Disclaimer: Don't own Digimon so don't sue

Unforgotten Remains
By: Michelle Bruan

"Do you know who I really hate?" asked Davis. "Who?" asked TK. Kari, Ken, Cody, and Yolei glanced up as well. "I really hate this stupid Enstein guy. I mean, talk about boring!" "Davis, don't complain too much about these end-of-the-year papers," said Ken, "becuase you could've been stuck with," Ken paused to open his book. "Elegando Quzchef." "Who's he?" asked Yolei. "When I find out, I'll be sure to let you know." answered Ken. The children where taking a break from destroying dark towers for once and where going to the digital world to do their papers. All schools in Tokyo had the same assignment, write about a famous so and so. After begging and pleading with the digimon, Veemon and the others went off to do something so that they could get some work done. "No use fighting evil if we have to spend all summer at summer school right?" Kari had said before leaving. They were all hoping to get their research done and a outline of their papers done before they left today to get a good headstart so they could fight some evil tomorrow. For awhile all of the children were silent as they read. But, all of a sudden an ear piercing scream echoed through the forest. "What was that?" asked Cody. "Only one way to find out." said Davis. They all ran off, leaving their papers scattered all over the ground. I guess they weren't too interested in picking up at the time. They got in the premisis where the scream had originated from. But there was no sign of life whatsoever, no struggle was even apparant. This confused the children as they walked back. They decided to move to a different location, so they called for their digimon. But, what they got was even more disturbing. The digimon didn't answer back. The digidestined spent the next hour-an-a-half searching for their digimon partners. It was starting to get late and they had no idea where they were. "Veemon, where are you buddy?" asked Davis one last time before the obvious became apparant. The digidestined had to leave, or else their parents would wonder where they were and would never let them come back to the digital world. They would have to leave their digimon behind until tomorrow. This worried them, but they knew they had to do it. That night went by endlessly. More than one digidestined spent it watching paid programs. School was even slower. No one could concentrate. All of the digidestined gathered in the computer lab after school and prepared to go to the digital world. Ken, who was on the other side of town, silently crept into the computer lab at his school and did the same. Just as all of them prepared to open the gate, an e-mail was sent to all of them via the D-terminals. It was titled Digimon Captives so the children read it. It read as follows.

Dear Digidestined,
We have your digimon. And we will not release them until you give us what we want. If you don't give us what we want, we will be forced to destroy them and come after you until we get what we want. You can't win so give it up. You are no match for us so don't bother coming to the digital world until you have prepared our item we wish to trade. And if you try to battle us you will only succeed in dying.

Sweat ran down the digidestines' faces. What was it that whoever just written them wanted? And how where they going to get back their digimon? What will happen next?
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