The Bleak Future of Mimi Tachikawa

10 most common things she'll say everyday.
9. "This Viagria just isn't working."
8. "I wonder if "Just for Men" works on women?"                                                                                
7. "Hey pal, got a quarter?"
6. "I like me."
5. "No I don't."
4. "When did this skirt become so small?"
3. "Yolei, what do you see in that Kenny-boy?"
2. "Why couldn't I have turned out as respected as Sora?"
1. "I am Mimi Tachiwa." *weeps uncontrolably*

4 most items she'll use.     
4. A huge tree
3. A long rope
2. A noose
1. A break-away chair

10 most valuble items she'll own.
10. Diet pills
9. More diet pills.
8. Some more diet pills.
7. Just a little more diet pills.
6. Pictures of Jyou. (If you call that valuble)
5. A strand of Yolei's hair.  (agian...)
4. The same stars she wore in her hair at 14.
3. That slut outfit Micheal always used to tell her to wear.
2. That *cringe* pink cowboy hat.
1. Just one more diet pill.

10 most common things other people will say to her everyday.
10. "Heres a dime, go buy yourself something nice deary."
9. "Can't you read!?!"
8. "No shirt, no shoes, no service ma'ma."
7. "Ages 3-6 only miss."
6. "Miss, I really suggest you try a larger size."
5. "Prehaps later doll face, papa's feeling lucky tonight at the slots"
4. "Your good looking and all but I'm not paying that kind of money."
3. "Our records say your last name is Tacchiwa, not Inoue ma'am."
2. "We no longer sell "pink cowboy hats" here."
1. "We no longer sell pink hair die either."

5 Jobs she'll look into
5. Grave digger
4. Morge watcher
3. Headstone carver
2. Bodybag maker
1. Open a Day Care

Not pretty is it?  The moral of this story, boys and girls, is get some smarts in that head of yours.  Or if this was in anyway inspiering, go die your hair strawberry-blond you silly gosse!
Mimi Tachikawa.  Young... female... well that's about it.  Most of us know Mimi as the digidestined with the bad voice strain or the pinky without the brian.   Yolei and Jyou think she's the most beuatiful thing on God's green earth but just how long can it last?  Four years max?  Today we will take a stroll in the the future and see what little miss sexy miss messy has  in store for her.  After all... Nothing lasts forever.
That's right... drink away your sorrows while you can.
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