Dicalmer: No, I don't own Digimon.  Stop asking.

Unforgotten Remains: Part 5
By: Michelle Baruar

Almost as quickley as it happened, the kids where on the ground in the digital world. Davis looked confused. "Hey, Kari, you where one of the original digidestined," Davis said, "And Tai said that you guys spent a lot of time on File Island, so how do we get to the temple?" "Oh, I wasn't here to go to File Island, but hey, TK did, oh wait, he isn't going to help that much, is he?" They all shook their heads. With no clue which way to go, they just headed north. For some reason, Ken recognized the area. He didn't want to say anything about it though, so he kept on walking. Soon, the digidestined came upon Primary Village. Ken finally recognized it. "Hey, you guys, I've been here before, I know where to go! This is where I got Wormmon back!" "Cool, Ken!" shouted Yolei, "Do you know where the temple is?" "No," said Ken, "but I do know someone who might be able to tell us where it is." He motioned over to the baby digimon in their tiny little cradles. Kari approached them with caution. "Um, hello there little baby digimon, you are oh so very cute!" she started off with. "Do any of you happen to know where the temple is?" One of the little digimon stated, "Yes, I know where that is! Just follow the sign over there that says 'TO TEMPLE' and points to the left." "Thanks!" said Kari. Of course. It just had to be plastered all over a sign so they could feel nice and stupid. But, you have to admit, they did get there with record timing. The great temple stood massively over them. "Wow," said Cody, totally awestruck. They entered the temple and proceded to look for TK. "Hey, wait!" said Ken. "What is it now?" asked Kari a little bit annoyed. Ken looked offended, and then shook it off, "if time has stopped, how come the little digimon could talk to us?" Patamon, who had been quiet for an awful long time now, piped up and said, "I'll go back and ask them what they know about this time-warp thingy!" He then promptly flew off. He was soon back to primary village. He noticed that all of the baby digimon were frozen, but the one that had talked to them was no where in sight. "That's strange," thought Patamon. He glanced over at the cradle which had held the baby digimon, when he noticed a note inside of it. He picked it up and read it. It said,

When you arrive at the Temple, proceed directly left. Continue until you reach a huge room. Take the first door on the left. You will find a safe in a room at the end of the tunnel. The key is in the first room to the right of the great big room, under the book titled The End Of Two Worlds. Use that key to un-lock the door. Once the door is opened, proceed down the long hallway. Take the next three turns left. You will come into another large room. Inside this room is a bookcase. Pull out the book Michelle Is The Best Digific Writer Ever and the bookcase will reveal a secret passage of tunnels. TK is in those tunnels. Find him and be on your way.

Instructions! Patamon could hardly believe it. Semimon had been the little digimon that had helped them in the first place. And now that Patamon thought about it, the sign that had told them were the temple was located was now missing. That had to have been Semimon as well. Patamon hurried back to the children waiting on the outside of the temple. They followed the directions, and made it to the secret passage of tunnels in a little under 2 hours (it would've gone even faster if Yolei hadn't stopped everytime she saw a spiderweb to make sure a spider hadn't landed on her). The tunnels looked endless. They decided to split up into four different groups and assigned parts of the tunnels to look through. Cody had the south. Kari and Yolei had the north. Davis had the east and Ken had the west. "We'll keep in touch with the D3's and the D-terminals." said Davis, "so that no one can get lost." They were all about to split up when they saw a deathly familiar figure lingering in the corners, glaring at them. The evil shadow of TK said monochantly, "Take another step and both worlds will perish." What does TK mean when he says that? Will the digidestined ever find the good TK? Can anything else go wrong?
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