointment. Greta apologizes for burdening her with her problems, but Gina tells her never to be sorry. Greta leaves, and Gina says that her daughter is growing closer to Marlena and doesn't even know who her mother is. Gina goes to hairdresser to get a real haircut. She sees Princess Gina in the mirror and she tells Gina that Doc is trying to take John and Greta from her. Gina tells her reflection that she must make Marlena play. The reflection tells her that going to see Marlena for therapy will allow her to wreak havoc on Marlena's life.

John, Greta, and Marlena meet up again, and Greta tells them that she thinks that "Hope" still isn't herself. Greta thanks them for being there for her today. Marlena assures her that they will always be here for her. Greta leaves, and John tells Marlena that he knows she can help "Hope" get rid of her demons.

Sami takes Austin home to Will. They've decorated the patio for him, and Will tells Austin that he wants to share his Halloween candy with him. Lucas spies on them, and remembers when he brought Will home to live with him. He vows to figure out a way to stop Sami from taking Will from him again. Lucas calls Carrie and tells him to get over to his house right away. Back outside, Sami, Austin, and Will are having Austin's favorite lunch, cheeseburgers. Will's playmate shows up, so Will leaves to play. Austin thanks Sami for this because it is the best medicine he could have. He tells her that she saved his life, and she has been there for him when he's needed her. Meanwhile, Carrie shows up and Lucas drags her over to the window so she can see what Sami is doing. Outside, Austin has fallen asleep, and Sami gives him a kiss on the forehead. Austin stirs awake, and she apologizes. He grabs her, and the two share a real kiss, which Carrie sees!

In France, Kurt fears that he has lost Hope. Theresa checks Hope and sees that she is breathing, but her breath is very week. She tells Kurt that they must call a doctor. When Kurt calls Gina to tell her the news about Hope, GIna tells him not to call a doctor, and if she dies they won't have anything to worry about anymore! Hope regains consciousness and says that her head hurts. He disobeys Gina's orders and asks Theresa to call a doctor. The doctor arrives and looks over Hope, and then he tells Kurt that he better sit for the news. The doctor tells him that Hope is very sick (I couldn't hear very well, he was mumbling) , and there isn't much he can do for her. Kurt takes care of Hope and tells her that she needs to rest and let him take care of her.


November 10
At the station, Bo is working, yes working, on a list of crimes committed by Stefano for Hope to look over and sign. Abe says he thought that she forgot everything thanks to the transformation? Bo says she did, but she told him everything he did before that happened. Abe tells Bo that this is breaking the law, both he and Hope will do time if they do this. Bo doesn't think they'll get caught, but Abe refuses to just look the other way. Bo tells Abe that he won't let him stop him from doing this!

Eric goes to the Horton House to see Greta. She is thrilled that he is back and gives him a big hug. Eric tells her that he got her a present, her very own Statue of liberty! It's one of those cheesey souvenirs they sell in New York. Greta pulls him inside to talk. Gina is standing outside of the house spying on them. She sees her Princess Gina reflection in the window, and she wants to know why she's standing out here? Gina tells her that Alice invited her, she is early, and despite the fact that she is a bore, she can't ignore the woman. Princess Gina tells her that she is supposed to be setting up therapy sessions, but considering how happy Greta was to see Eric, she should put a stop to their relationship. Princess GIna tells Gina that Greta shouldn't be dating Marlena's son. Gina tells her reflection that she will not do what Stefano did to her by taking Eric from Greta, unless Eric hurts her! If that happens, Gina says that Eric will answer to her. Inside, Eric tells Greta about how amazing this job is, but they won't let him take it without moving to New York. Eric says it isn't too far away, so she can come visit him often. Greta says she will visit if he wants her to, and he says he will. To celebrate, Eric invites Greta to the Cheatin' Heart. Greta tells Eric that she will meet him there after he goes home and unpacks. She gives Eric a kiss on his way out. Back outside, Princess Gina continues to tell Gina that Eric is Marlena's flesh. Gina tells her reflection that she can't reveal talk to Greta about relationships right now otherwise she'd be recealing herself to Greta, so she will focus on destroying Marlena. Greta hears someone talking outside, so she asks if anyone is out here?

Shawn meets his Grandma Alice at the Cheatin' Heart. She wants to know why he is so unhappy. Shawn vents to his grandma about how he wants his life back, but his parents seem to live for danger, so they ignore him. Alice asks SHawn if it is really that bad for him? Shawn thinks it is. Shawn and Gran go back to the Horton House, and Gran gives Shawn his dad's old black leather jacket. Shawn asks where she found it? Alice tells him that Hope saved it and stored it in the attic. Shawn thanks her with a hug and tells her that she's the best. Bo shows up, and Alice says that Hope should be here soon. When Shawn asks why, Bo says that he smells a plot. ALice says that she wanted all three of them to find a way to get back together again. Shawn tells Alice that if she told him about this he would have told her that his mom wouldn't show. Bo tells him that he doesn't know why his mother isn't here, but Shawn doesn't want to hear excuses. Bo tells Alice about how he's documented everything Stefano did and he needs Hope to sign it so they can put him away. When Alice says that sounds like breaking the law, SHawn says that is his parents, Bonnie and Clyde! He tells Alice to forget about trying to save this family because they aren't worth it, and then he leaves. Alice tells Bo that instead of breaking the law, there must be a way to make Hope remember her life as Gina.

Nicole comes into the Cheatin' Heart to drown her sorrows in booze because she thinks that Eric isn't coming back. When Eric walks into the joint, Nicole's spirits lift. She is glad to see that he came back after all. Eric asks Nicole how many drinks she's had? Nicole claims that she is just glad to see him. She pulls him to a table and starts asking him all about New York. Eric tells Nicole that they are over, she has to get that through her head. Nicole tells him that he can say it, but she knows he doesn't meet it. Eric tells her that she is just unhappy because she's not getting it out of her marriage. Eric informs Nicole that he's moved on with Greta. When Greta shows up, he tells Nicole to stay off the vodka and leaves. Greta is a bit troubled and tells Eric that after he left she felt like someone was watching her. She says it almost felt like she was back at her mom's castle. Eric tells her that he's here for her now. Nicole's heart breaks when she sees how close Eric and Greta are. Eric and Greta talk a bit about her mom and how she's still recovering. Greta says she doesn't know what she'll do if he leaves for New York. He tells her that all she has to do is call him, he'll be on the first flight out. Meanwhile, Nicole leaves to take care of some business.

Nicole goes home and answers the phone when it rings, it is a man calling for Kate. The man calling is from New York and says he is calling about a job reference for Eric. Nicole says she is Kate's right hand woman and may be able to help him. The man says he would have offered Eric the job today, but he needs to see work of Eric's which shows that he can capture hot and steamy photographs. Because he didn't see that work in Eric's portfolio, he was calling to see if he's taken any picture like that. He tells Nicole that unless Eric can produce that type of work, he'll have to go with another photographer. Nicole asks how soon he needs this proof? When the man says within 48 hours, Nicole tells him that she will personally make sure he gets it.

At the hospital, Belle comes to see her mom in her office. Marlena is surprised to see her here on a day she isn't supposed to work. Belle admits that she is here to see Brandon. She asks her mom if he's ever coming back? Marlena says that Brandon hasn't come back since the match, and that Brandon has some serious problems. Belle says that everyone has problems, but Brandon is a great counsellor and all kids in pediatrics miss him. Marlena tells Belle that they need to have a talk about boys. Belle tells her mom that she is interested in boys, but she is not interested in the boys at her school. Marlena realizes that her daughter is after Brandon. MArlena tells Belle that when she was her age she was also bored with the boys in her school, but they will grow on her. She tells Belle that Brandon is a man and is experienced in ways she is not ready for, and besides Brandon is trouble. Gina shows up for her appointment and apologizes for interrupting their chat, but she wants to start her therapy NOW. Belle leaves and wishes Hope luck. Gina tells herself that Marlena's children are as smug as she is. Marlena excuses herself for awhile. When Gina looks in the mirror, she sees her Princess persona with a notepad welcoming her to therapy and asking how she can help her? They play their own little game of therapist-patient. Gina tells her reflection that she doesn't plan on destroying Marlena, she plans to make Marlena destroy herself! Princess Gina asks for all the details, so Gina tells her that she plans on telling Marlena about her deepest darkest secrets, secrets which will hit Marlena where she lives. Marlena returns later, she went to a baby shower, and she says she is ready to begin their session.

Belle goes to school and practices asking Brandon out to the dance in the mirror which is in her locker. Shawn overhears this and tells Belle that if she's that desperate to go to the dance then he'll go with her. Belle is embarrassed.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Brandon leaves a note for his sister on his way out, but runs into Lexie as he's leaving. She tells Brandon that either they talk, or they fight! Brandon says he's not going to beat on her, and this is not her problem. Lexie tells Brandon to stop running and give himself a second chance. She asks him how he thinks Rachel would feel if she could see him running away? She asks Brandon to fight for his life and she will do all that she can to help him. BRandon seems unmoved by Lexie's words, so she leaves because she thinks she's wasting her time.

Lexie goes to the station to see Abe to tell him about her visit to Brandon to try and help him. She tells Abe that Brandon had his bags packed, his probably on his way to Chicago right now. Suddenly, Brandon shows up and tells them that he's changed his mind. Brandon says he realizes he needs help. Abe tells Brandon that if he's going to get therapy, he will drop the assault charges. When Abe tells him if there is anything he can do to help, Brandon tells him quiet hostilely that he's done enough.

Carrie is heartbroken when she sees Austin kissing Sami on the porch. She goes back into the parlor before she is seen. After the kiss, Sami asks if that was for real? Austin says it felt real, but maybe they should do it again to make sure. Sami begins to cry and tells Austin that she's been waiting for that kiss for her whole life, but now it is here and she is scared. Sami says she thinks something will go wrong because nothing goes right when she's involved. Austin tells her that is not true, she has Will. Still, Sami says he is on the rebound, and maybe she shouldn't be here for him. Austin tells Sami that their kiss isn't something that won't last. Sami jumps into Austin's arms and hugs him. Austin tells her that this thing between them is right, but they should take it slow. He tells her that he couldn't live with himself if he hurt her the way that Carrie hurt him. Austin holds Sami, and she tells him that she trusts him when he said they would take it slow, and that is a big step for her. She tells him that she wants them to move slowly too.

Inside, Carrie tells Lucas to shut up. Lucas offers her a glass of water, which Carrie knocks out of his hand while screaming "Damn Sami!" Lucas tells Carrie that she has to wake up and realize that Sami is stealing her man by manipulating Austin. Carrie asks Lucas why getting back at Sami is so important to him? Lucas says he fears that he will lose Will to them. Carrie tells him to do something about it, but Lucas says he's tried and it never works. However, she has nothing to lose by going after Sami. Carrie tells Lucas that she might not deserve Austin, but he deserves someone a lot better than Sami. When Lucas asks if this means she's going to take Sami on, Carrie tells him "Let's do it!" Lucas starts strategizing and tells Carrie that she's going to have to lie to Austin to beat Sami, but Carrie says she can't lie good. Lucas says that plan B is for her to tell Austin the truth about how she feels about him. Carrie tells Lucas that he's crazy, she can't do that because it hurts too much. Lucas tells her if she keeps quiet or cry about it, she will just be handing Austin to Sami on a silver platter. Lucas tells Carrie that if she doesn't do this, she will regret it. He assures her that if she takes a chance, she can get Austin back.


November 11
At the nursing home, Phillip and Kate are visiting Victor. Kate tells Victor that she doesn't think this holistic healing will work, but Victor says he's willing to try anything to get home. Phillip hopes that will happen before he has to go off to college. Kate tells Phillip, since he brought up the fact that he's graduating in a year, that she wants him to stay in Salem, go to Salem University, and live at home. Phillip is shocked and asks why? Kate says that she's already almost lost Lucas and Austin, and now Billie is gone, and she can't bare to see him leave as well. Phillip says he will do what makes her happy, but part of him was looking forward to living at home. Phillip says since they'll be saving tuition and dorm fees, perhaps they can hook him up with some cash, or maybe even by him a sports car. Kate says of course, but Victor says absolutely not! Kate tells Victor that Phillip is giving up a lot to stay here, but Victor says staying in Salem just to get some money and a car he doesn't find that admirable. Phillip says he's staying here for mom and because he can work at Titan while going to college. Phillip says he could use some money, but Victor says he gets a generous allowance. When Victor learns Phillip is over his limit on his credit cards, Victor tells him he will get no more money until he pays them off, and he can forget about a car until he gets on the honor roll. Victor tells him that he has to learn to appreciate what he has by earning it. Phillip says he has to go to school and says goodbye to his parents. After he leaves, Kate tells Victor that he was a tad harsh with Phillip. Victor tells Kate that she has been too lenient and it has to stop. Kate can't believe Victor is accusing her of spoiling their son. Kate tells Victor that if he thinks Phillip is spoiled, he is to blame as well. Victor tells her that from now on Phillip will have to make do on his own. The bicker about Phillip and how Kate has indulged him too much. Victor apologizes for being so harsh, he knows she spoils Phillip to make up for what she couldn't give her other children, but it doesn't make it right. Victor also tells Kate that she better not pay off Phillip's credit cards, because everything she does for her children ends up being a disaster.

At Salem High, Belle gets caught practicing inviting Brandon to the dance by Shawn. He jokes that if she's desperate to go to the dance, he'll take her. Belle tells him that she is not desperate for a date, and if she was she'd rather go to the dance with Barney the dinosaur. Shawn tells her that he hopes she has luck asking Barney out, because he wouldn't go with her even she paid him! Shawn wants to know who the guy she was talking to in the mirror is? Belle tells him that it is none of his business. However, she says this guy is nothing like the immature jerks at this school. Mr Football and Miss Cheerleader show up and ask Belle who she is talking about? Belle says that they don't know him. Belle tells Jan to get her own life. Jan says she has one, and a date for the dance, which is more than she has. Jan and Mr. Football leave, and Mimi asks Belle "what if he turns you down?" Belle tells Mimi that he won't and to stop being such a pessimist. Shawn tells Belle that her ego is ridiculous, that is the problem with her. Belle tells Shawn that he's the one with the problem. Mimi asks Shawn who he is going to the dance with? Shawn says no one, he wouldn't go to that lame dance. Mimi is hurt that Shawn doesn't want to go to the dance. Belle tells Mimi that if she wants Shawn to go, she should go ask him herself. Mimi asks Belle why she hasn't asked Brandon yet? Belle makes a deal with Mimi, if she asks Shawn right now, she'll ask Brandon. Mimi tells her that she's on, and she approaches Shawn. Mimi talks to Shawn about the dance, but all he does is complain about it. Mimi mumbles a lot, but eventually asks him to go with her as a friend. Shawn refuses, so she begs him to go with her. When I say beg, I mean down on her knees pleading. Shawn eventually says he will take her, but only to stop her from making a fool of herself. Mimi goes back to Belle, who tells her that Mimi that she was pathetic. Mimi says she got the date, so that is all that matters. Phillip shows up and tells Shawn that if he keeps doing favors for people, word might get around. Phillip asks Shawn if he knows if Belle is going with anyone? Shawn tells him that she's going with Barney the dinosaur, he doesn't know and doesn't care. Later, Phillip questions Mimi about Belle's date. Mimi tells him that she's been sworn to secrecy. Phillip says if he knew he could get the scoop on the guy before Belle makes a fool of herself asking him out. Mimi opens up her big mouth and says that's true, he does live with . . . . . Phillip realizes that Belle is after Brandon Walker. Mimi tells him that he's wrong, but Phillip knows he's right. Phillip tells himself that if Brandon went out with Belle he would be arrested, so he doubts that he'll take her. Later, Phillip hears a group of guys talking about Belle's mystery date. Phillip bets them that she will show up solo.

At Carrie's place, Carrie can't stop thinking about Austin and Sami's kiss. There is a knock at her door, and Carrie is shocked to see that it is Sami. Carrie thinks that Sami is here to gloat, but Sami says came here to try and talk and see if they can be friends. Carrie invites Sami in and Sami tells Carrie about a book she saw at the bookstore about sisters and how special having a sister is. Sami tells Carrie that she really does love her, which prompts Carrie to say "Wow, that is really moving." Sami tells her that this isn't about Austin anymore, because she already has him, so there is no reason for them to fight anymore. Carrie refuses to believe Austin wants to be with Sami, but Sami says he does. She tells Carrie that she was hoping she, Austin, and herself could put the past behind them and become friends again. Carrie doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. Sami tells her sister that she just hoped they can be friends because love, truth, family, and friends are what is truly important. Carrie thinks that she is lying and that all she wants to do is announce that she is happy and has won. Sami tells Carrie that she is the one who made a train wreck of her marriage, she threw Austin away and won't take the blame for it. Carrie tells Sami that she took her husband. Sami points out that he is her ex-husband, and that she thought she could be happy for her and Austin. However, Sami tells her if all she wants to do is be miserable, then it is her loss. Carrie can't believe that Sami really thinks she and Austin will live happily ever after. Sami knows they will and wishes she could be happy for them without being bitter and resentful. She tells Carrie to call Mike, or she'd be happy to do it for her. Carrie tells her that she doesn't want or need her help. Carrie tells her sister that she said what she came to say, so she should get the hell out of her apartment! Sami tells Carrie that anger and bitterness only leads to self destruction. Carrie tells her once again to leave, so Sami does. Carrie refuses to let Sami destroy Austin's life. She calls Austin up and tells him that she needs to see him right away.

"Hope" and Marlena begin their therapy session in Marlena's office. Marlena asks "Hope" how she is feeling right now? Gina tells her that she feels frightened, she doesn't know who she is and what she wants. She tells Marlena that she is the only one who can save her from a life of loneliness and madness. Marlena tells her that she will do whatever she can to help her. Princess Gina, the lady in the mirror, says that she has Doc right where she wants her. Gina tells Marlena that she doesn't know where to begin because what she has to say is personal, and she may judge her. Marlena tells her that she wouldn't do that, all she wants to do is help. Gina tells her the thing she is most distressed about is Bo. She says that she knows Bo loves her, but all he wants is to marry her and be a family with Shawn. When Marlena asks "Hope" if that is what she wants, her Princess Gina reflection says that all she wants is John and Greta! Gina tells Marlena of course that is what she wants, but she doesn't know if it is possible. She says that Bo wants to just pick up where they left off, but Gina says she doesn't think she could ever marry Bo again. Marlena is surprised by this statement and asks why? Gina tells her that even though Hope is back, she isn't happy. She tells Marlena that she feels like she's half a person now, she feels like part of her soul has been ripped out. She also says she feels like she is going to fail everyone who cares about her, so how can she even think about being a wife or mother when she can't make it through a day without falling apart. Marlena tells her that she doesn't think she can make a big life decision right now until she works through these problems. Gina thinks that Marlena thinks she's crazy, but Marlena doesn't and says she is making progress and her eagerness to talk with her means she is ready to heal. Gina tells Marlena that she is the only one who can help her find her happiness. Marlena promises "Hope" that things will keep on getting better. Gina begins to cry when her reflection tells her that it is time to surprise Marlena. Gina says this is too hard, too painful. Gina tells Marlena that she wishes there was a way not to feel this pain. Marlena tells her that pain is part of the process, it cannot be avoided. Gina asks Marlena if there was a way for her to reach her subconscious memories of Princess Gina? Marlena asks if she means hypnosis? Gina says that is exactly what she needs, she thinks hypnosis can help her relieve some of this pain. Marlena eventually agrees, and Gina hugs her for it. Marlena turns the lights off and tells "Hope" to make herself comfortable. Gina lays down on the couch and Marlena tells her to clear her mind and thoughts. The Princess Gina reflection tells Gina not to let Marlena really put her under. Gina clenches her fists to make sure she doesn't end up hypnotized for real. Gina tells Marlena that she's sees herself in her car, it is the day of John and Marlena's wedding and she is on her way to see John. The Princess Gina reflection tells Marlena that she's about to toy with her mind so badly that she will doubt everything she's ever believed in!

In France, Hope is still sick. Theresa wants to call the doctor again, but Kurt says no because the doctor gave him pills to break the fever, and as soon as she is better they will leave. As Kurt prepares to give Hope some pills, Claude and Theresa discuss Hope's condition in French. Claude tells her that Hope is truly ill and should be taken to the hospital immediately. Hope wakes up and Kurt gives her her pills. Claude tells Kurt that his wife must be taken to the hospital, so he is going to take her. Kurt stands in Claude's way and tells him that he can't allow him to do that. Kurt asks them to give the pills the doctor prescribed a chance to work. Theresa tells Claude to let them be for now, so the two of them leave. Hope asks what is going on? Kurt tells her that she's with him. Hope asks him why? Kurt tells her that he will take care of her and as long as she's with him she will be safe. Hope asks who she will be safe from? Kurt tells her that she is ill and may have an infection from when she fell into the river. Hope doesn't remember anything about herself or him.


November 12
At the hospital, Nancy scolds one of the female doctors for not having on makeup and a hairdo that looks like a robin's nest. The doctor asks Nancy what her problem is? Nancy replies "My problem is that you are a mess!" The doctor tells her that she just finished a long shift and doesn't give a damn how she looks. Nancy tells her that she better start giving a damn, in fact all the staff better start giving a damn or they'll find themselves standing in the unemployment line! Nancy walks off, and the female doctor asks a male doctor who that was? The man tells her that it was Nancy Wesley. Nancy continues walking around the hospital and commenting on everyone's appearance into her tape recorder.

Lexie is talking to Brandon about another chemo patient. Craig shows up and asks Brandon what he's doing here? Brandon says he works here. Craig was under the impression that he quit, and he tells Brandon that he has a big problem with him. Lexie tells Craig that Brandon is the only counselor who can keep some of the kids calm and under control while they get their chemo. Brandon tells Craig to talk with his patients parents, if they are unhappy then he'll quit. Brandon walks away, and Craig warns Lexie that if Brandon gets into any trouble, both of them will be fired!

Mike returns to the hospital and Alice is thrilled to see him. He asks how she is, she seems to be working hard. Alice says that busy hands are happy hands. Mike tells Alice that he's come to see Carrie, but Alice says she's gone home for the day. Mike intends to find Carrie, but tells Alice that he needs to talk to her about something first. Alice tells Mike that he seems like he is at peace. Mike says he is because he took some time to try and find himself. He says that he, Jeremy, and Robin worked things out. Alice asks Mike if he's decided anything about Carrie? Mike says he has, that is why he's come back here. Lexie sees Mike and is thrilled. She runs up to him and gives him a big hug. Lexie tells him that 99.9% of the staff would love to see him come back to work here. Before he can answer, Lexie is paged and has to run. Mike talks with Alice about Carrie and asks her if she's seen much of Carrie? ALice says not really, Carrie has thrown herself into her work and doesn't seem very happy. Mike thinks that is his fault, but Alice tells him that he meant no one any harm. She tells Mike that he is a good man, and wants to know if his future includes Carrie? Before he can answer, Lewis and Winston see Mike and welcome him back. Nancy and Craig also see him, and pretend that they're glad to see him back. Winston and Lewis have a meeting to go to, but tell Mike they'd like to talk to him over dinner. Craig asks Mike if he's staying? Mike says that depends on a lot of things. Mike has things to do, so he leaves. Alice tells Craig that she thinks everything will be fine now that Michael is back. Craig and Nancy go to see Winston and Lewis to ask them if Mike is returning to work? They say they really don't know at this time. Craig then asks if he was to return, how would it affect his position as COS? They tell him that they'd have to reassess the COS position.

On the basketball courts, John, Eric, Bo, and Shawn are playing a little basketball when a group of girls shows up. They challenge them to a game, but the guys turn them down. Shawn and Bo once again get into the argument about how he doesn't think his mom will want to marry his dad again. They starts arguing about how serious Hope's problems are, but their love with pull her through this. Shawn mouths off about love and his parents. When Bo says your first love never leaves you, Eric hopes that isn't true. Bo apologizes to Eric, but he says it is okay. John asks Eric if he's getting past Nicole? Eric says he's working on it. John and Bo both tell Eric that when it comes to love, if it is right then you'll know it. John tells Eric that he thinks everything with him and Greta will work out. Eric says Greta is an amazing girl, but she's not like Nicole. He says that he feels like he has to protect and take care of Greta when he's with her. John says that sounds like the right thing. Eric says that maybe it is. They then return to playing basketball.

In Marlena's office, Gina, who is supposed to be under hypnosis, tells Marlena that she sees herself in her car driving to meet John outside of Salem on his wedding day. Marlena asks why she is meeting outside of Salem? Gina claims that John suggested it. However, she says she was wrong, she suggested they meet there. Suddenly, Gina panics because Bo is chasing her in his car. She tells Marlena that she has to get away from Bo for some reason, she senses danger to her and John. The Princess Gina reflection in the mirror applauds Gina's performance and tells her to raise the stake. Gina says that the real danger to her and John is Stefano, she doesn't want him to know she is meeting John. Marlena doesn't understand why Stefano would care that she is giving John a wedding present, unless she is meeting it for some other reason. Gina says she only wanted to meet him to give him the gift. Marlena asks why Stefano would care? Gina tells her that she was working for Stefano at the time, and he didn't want her talking to John. Gina tells Marlena that she gave John her gift, and gave him information on Stefano. When Marlena says it is was a lovely gift, the Princess Gina reflection warns her not to give herself away! Gina tells Marlena that back on the mountain, she was telling John that he better get to the wedding or he'll be late. Marlena asks if John left after that? Gina says no, that he didn't want to go. She then begins to giggle and say "Oh John!" She says what John is doing feels so good, but he is getting married today. She continues to giggle and tells John, playfully, to stop it. Marlena asks "Hope" what is going on? Gina tells her that everything is a blank now and she starts moaning that she has to get her memory back. Marlena decides to stop her and counts to three to bring her back. MArlena asks her how she feels? Gina says she feels good, and asks Marlena if she remembered anything to put Stefano behind bars. Marlena says she didn't. Gina asks if she had any memories of her time as Gina? Marlena tells her she had a few, so Gina asks her to tell her what they were. Marlena tells her that she doesn't want to lead her memories. Gina tells her that she knows what's best, she is the doc. Gina tells Marlena that she hopes they can do this again soon, but MArlena thinks it is best they stick with her current anxieties. However, Gina thinks if they continue with hypnosis it could bring back all her memories. Marlena tells her that they will talk about it during her next session. Gina thanks her for everything and calls her her salvation, the key to her happiness. Marlena writes Gina a prescription for an anti-depressant, and Gina leaves. Gina's reflection in the door window tells her that it went much better than she expected. Back in her office, MArlena can't stop thinking about what "Hope" told her.

Carrie calls Austin and asks him to meet her at Tuscany to talk. Austin tells her if it is that important he will meet her. At Carrie's place, Sami returns to because she forgot her scarf, and she hears her sister on the phone with Austin through the door.

Sami goes home and finds Austin getting all dressed up. She asks him where he is going? He says he's going out to dinner with Carrie. He tells Sami that he really does want to be friends with her. Sami says she wants the same thing and she even went to see her, but Carrie was extremely bitter and angry towards her. Sami wonders what she'll say about her to Austin tonight. Austin tells her not to worry, if Carrie says anything bad he'll defend her. He tells Sami to smile, kisses her on the forehead, and asks her if she trusts him? Sami nods her head, so Austin takes off. After he's gone, Sami says she trusts Austin, but she doesn't trust Carrie.

Back at Carrie's place, Carrie slips into a very tight silver sequiny dress. She tells herself that this is way to flashy. She spends a lot of time trying on different dresses, and realizes she is turning into Sami. She tells herself is that she can't lead Austin on when she doesn't even know if she wants him back. She tells herself that she'll just distract him and turn him away from Sami.

Carrie and Austin meet up at Tuscany for dinner. Carrie says this feels weird, almost like their first date. However, it was at Johnny Angel's, not Tuscany. As they drink champagne, they remember when Austin bought them their first bottle of champagne. Austin tells Carrie that it isn't too late, they can still have a happy ending. Carrie is shocked, and Austin realizes that. Carrie says she didn't know how he felt about her, especially after his surgery. Austin tells Carrie that the reason he asked for Sami was to thank her for saving his life. However, Austin tells Carrie that she also saved him, she taught him how to love and trust. Austin tells her that she made him happy for the first time in his life. Carrie says "Until I betrayed our love." Austin tells Carrie that he has to take his share of the blame as well. Austin tells Carrie that they can either hold onto the pain, or close the door behind them and walk through one to a new life. Carrie says she doesn't know what to say. Austin asks Carrie to follow him, he wants to take her someplace.

Austin takes Carrie back to their apartment building roof. Carrie tells Austin that there is something she has to tell him, but he has something to tell her as well and wants to go first. Austin tells Carrie that he forgives her for everything, and he should have told her that a long time ago. He says that he is forgiving her because he loves her, and neither of them could move on if he didn't. He says that he wants them both to move on and be happy. Carrie asks him if he means with other people? Austin admits that back at Tuscany he thought about trying to turn back the clock, but realized it would never work. Carrie tells Austin that she's been unfair and wants to tell him why she called him. AUstin thinks he knows why, she wanted him to mend her broken heart. Austin tells Carrie that he wants to help her by being her friend, her very best friend. They hug, and both realize that they'll always love one another. Carrie puts her head on his chest and they just stand there. The shot pans over to the doorway where Mike is standing. He pulls out a box from his pocket which contains an engagement ring, but thinks it may never go on the finger of the woman he loves.

Sami goes to the hospital to see Brandon. She tells him that what he did took a lot of guts and she's proud of him. One of the doctors shows up and tells Brandon that a bunch of them have a bet on what he will do in his next fight, bite off his opponents ear? BRandon says he is through with boxing, but the doctor hopes that Dr. Wesley will make sure he's through at University Hospital because he's no role model for the children here. Brandon almost goes after the guy when he walks away, but Sami stops him and tells him that it's not worth it. Brandon hostilely tells Sami that he doesn't need her to protect him, and he walks away. Sami follows him and tells him that he is very rude. Sami tells Brandon that she understands how he feels because she's been where he is now. She urges him not to give up because those kids need him, and he should never doubt that. Brandon asks Sami if that is all she has to say? Sami tells him no, she misses him and wants him back as a friend. BRandon says he'd like that too. Sami tells Brandon that she and Austin are together now, and happy. Brandon tells her that happiness can be elusive. Sami wants to know what makes Brandon so unhappy, what made him lose control in the ring? Brandon doesn't want to talk about it. Sami tells him that she's glad to have her friend back, and gives him a hug. Brandon doesn't exactly look to happy.

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