Jewish Families from Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire







The Descendants of Selig and Clementine Goldschmidt 

Obituary written in the Frankfurter General Anzeiger:

Today, after a brief illness Mr. Selig Goldschmidt, the Head of the local, highly regarded antique firm J & S Goldschmidt, passed away in the 68th year of his life.  With him, our Town has lost one of its most splendid citizens, the arts an unceasing patron, whilst the poor and suffering bemoan the passing of a benefactor who practiced charity in a lavish, in fact, princely fashion.  With superior intelligence, keen business acumen, and in conjuction with a strict sense of justice, Selig Goldschmidt succeeded to raise the business founded by him, from small beginnings to its current world-wide reputation.  Thanks to these qualities, and his highly developed understanding of art, he grew to be a confidant of the famous collector--the late Baron Mayer Carl von Rothschild as well as of various other personages of noble descent.  Year after year Mr. Goldschmidt dispersed large sums of money for the furtherance of artistic endeavours and the support of institutions with idealistic purposes.  All charitable trusts were always generously remembered by him, and his confidential donations towards humanitarian funds are virtually unmatched, even in our City, well known for its charitability.  His kindly character showed in his personal, quite exceptional participation during the annual parties, when he gave individual gifts for 400 children of the Jewish Primary School he had founded, and always remembered with generous donations.  Though personally of strictly orthodox Jewish persuasion, his charity extended to all sufferers irrespective of religion or outlook.  Everybody will grieve at his passing and the City will retain for one of its finest citizens a truly treasured memory.

Selig Meier Goldschmidt, born 16 March 1828, Grebenstein, married 27 May 1857, in Frankfurt to Clementine Fuld (daughter of Herz Salomon Fuld and Caroline Schuster)  Selig died 13 January 1896 in Frankfurt. Selig was a successful businessman, philanthopist and patron of the arts.

Clementine Fuld

*When his children urged Selig Goldschmidt to retire from business, he replied "This is impossible for me.  There may well be enough to live on, both for you and myself, but I must certainly continue to work for my poor people, because for them I need a great deal of Maaser."

Their children were:

Helene Goldschmidt, born 28 February 1858, Frankfurt, married 9 June 1876 to Leon Tedesco (son of Giacomo Tedesco and Therese Cerf) Helene died 21 October 1942 in Marseille.

Flora Goldschmidt, born 17 March 1859, Frankfurt, married 22 March 1878, to Emil Schwarzschild (son of Emanuel Schwarzschild and Rahel Fraenkel) Flora died 17 June 1922 inFrankfurt.

Hedwig Goldschmidt, born 27 February 1861, Frankfurt, married 7 March 1880 to Herman Hirsch Cramer, from Thundorf, Germany, (son of Jacob Cramer and Caroline Fürth)  Hedwig died 19 November 1934 in Frankfurt.

Recha Goldschmidt, born 11 June 1863, Frankfurt, married 23 October 1881 to Alfred Schwarzschild (son of Isaac Jacob Schwarzschild and Rosalie Kulp) Recha died 3 March 1929 in Frankfurt.

Meier Selig Goldschmidt born 6 October 1865 in Frankfurt, married 24 March 1889 to Selma Cramer (daughter of Salomon Cramer and Therese (Röschen) Oppenheimer)  Meier died 24 October 1922 in Frankfurt.

Johanna Goldschmidt, born 18 December 1867, Frankfurt, married 26 June 1887 to Adolph Stern, from Ziegenhain, (son of Salomon A. Stern and Sarah Goldschmidt)  Johanna died 2 June 1937 in Frankfurt.

** One Friday afternoon the Czar of Russia visited the shop of J. & S. Goldschmidt.  With the approach of Sabbath the business had to close and therefore Selig Goldschmidt turned to the Czar's escort, asking him to convey to the Czar that further service was impossible.  As a result, the Czar left without delay, but early on Sunday morning the Czar sought Selig Goldschmidt's visit, commended his piety and bought a number of other items.


Selig's Children

The children of Selig and Clementine Goldschmidt


Goldschmidt Family Tree
The Goldschmdit Family in Oberlistingen
Goldschmidt Photo Album
The Descendant of Meyer Goldschmidt 
The Descendants of Seligmann Goldschmidt

Julius Goldschmidt

Harry Fuld

Peter Fuld

Max Hackenbroch


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