It was like any other day at Highton View Terrace summer camp, warm, fun, like every year before it� you know, just like on TV.  I had only been there two days, TWO DAYS when things took a fateful turn.  Sudden weather changes, strange devices, unexplained happenings, how did a guy like me get involved in all this?

Soccer had to be one of the funniest things about summer camp.  Guys and Gals alike could join in on the fun anytime and Tai Kamiya was no exception!  �Hey Tai you comin?�  A boy wearing blank white T-shirt and red shorts was standing with other boys and girls (who were dressed somewhat the same) at the foot of a bunk bed that was 3 beds high.  They could here the grunts and weak struggles of someone else on the top bunk.
A boy; fourteen years of age was pulling a shirt over his head and tying his shoes at the same time, but unfortunately got stuck in the process.  He rolled about on his bed, dealing with his problem in an idiotic sort of fashion.  �Hold on� almost got it� THERE!� Tai said.  He leaned back in satisfaction on getting a job done the stupid way with no major problems, only to realize he had nothing to lean back on to.

CRASH!  Everybody who had been waiting crowded around with no sympathy what so ever, only worried that they may not have a striker today.  �Owwww� Tai moaned looking for some sympathy that just wasn�t there.  �Hey that wasn�t that far� the boy in the white shirt moaned.  �Shut� up Cearo� Tai squeaked out still with a loss of breath.  One of the three girls leaned down and kissed Tai lightly on the cheek.  �WOW, now I have the power to do anything, Sakura!�  He made a strong effort to get to his feet, or at least it looked like a strong effort.  He crashed back down on his back.  �No Dice Sakura� Cearo said.  �Hey let�s go find Mimi Tachikawa, her kiss would make me a super man any day!� another boy said. 
�Naw, she�s not that kind of girl,� Cearo said holding his head in one hand, �but good idea Yoshi!� Sakura scuffed.  �Where�s Sora, she�d have a plan� another girl said.  Sora was another girl; a tall redhead who played soccer well, not the way some people would expect a pretty girl to play.  She tackled like a boy, ran really REALLY fast, and was the star goalie; in other words your tomboy beauty.  �Yeah where is Sora, maybe she�d like to give it a try� Tai said.  �Oh, I see, heh heh� Cearo chuckled.  �Shut up.�  �Hey you know who�s, smart?  Joe Kido!� said another girl.  �Can�t get him now, he�s in wood shop now Miako.�  �Just a suggestion� Miako said frowning.  �Hey what about that Izzy guy, he�s really smart!  Know that cause he�s in natural arts with Mimi Tachikawa!�  Cearo sighed and smashed his face in his hands.  �Yoshi can you stop talkin about Miss Mimi for one second?� he asked
sarcastically.  �Hey I�m still down here,� Tai said groggily. 

Suddenly one of the camp leaders burst though the cabin door.  �Hey! Sorry
kids no soccer game today, it�s snowing out here!�  Then the leader closed the door and the speechless soccer players could hear his footsteps running toward the next cabin.  In a sudden frenzy and elementary style temper tantrum hoopla all the kids rushed to the door and all got stuck in the doorframe creating a �three stooges� style situation.  �Move it chowder head!� Chearo yelled at Yoshi.  �Why Soitenly!� Yoshi said imitating Curly�s voice, but then brought it back down to his own �JUST MOVE YOUR BUTT!�  �Outta my way Knuckle Head!� Sakura shouted.  The two other girls; the Konishi sisters, Miako and Hitaru  had never seen The Three Stooges so they just grunted and tried to squeeze out the doorframe.  �Jeez you guys gotta see it out here!�  Suddenly all the commotion of the door fiasco stopped and everyone stuck in the doorframe focused on Tai who was holding a snowball in his hand outside the cabin.  �Wha-how-WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP!?!� Chearo screamed.  �You mean I kissed you for nothin!� Sakura yelled although she didn�t sound that mad.  Everyone in the door started to squeeze back in to the cabin.  They finally were able to do it.  And Chearo reached for the doorknob looking at Tai with a look of revenge.  It was then that Tai realized he was still in his short sleeved soccer shirt and brown khaki
shorts.  �Don�t you close that door, DON�T YOU CLOSE THAT DOOR!� Tai screamed as he ran straight for the door.  Chearo was enjoying ever moment and just stood by the door and slammed it when Tai was right in the doorframe.  Tai stumbled backwards and flopped in to the snow.

There were lots of people outside scurrying and running around in the snow now.  Two boys were sitting together under a tree, one was fourteen and the other was ten, both had sandy blond hair and blue eyes.  �It�s been really fun here Matt, I missed you!�  �I missed you to T.K., how�s Mom doing?� Matt(fourteen) asked.  �She�s fine just the same wonderful Mommy she�s always been!  How�s Daddy?� T.K. asked.  �He�s fine, owns a television station, same old same old. Matt said.   Then something caught his eye.  �Hold on T.K.� Matt said and got up to see what ever it was he saw.  He reached his destination and found someone in the snow; a bid huge red mark on his forward.  Matt looked at the cabin he was now in front of.  Cabin 7, that sounds familiar.  Oh yeah that�s the cabin with all the soccer players, Sora�s the only sane one in that cabin.  This boy in the snow looked
familiar, Kamiya something maybe.  Then Matt noticed a snowball in Kamiya something�s hand.  He bent down and picked it up and fled it over the boy�s face.  The snowball was all iced over and the boy was probably numb all over�  Matt dropped it right on the boy�s face.  The boy�s eyes flicked open; filled with rage and surprise.  �OWWWWW!� He shot up and jumped up and down holding his nose in his hands, then he turned to Matt and pointed at him.  �YOU!  What the hell is wrong with you!?!� Tai yelled.  Matt just nodded in satisfaction, �oh� glad your okay.�  �Heh, heh no.   I insist you give me an answer� Tai said squeezing Matt�s wrist.  His grip was really tight, Tai was a lot stronger then Matt thought he was.

�Okay brake it up you two!�  Tai and Matt turned and saw a girl running
towards them.  �Oh Sora thank god, talk some sense in to this guy will ya?� Tai said. 
Sora stopped in front of the two and looked at Matt.  �You�re Matt Ishida right?�  �Right and I was just leaving� Matt said and turned back towards where T.K. was waiting.  Tai couldn�t help himself and picked up a snowball and nailed Matt in the head with it.  Matt would have thrown one right back at him but if he had, the amount of blood would make little T.K. cry.  �I wish I could laugh but I guess I forgot how,� Sora said sarcastically.  �I�ll teach you sometime� Tai said, �where have you been you missed all the fun.�  �I went to get your goggles that you left on the side of the pool yesterday, here.�  Sora handed Tai a large pair of goggles.  He strapped them around his head, and they went really well with his dark brunet hair that was very unkept and his big brown puppy dog eyes.  �You should have been there Tai, the pool is all frozen over and with the flurries; oh it's so romantic� Sora said spacing out.  �Whoa your starting to sound like Mimi, Sora� Tai said blushing.  �Why don�t
you come with me back to the pool and we can play ice hockey to replace our soccer match.  �Sure I�d love to- -hold on!� Tai was saying to Sora when he spotted Chearo and the others looking out the window.  Tai grabbed a clump of snow and chucked it at the window and his friends scattered away from it giggling.  �Yeah, you�d better run!� Tai yelled to them.  Then he turned back to Sora, �You were saying?�  �Never mind.�

�Let me see�  �Gee that�s quite a collection Mimi!�  Mimi Tachikawa had many admirers, only a few were secret ones.  She had a lot of friends and they really admired her ability to get in touch with nature and her makeup collection.  Mimi was a very beautiful girl who wasn�t preppy but was sensitive and sometimes cried a lot.  �Look at these, I�ve been getting letters from some guy named Yoshi� Mimi said as she pulled 3 or 4 letters from her bag.  Her friends oh�ed and ah�ed.

Tai and Sora walked along the campgrounds pointing at things like icicles on
branches and snow settled on the fresh green leaves of trees.  �Sora!� Mimi yelled and ran up and hugged her friend.  �Mimi good to see yah!� Sora said, happy to see her friend.  Despite their obvious differences, Sora and Mimi had just clicked when they met the first day of summer camp.  Mimi looked behind Sora and saw Tai waving nervously.  �Tai what are you doing over here?  Did they cancel soccer?�  �You�d better believe it!� Tai said.  He looked at Mimi�s attire.  She was wearing a causal red dress and a huge, pink cowboy hat that covered her light brown hair.  Tai thought it was a little much compared to Sora�s black pants, sleeveless yellow shirt, and sky blue helmet style hat.  �Umm, wow you�re a regular snow bunny Mimi.�  Mimi smiled, �You think so?  Are you two enjoying the beauty out here?  �Do you know Joe?  He usually walks with me to the next activity that is if its not canceled.�  Sora was used to Mimi asking three questions at once and nodded her head, �Yes, yes, and no.�  One of Mimi�s other friends got up and looked at the sky.  �Hey� hey
Mimi it�s getting kind of dark, do you want to go back to the cabin?�  Mimi shook her head, �No you guys go and I�ll catch up.�  Her friends agreed and packed up their stuff and handed Mimi her bag with all her stuff in it.  They walked off toward their cabin, leaving Mimi, Sora, and Tai alone.

�Joe�s really nice and he�s smart too, but not as smart as Izzy, because Izzys been into computers ever since he was little and that�s all he ever does is key this and key that and it�s boring sometimes but I like him though and we study different kinds of trees in Natural Arts and where is Joe we�ve been here five minutes!?!�  Tai and Sora just smiled and nodded, Mimi said everything in one huge sentence and she said it incredibly fast!  �I don�t know where Joe is, and could you slow down please?� Sora said smiling.  �Sure I just wish I knew where- -there he is!� Mimi said smiling.

A boy with navy blue colored hair was running toward them with about five other boys running after him armed with snowballs.  �Mimi run!� Joe shouted readjusting his glasses as he ran.  Mimi saw the boys running after Joe throwing snowballs.  �Hey what do you think you�re doing?� Mimi demanded.  One of the boys chucked a snowball at Mimi and one of his friends went ballistic.  �What are you doing, that�s Mimi!�  The boy who though the snowball couldn�t believe what he�d done.  The icy snowball hit Mimi on the side of her face leaving a visible red mark.  �Mimi� Joe cried and when over to Mimi who just stood there with a scornful look plastered to her face.

  Tai and Sora stepped out in front of Mimi and Joe.  �What are you doing Sora!?!� one of the other boys asked in between laughs with his head tilted to one side.  Sora stood in silence her face emotionless as was Tai�s.  The boy was a rival goalie and had always hated being out played by a girl.  He packed a snowball in his hands and gently tossed it a little ways in to the air and caught it repeatedly with one hand. �You�re a wanna be!  You wish you were a boy, a real player!� the boy yelled and threw the snowball hard and straight at Sora�s emotionless face.  Sora caught the ball with one hand so fast that you had to think twice to be sure you saw it happen.  The boy stepped back with one foot.  Sora looked at the hard ball of snow and ice casually.  �I�d throw this at you but I might break a nail� Sora said as she held the ball out to her side with one hand.  �Good reason!� Mimi piped in.  �See, you can�t do it cause you know it won�t even get to me, like I said a pretender! Ha!�  Sora took the snowball and threw it just as fast as she had caught it, straight at the boys chest and hit a bulls eye.  The boy flew back and sat up slowly and gasped for air, �The�huff� the hell with her; get him!� the boy said pointing at Tai.  His
cronies chucked all they had at Tai who blocked them all using his arms and feet.  He caught the last one and handed it to Sora, �Now scram before I let Sora really hurt you!�  The five ruffians did as they were told and ran back to their cabin.  When they were gone Mimi burst in to tears.

�It�s okay, dry your eyes Mimi� Joe said dabbing her cheek with a soft warm, wet cloth.  �Thanks Joe, Sora and Tai really let them have it, heh� Mimi said trying to smile.  Tai smiled at her and looked around.  The sky was getting way dark, like night and every body was gone expect for them.  �After this we should go to our cabins� Tai said.  None objected.  Sora turned to Joe, �So your Joe Kido, I�ve heard your really reliable and prepared; good character traits!�  Joe nodded, �Up that�s me- -whoa what�s that?�  Somebody came though the trees they were sitting by.  �Izzy!� Mimi cried.  Izzy looked up, he was kind of short, had untidy sun-brown hair, and amber eyes.  �Hey Mimi what happened?� Izzy said as he walked toward them, a laptop cradled in one arm.  �Nothing important� she said.  Mimi introduced everyone quickly and they gave each other �hello�s� and �haven�t I seen you before�s.�
�Hey you guy�s!�  Tai, Sora, Mimi, and Izzy turned around to see little T.K. running toward them with Matt close behind.  �Hey T.K., Matt what are you guys still doing out here?� Sora asked.  �I�d ask you the same thing but I really don�t care� Matt said, but he didn�t say it mean.  Tai smiled a huge sly grin, �Sorry about that snowball.�  Matt smiled a sarcastic smirk, �what snowball?�  �We can�t find our cabin�s, its to dark out here and its only twelve a clock!� T.K. explained.  �No problem just stay with us� Izzy said.  �What makes you think we as a group can find our cabins?� Joe asked.  �Well I guess- -� Izzy was suddenly cut off by seven glowing lights that appeared from no where.  Izzy�s eyes widened, �I guess we-we-we could use those.�  The seven lights circled the kid�s and then each light laded it�s self down in each child�s hands.  Seven lights for seven children.

The light�s faded a little and the kid�s could see that they were holding small, hand held devices.  �What�s going on?� Tai said to nobody and nobody answered him.  Then the devices began to shack.  �Oh my�� Sora said, her eyes as round as a frogs. A beam of light  that was the brightest yet shot out of the devices and surrounded each child.  �Whoa, what�s going on, this is weird!� T.K. shouted.  �Just stay as clam as you can T.K.!� Matt shouted back to him.  The bright beams kept surrounding the children until they disappeared� with the kids!

�WHOA!� Tai screamed as he fell though nothing, it was the weirdest feeling, like he was being� downloaded!?!  He fell on his back on solid ground.  He felt just like he did when he fell off his bunk later that day; the wind was totally knocked out of him.  Tai slowly opened his eyes and looked around.  It looked normal enough trees, shrubs, dirt, his friends were behind him staring at his stomach with their eyes wide open.  He slowly forced his eyes on to his stomach and a small pink thing that looked like a head and was about the size of a head was sitting on his stomach staring at him.  Tai was speechless and then he shot up and grouped up with his friends.  There were six more of the little monsters that were with the one that was sitting on Tai.  �What-was that thing that was sitting on you?� Mimi whispered.  �I-I don�t know, but he�s got friends!� Tai said in between breaths.  All of the little creatures smiled and giggled.  �What?�� Sora said, �They can talk?�  The little
one that was sitting on Tai bounced up to the kid�s feet.  �We�re Digimon!�  All the kid�s eyes widened, their jaws dropped.  The Digimon looked at them accuses to see the kids reactions.  They fainted� every last one of them!
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