"Shut up Gabumon, and remember this hermonica hurts!"
"Whoa, Koushiro, shes super nekkid and her looks don't hurt either, you know I've always thought Mimi was a pretty girl."
Awww, the gillagan hat is so cute.
"Buddys".  Agian.
Peace out!
Iori is frowning while Armadilliomon is smiling... 
I mean really people, why are there so many digimon pages out there?  Why so much (or so little) products?  Why, why, why?  Well I'll tell you slick, it's because we the fans make it 10% of what it is!  And Toei does the rest.  Who does the fanart?  We do.  Who does the fanfiction?  We do.  Who makes the Digimon sites? We do.  And who, I say who makes all the yoai and yuri!?!  We do my friends and I enjoy knowing that.  Lets take a look at the show that gives us and millions of our nations childern yaoi content every minute!

Digimon 01: The season that refuses to die

Ah, 01 had many
unremarkable charcters such as Hikari....  And then there was all the good chacters like Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koushiro, Mimi, Jyou, and Takeru.  These were the ones we remember as the original digidestined.  Those butting young kids paved the way for 02 gang.  The Digimon where.... well... there was Patamon.... Patamon's cute.  The Plot lines were.... well... they were good.  I mean, there was Devimon who put "balck gears" into minor digimon.  The cold truth is, if you got a balck gear stuck in your ass, you'd be dead and if it didn't kill you, you'd go on a 24/7 killing jamboree untill you got some poor sap to get it too!  I know I would.  Then there was Etemon which in my opion needed some pants... BADLY.  I know he was a so called monkey, but come on.... I know what I saw... and agian millions of childern saw.  I'm sorry but... man, how in the hell did foxkids get away with that?  Moving on, next was Myotismon.  He was okay but... good goddess he brought HIKARI into the show with him.  Big mistake on his behalf.  *sigh* At the very least the True group (no Hikari) got out of that digiworld of maddness but then went striaght back agian... willingly.  Gatomon was a good addition to the team but... not Hikari... I'm sorry but... what were the writers thinking?  She's so... boring and shes a goody2shoes.  What's not to hate?  A good friend of mine, Puppetmisstress, has seen the light and know's that Hikari isn't it.  If you hate Hikari, hey, more power to you.  Last there was the Dark Masters.  It was good but I hated Piedmon.  Why?  Ever since I was a young inoccent child (believe it) I have hated clowns... they scare poor Raye.  With their ballons of all the colors in the rainbow and those shoes, the pinstriped bodysuits... the hair... the laughing... my crying... I hate em....    Oh man where was I?   Yeah then there was the bitter sweet goodbye and then came the end...  Wasn't season one grand?

Digimon 02: Bold new rookies!

This is a really great season!  But Hikaris's back....  I still think Myotismon is a failure for not doing away with her.  8th child, what were they thinking!?!  Something with rocket ships and rabid chimps would have been better for pete's sake!  OY!  Anyway The other new digidestined, Davis (like him), Yolei (like her), Iori (like him too), Older T.K. (always liked Takeru), and Ken ( love him), united they stand, defenders of justice, do gooders, and in other words, total suckers.  The series starts off with ours truely, Ken as the all powerful, fearsome, 11-year-old tyrant, the Digimon Kaizer.  Now this was history in the making for yoai fans, because Kensuke was born!  *sniff*  Im-I'm sorry, I have something in my eye.... so beautiful.  There was the wonderful soccer game.. yup.  But then there was...  THE FIGHT.  I can not express how much I loved that kinky fight between Ichijouji and Motamiya.  Oh, blank DVDs' are a wonderful, beautiful thing.  That way I can play it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ovaer and- -*  Opps.  *swaet drop*  You know to much....  Oh well.  After Wormmon sucessfully converts Ken to the "Light", He doesn't join the team.  That just goes to show he's not a idiot like Hikari. "Hey Hikari wanna join us on pointless missions in a world more boring then your own?"  "Yeah okay."  Okay, here's the part where we enter 2 more evil Digimon...  Just like all four parts of 01, oy vey.  Yeah, I think the best thing about this part is (and to all you eight-year-old-boys, it is NOT Blackwargreymon.) is Mummymon.  I think it's cute how he's in love with the Digimon in the crimson dress and purple sunglasses, if you know what I mean.  I think his laugh is funny also.   Well gee, looks like if I go much further I'm gonna spoil it for the sissys who don't read spiolers.  Well it's been fun, had alot of laughs?  In short, I like all the digidestined (Ken!) execpt Hikari.  Her crest is the crest of "light", so why doesn't she go toward it?

Untill the digidestined do something else stupid, Ado..  Back all ready!?!
- -Raye Tajiri

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