For the Digital World... things had changed.  After all we'd been though, we had finally acieved our goal.  All Digimon were now free.  Free from hurt, pain, death and because of this we are now free also.  Free from our responsibilities here...  here in the Digital World.  Now the Digimon have left us... and we have left them.  Only in the pages of a child's story book  would you find.a journey even romotely like ours.  Only in the pages of a story book would your mind be submerged in a tale about twelve children who saved an entire world.  Yet here we are.  We did it.  We went through a series of pain-series of joy along the way and by accepting each of these tasks we were able to make it to where we are know.  We are the Digidestined.  The spires have fallen, the scars half healed...  And life goes on!

"Davis!"  Davis turned his head in response to his name, "ow man you nearly gave me a sever case of whiplash, what?"  Takaru smiled, "nothing, just wanted to see if you were still with us, do you always day dream that much?"  Davis sneered, "very funny T.K!"  He quickly cupped his hands over his mouth realizing the huge mistake he had just made.  Davis would never live this one down.  All of the other digidestined were rolling with laughter.  "So you finally got it right, eh?" Takaru asked while on his side.  "Arh, go ahead and laugh!" Davis said as he slumped on to the trunk of the weeping willow the group was sitting under and sulked.  Hikari got up and gingerly placed her left  hand on his shoulder, "cheer up Davis, we're just laughing with you!"  Having come for Hikari, those words would have cheered Davis up... had he been laughing.

The sun was setting in the Digital Wrold as well as in the real world which was an early warning sign telling the group that they should be heading back home.  Yamato, Koushiro, Iori, and Davis wathced the other leave.  Sora left with Taichi, Mimi left with Joe, Hikari left with Takaru, and Miyako left with Ken.  Davis watched them leave and a smile spread across his face.  One of the biggest joys Digiworld had brought was the becoming of those four pairs.  Even though Davis always knew he would lose to Takaru which he did, he still thought it was beautiful to watch the couples walk through the sunset together when he, himself had know one.

"Well here we are, we're the losers, guys" Yamato said even though he was grinning.  Davis scuffed, "you said it."  "Well I could always bring Jun here- -" Yamato started.  "- -No, no, and no!" Davis yelled.  Yamato laughed "I totally agree with you on this one Davis" he said though his eyes told Davis otherwise.  "Well I'm talking to this girl via chat room," Koushiro said.  "Really?" Yamato asked with a sly tone to his voice.  Koushiro grinned and returned Yamato's sly glare, "no, I was just kidding I have have no one."  Iori grinned and looked up at the sky.  "You guys shouldn't waste your time brooding about your love live.   Maybe I'm to young to understand but I think you should just sit back and enjoy bachlerhood."  Those words sounded strange coming from Iori and that mello voice of his but he did make some sense, if not a lot of sense.  "Well lets go, I have early practice tomorrow" Yamato said folding his arms behind his head and walked down the grassy knoll.  Davis and the others ran to catch up, the moon was smiling upon them and the sky ilumnated with darkness, beautiful black sky.

Ken sat at his computer desk, his head supported by one hand.  It was hard to get away work done when Leafmon's snoring was oddly absent.  It was hard saying goodbye to Wormmon, but it was one of those toils of life, perhaps one of the hardest yet for Ken.  He still had Miyako which was wonderful, he loved her, but still there was blackness in his heart where true happiness never was and never will be.  Ken looked at his computer screen where there was just lines and lines of boring black font.  It was hard for him to believe that he had once buried himself in this junk, now it was just plain hypnotic, making he want to sleep.  Ken looked toward his bed ladder and it was just a ladder to long.  He gingerly push the computer further toward the wall and cradled his head in his arms.  He looked up at his bed where leafmon used to be, sighed, and feel a sleep.

Mr. Ichijouji walked though his family's apartment switching off lights that had been left on before he went to bed.  Mrs. Ichijouji heard him coming switched of the lamp she was reading by.  This startled Mr> Ichijouji a bit but once he found out it was his wife he laughed at his own coward-ness.    The two met and kissed each other and started to giggle as most lovers do.  Mrs. Ichijouji put her index finger to her lips, "shhh, we'll wake up Ken."  The two gently push Ken's door open and peered in to the silent room.  It was completely dark accept for the glow coming from the laptop screen which shown upon their sleeping son.  The two parents smiled at each other and they proceeded toward Ken.  Mr. Ichijouji gently picked him up and the Mrs. saved the work that was on the screen and countinued to the shut down process. 

As she moved the courser toward the "start bar" a window appeared on the screen and the laptop itself made a low rumbling noise.  She watched the window and pictures of six figures flashed in front of her face.  The pictures were moving so fast, she could barely make out the images.  One looked like a tall black figure with long arms, the second looked like a slender ape of some sort, the third looked like young, male vampire, the fourth looked like a freighting court jester, the last looked like a young boy wearing a respectable blue suit and cape, and the last looked like a woman dressed in crimson.  Then the window closed and the laptop shut of automatically.

Mrs. Ichijouji hopped she hadn't erased a game of some sort that her son had been playing, she just didn't think she could handle the thought of having her son go through more grief no matter how small.  With one last look at the computer she waited until her  husband had put her son to sleep and the two walked out together and went to bed themselves.
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