Canadian Cafe
125 E. Colorado Blvd., Monrovia  626-303-2303
Type: Canadian fast food
Quality: !!!  Price: $-$$  Ambience: **

I am taking a leap of faith by accepting their claim that they serve Canadian-style cooking, because I wouldn't be able to recognize Candian cooking if my life depended on it.  The Canadian hamburger were really good.  It comes with a thin slice of grilled honey ham on top of the beef patty.  I actually had the Junior Canadian Burger.  It's only 1/4 pounds of beef, which is plenty for me.  The regular Canadian Burger has a single 1/2 pound patty.  We also had Poutine fries, which consists of white cheddar cheese curds sprinkled on top of the fries.  Poutine sauce (I have
no idea what it is) is then poured on it to melt the curds.  It was very tasty.  Other than that, they serve hot dogs and sandwiches; you get popcorn for the appetizer.  You can get a basket meal (Jr. Canadian Burger, fries, and cole slaw) for about $5.  The regular Canadian Burger also costs about $5, but you won't get the fries and cole slaw.  The staff is exceptionally friendly.  During our last visit, you could actually use Canadian currency here, which is a convenient way to get rid of loose change after visiting Canada.  This is easily one of the better hamburger places around.  They are closed Sundays.
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