Author's notes: Hi again! Tandokukaiken (wow that's a mouthful) is Japanese for "an exclusive interview" for those of you who were wondering ^_^. Anyway, this is a fluffy shounen-ai- just as a warning to the bible-thumpers out there. Oh, and does anyone know if they have Fruit Loops in Japan? Somehow I doubt it.

Disclaimer: Digimon and its characters don't belong to me, so there.

***So with all that said, enjoy!***

I forget why I joined the school newspaper staff to begin with; it must have
been a good reason though, because it kept me in for almost a year. The day I decided I was
going to quit the club was, naturally, the same day the teacher who oversees everything found out I was friends with Matt, whose band had become really popular over the winter.

So when I walked in her classroom to tell her I wasn't going to write for her anymore, she ignored what I was saying, handed me a list of questions, told me to interview "that one singer that all of the girls like", and kicked me out of the room: what justice. I finally decided to interview him and write the story just as a last favor to the teacher, so I got a hold of Matt and arranged everything.

"Hiya Matt."

"Hey." He's been kind of depressed lately, it's not that surprising; Jun has been on the prowl.

"So, I'm going to ask you some one word answer question thingies first, they're for a little bio-box."

"I have no objections," he said.

"Okay, so what's your favorite cereal?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"C'mon, Matt, these questions aren't supposed to be serious, it's just for fun."

"Fine then," He considered for a minute, then said, "Fruit Loops."

I started snickering and he raised an eyebrow at me. I just could not see Matt and Toucan Sam getting along. Of course, he was looking at me like I was totally insane so I stopped laughing and said, "Cute," but I wasn't able to manage to wipe the grin off my face.

Matt shook his head at me with a smile, "I hope you aren't planning to do that every time I answer one of your questions, 'cause this'll take forever."

"Sorry, it's just never mind." It's weird, but it seems like everything about Matt drives girls crazy.

I knew this for a fact since a had heard Jun talking for two straight hours
about everything she loves about Matt, which ranged from his voice- which I can understand,
there's no denying the guy can sing too, and this is for real, the way he cracks his knuckles. Now that is wrong.
I could already hear her in my head; saying 'Oh wow, Fruit Loops, that is SO
adorable!' And having Jun's voice in your head is never a good thing. I wonder if he knows that he does that to people, uh, I mean, girls.

"Okay, Ishida, what's your favorite drink?" I asked him, scribbling down his last answer.

"Napa Valley Chardonnay."

"Matt! Be serious!"

"I thought this 'wasn't supposed to be serious'."

I pouted until he threw up his hands in exasperation and said, "Chocolate milk, is that good enough for you, Tai?!"

"It works," I answered, sticking out my tongue.

Matt smirked, "Watch it, Taichi, or one day someone will take you up on that offer."

"Ha." I replied sarcastically.

"Seriously though, why aren't you getting any attention lately? The soccer team's beaten the hell out of all the other teams you've faced but no one's been after you for interviews or anything like that?" Wow, he noticed. I had no idea he even cared about me- I mean, that is I had no idea he cared about that. Heh.

"Hey, Matt, I'm just going to skip the rest of these bio-box questions."

He tilted his head just enough to one side to make him look questioning, "How come you didn't answer my question?"

"Oh, sorry," I guess I was letting my mind get away from me, "I guess no one
really cares too much about soccer, what with a gorgeous blonde singer running around."

"Oh, I see. You're blaming it on me now?" At first I thought he was serious,
but I caught a teasing glimmer in his eyes and relaxed. "Why are we skipping the questions?"

"Huh? Oh, because I know exactly how you would answer."

He looked pretty skeptical, "Really? Prove it."

I grinned, and looked down the list that the teacher had given me. "Okay then. Favorite color: black to wear, blue to see," he nodded in agreement, so I went on, "favorite instrument: harmonica, favorite band: his own, favorite food: chocolate in general, favorite animal: wolf: I could keep going," I said.

"You proved your point, so what's next?"

I looked down at the list of questions. "Look's like the actual questions I'll use in my story, the
ones that require some thought. So I guess that's to bad for you." I said with a grin.

"Idiot." He answered.



"Loser," by this time we were both smiling.


"Hey now, what would all of your fans think if they heard you talking like that?"

Matt laughed, "They'd think I was the cutest guy in the world just like they
always have."

I would of said something to the effect of 'how come I didn't think he was
cute, even though I was his fan' but I was starting to question the truth as far as that was
concerned. That is- the fan part, definitely not the part about him being really, really, really.Oh shit. Just forget I said anything.

"So, first question, why did you turn gothic?

"Umdoes a horrible home life work?"

"Oh, come on, you can't make them up."

"Well it sounds better then 'one day I woke up and felt like wearing black, then the same thing
happened the next day'."

"Well, that works for me," I said, and wrote it down.


I just laughed. "Okay next question!"

By the time we got to the last question, over two hours had gone by. Matt was
expecting his manager to come storming into the room any minute now, demanding I be hung,
or beaten, or shot, or all of the above, for making Matt miss a band rehearsal. But he didn't seem to mind.

"Alrighty, last question. What would you want everyone to remember you by?"

"My hair."

"Matt! Be serious."

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"Okay, how about this: If I was to be taken away and you were never going to
see me again, what would you want me to remember you saying?"

He was quiet for a while, then looked up at me, "Um I guess I would want you
to remember me saying this: I really, really like you, Tai, and not as a friend. Sorry."

He got up and walked out of the room, I never got the chance to respond.
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