Discalmer: Don't own Digimon.


Author's notes: Hi there, here is the second part of Tandokukaiken since you asked so nicely ^_^. I was planning to hold off on it for a week or so, but then I had to go and re-sprain my ankle (I just sprained it four weeks ago 0_o). But it's cool, since my mom let me take a day off school. Anyway, I've got more shounen-ai for you, please r&r. Also, this is kinda the midway point between part 1 and the (lightening flashes, and scary music plays)ending; so it's pretty short. Well, that's all I've got to say.

Okay, so this is around the seventh time I've snuck into one of his
rehearsals, I think it's about time to do something about my little obsession. Otherwise I turn into one of those freaky stalkers who track their prey's every move and keep charts and stuff like that. Frightening. Anyway, I shouldn't even be stressing, right? I mean, he did say he liked me, so this should be easy. Yeah, that's right. Easy.

His singing is shit today, I wonder why. Maybe he's too preoccupied because he's thinking about me? Naw.

Why the hell did I say I was sorry? I should've just grabbed the stupid kid
and frenched him like I've wanted to for, I dunno, ever. I shouldn't have walked out like that; it was a bad move. You would think I would have trusted him enough to actually wait for his response- whatever it might have been. Now he'll never say anything, since he
probably thinks I'm ashamed or something like that. Which I might just be, but that's not the point! The point is he's the one with the crest of courage so why hasn't he come storming in here and dragged me offstage to the nearest empty classroom heh, never mind.

I definitely wish I wouldn't have said I liked him-just liked him- 'cause I don't. I'm in love with leaderboy, for real. But hey, I'm Yama Ishida, one of those teen idol thingies, right? And what kind of teen idol can't even get the guy he wants? Not me.

Of course now I realize that while I've been absorbed in my own thoughts, I
was supposed to be concentrating on singing, seeing as it's a rehearsal and all. But, hey! My personal life is more important than my music, right? I don't think my manager thinks so. Meep!

So after the rehearsal, I was up on the stage, putting my guitar away, when
Tai shows up out of nowhere. Okay, well maybe not out of nowhere, I kind of wasn't paying attention. I did know that he actually showed up, which is
big, seeing as I wasn't expecting him to remain in the same galaxy after our
little interview.

"Hey Matt."

"Yo. What do you want?" Oh, that's great, Matt. Be an ass.

"Oh, nothin".  Luckily being an ass around Tai doesn't effect him, lucky me.

"I was just wondering if you're busy."

Well isn't this intriguing. "Not really."

He smiled, "Good, come on."

I jumped off the stage and we started to walk out of the school, "So, what exactly are we doing?"

He got this weird look on his face that told me he hadn't thought that part through yet, typical.

"You don't know?"

"Actually, I'm pretty sure I do. I'm going to kidnap you for the whole day."

Cute. "Okay then, I'm in."

"It's not like you have a choice, Ishida." He said, winking at me.
*Engage Blush*

"Well I guess not, but why me?"

"Cause you need a break. Those big dark bags under your eyes don't make you as attractive as you might think."

*Disengage Blush, Engage Deathglare*
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