Disclaimer: Don't own Digimon

Unforgotten Remains: Part Three
By Michelle Bruar

The digidestined looked throught the empty air absolutely spell-bounded. They hadn't just seen TK dangling from the arms of a dark creature of the digital world had they? But in reality, they had. Knowing that they needed to regroup, they set their sites for the real world. Their digimon were tired and hungry. They figured the only reason to explain for TK's dissapearance was to tell his mother and father the truth about what happened and see what their reaction was. It didn't look to sturdy, to tell the truth. But, Davis and the others hoped that maybe with the help of the older digidestined they could get TK back. They opened the digi-port, and headed home. But what they found in the real world was more awful than TK being captured. Time in the real world had frozen. All the people that were walking the sidewalks had stopped in mid-step, and all of the cars had screeched to a sudden halt. Even the birds were hanging in the air. Just as the digidestined tried to comprehend what was happening, the sky darkened. It almost looked like a storm had moved into town in 5 seconds. All of the digimon digivolved and the kids went home to check on their families. Everyone, even Tai and Matt, who had been original digidestined, had been locked into time. Almost an hour had passed since the skies darkened before all of the digidestined had met back up at Odiba Elementary. They were beginning to share their results when, they saw TK walking down the road! Except, TK was wearing all black, and his skin was grey. And transparent. "TK, what's wrong?" asked Kari. TK stopped, glanced at them, and to the digidestines horror, threw a ball of energy he somehow had formed out of thin air at them. It barely missed. "You'd better run, or else next time I won't miss!" said TK. His voice sounded cold, and, EVIL! "Hey, TK, why did you shot that, that thing at us? I don't understand what's going on here!" screamed Yolei. "Simple," said TK. "You run or stay, I don't mind, either way, I'll destroy you." "Ok, TK, that's enough!" said Ken. "Yeah, dude, what's gotten into you?" said Davis. TK didn't answer this time, instead he just grinned and shot another energy ball at them. This one hit Gatomon dead on. She went spiraling through the air. Kari screamed and went after her. Gatomon shook her head and said, "You guys, I think I'm ok!" "That's enough now. We didn't want to do this, but you leave us no choice TK. We hope this brings you to your senses." exclaimed Cody, as he motioned Ankylomon to attack. Ankylomon shot one spike at TK, and to eveyone's surprise it passed right through him. "WHAT'S GOING ON?" cried Davis. "ExVeemon, DNA digivolve!" Pretty soon, Paildramon was facing TK one on one. He shot at TK with his Desperado Blaster attack, but these, just as previous attacks, passed right through him. He shot one last energy ball at Paildramon, which reduced him to Leafmon and Chibumon. Then, in a blink of a second, he vanished. "What just happened?" asked Ken. "You just faced off with a shadow of your friend TK." answered someone from above. Then, a white light enveloped the digidestined and carried them off into the sky. What was wrong with TK? Who was talking to the digidestined? Why did time stop? What will happen next?
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