Who Stole Her Pink?
One girls search for answers...
By: Raye Tajiri
          Mimi.  ( I know another Mimi case) She, herself alone, was the little girl who was sent to Digiworld.  Her favorite color is pink.  She wanted a pink digivice.  She got grey.  Her gloves were brown.  Only her hat was pink.  Where did all her pink go?  Could the short supply of that color be the leading cause of her PMS style tantrums?  Lets investigate.
Our Girl.  Here she is with only a pink hat to show off her favorite thing in the world.  The color pink.  Oy.  Moving on.

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Voodoo Doll
Don't steal these!  Get your own!
A hat!?!  That's it?
I spy something pink on a tomboy... what a strange find.
Mimi's bestfriend in Digiworld, There's Sora Takenouchi.  Note those gloves they are pink and not Mimi's.  So begins out tale...

Voodoo Doll - ->
          As time in Digiworld passed, the Digimon digivolved to new Digimon...right.  Tanemon started out green.. turned into Palmon and remained...green.  Sora's Digimon, Yokomon, on the other hand, started out pink... turned into Biyomon and remained... pink.  There's something wrong here...
          Things were getting pretty strange and Mimi was getting pretty pissed.  She chose to show she anger though mindless comments and whinning.  None of the others noticed the diffrence in the least.  Then the ragtag group started collecting crests.  They each got one and Mimi's was... green.  Sora didn't get one right away, Ha ha!  BUT!  But.. when Sora did get her's it was...pink... The envy rises...  
Little bugger..
         Finally years passed but with time that hat grew small... Mimi was left with only one option... The hair must take over for the hat.  And so a strawberry blond was born.  Sora's crest along with the others had been destroyed and her pink gloves were now a thing of the past!  Sora had nothing to do with the color!  Mimi was queen of Pink agian, her digivice was still grey.... but she was da queen baby!  But her happiness was not to last....  For along came ...

Voodoo Doll - ->
Only on Mimi...
Hikari.. she is all that is pink.  A title that is destined for another gal. 
HIKARI!  She wasn't very pink when she was little, just had pink pants... and a scarf, and a... crest.  But now.... But now she has a pink hair pin, gloves (the gloves agian!), shirt, and boots!  But what really irks Mimi is.... 

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Voodoo Doll
THE PINK DIGIVICE!  THE ONE MIMI ALWAYS WANTED!  But will never have...  But the pain goes on... 
PINK!  This is getting way out of hand..
Come on people this is really all Mimi ever wanted!... Well not really but...
Kenneth Ichijouji was Digidestined number three to rake in a pink crest.  AND HE'S A HE, and a cute one at that *wink wink*!  On the irony.  This is where, if not sooner, we come to see that the Digiworld hates Mimi.  Oh the poor thing.. the poor, poor- -screw it.
Look's crimson, but it is pink.
          So ends one of the saddest chapters in Digital History.  Mimi is doing well.  The rido-lin is at it's best now-a-days.  All I can say is God-speed Miss Mimi... God-speed.

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