Disclamer: I don't own Digimon.
Izzy and the Bite of Cobramon 
By: Joe�s Girl    
***************************************************************************************     The Digidestand marched down the dirt roads as they did everyday. The sounds were the same as well. Matt and Tai were biting each other�s heads off, trying to find some weakness in each other�s ideas. T.K. was tagging behind his brother, seeking attention. Mimi and Sora discussed how stupid the boys were acting and how different it would be if they made a few of the major decisions, which guy is hotter, who is the cutest Digimon, stuff like that. While Joe, being as he was noticeably behind the others, was being urged ahead by Gomamon. Izzy plucked away at his small laptop, trying to get his Internet connection back somehow. Tentamon buzzed beside him, trying to convince his partner to socialize with the others. But Izzy had tuned out all sounds, mostly Mimi's complaints. Especially because they almost always centered on a certain 3'3" computer geek. That's when it all started.  "Ow!" Izzy yelled, slapping his leg, more surprised than hurt, "Tentamon, are there mosquitoes in the Digiworld?"  "That depends. What's a mosquito?" Tentamon asked, pronouncing the strange word slowly, as if it felt weird on his tongue.  "Little bugs that bite you and suck your blood," Izzy said, still rubbing his leg.  "Eeeeeeew!!! GROSS!" Mimi and Palmon said together.  "Nope, not that I know of," Tentamon said, giving the two whining girls a look.  "Oh well, I guess it's just my imagination. Let's keep going," Izzy said. And they went on. No one seemed to notice that Izzy had dropped his pace a bit.  The next morning, Izzy awoke, feeling like he had the night he had pulled an all-nighter in chat, remembering how tired he had been the next morning. Except this felt even worse. He was hot and sweating. He figured Tentamon had probably slept on or right beside him last night, and he had lost sleep because of it. But he couldn't remember getting up at all that night. As he walked on through the day, he complained of another mosquito bite, and his pace dropped a little.  This continued to happen for ten days. Sora was beginning to get worried. Mosquitoes don't pick and choose their victims; they just bite anything that breathes. But no one else even said anything about a mosquito. By now, Izzy was very far behind the others. Joe had a huge smile on his face, proud he wasn't the last. He didn�t seem to notice or even care that the reason he wasn�t last was because something was wrong with Izzy. Tentamon, who couldn't handle his partner's slow pace, had moved up toward the rest of the group to chat, leaving poor Izzy to himself. Izzy's lap top felt like it weighed ten pounds. He had to take in deep breaths, but it was like he was trying to breathe under water.   "Come on Izzy! Move it! We haven't got all day! Man, Joe is moving faster than you! How does it feel to get a world record for being the slowest person on Earth?" Tai and Matt yelled over their shoulders, calling a truce momentarily. Izzy tried to hurry, but it only made breathing tougher. His muscles felt very stiff, making it extremely hard to move. His vision was clouded. All he could see was a bunch of blurry images, and they were spinning faster and faster. His head got light. No one was looking when he fell over unconscious, lying in the center of the path.  "Izzy!!!!" Tentamon yelled at the top of his lungs as soon as he looked back. He flew over as fast as he could, hoping Izzy had just fallen and would get up, laughing at how silly he looked laying there on the ground. But Izzy did not get up. He didn't look silly either, he just looked.........dead. Sora took his pulse from his wrist. They all waited for her response. Tentamon held his breath as Sora�s hand slid up to his head, not knowing if that was a good or bad sign.  "Well, he's alive, but he's very sick," she said slowly. Tentamon's face went completely pale. The Digidestand carried the lifeless Izzy off the trail and into a near-by cave.     Not far off, DemiDevimon flew into Myotismon's lair.   "I've seen that the readings from the Crest of Knowledge and that child's Digivice have been growing weaker by the day, do you know any thing of this?" the vampire asked.  "Sure do. I've had Cobramon inject the kid with poison a little at a time, so the others don't know what's going on until it's too late. Get this; the kid has actually been RUBBING the bite area and making it WORSE! Can you believe it? The kid won't survive long enough to heal. But to make sure, I'm sending in Crocmon to finish the job," Demidevimon said, with an evil gleam in his eye, "I'm going to do this with all the kids, leaving their crests and Digivices to you! No fuss, no work, just victory."  "Excellent," Myotismon said, and retreated to his coffin.     "What happened to Izzy, Matt?" T.K. asked, "Will he be okay?"  "Izzy's fine T.K., now get some rest," Matt told his younger brother, and then turned back to the group so he wouldn�t have to pretend anymore, and return to something he was very good at. Arguing with Tai. T.K. didn�t buy it, but walked obediently into the cave where Izzy and Joe were, one unconscious, the other trying to shut up an energetic Digimon.  "Gomamon, I have no time to play with you," Joe told the impatient three-year-old like creature at his side, not even making eye contact  "You never wanna play with me. You're always so busy worrying about something else," Gomamon argued, never turning his attention away from Izzy. Joe grabbed Gomamon�s head and turned it so Gomamons eyes were looking directly into his own.  "You want to know why I don't play with you? It's because your idea of play is to go jump off a cliff. Or to get everyone real mad at you as a prank and then swim off where they can't find you. Or go swimming carefree when there are a lot of things to worry about, like Seadramon, Ogermon in crates, you eating all the food. And in this case, Izzy, is so sick and everyone is worried," Joe snapped back, still holding Gomamon�s head firmly in his hand. He let go, and the Digimon had to step down, a little hurt. It was very true, all of it, but why did Joe have to say it like that? Was it his fault that's how all Gomamons are?  "Look, I'm sorry about snapping, it's just that I really am worried about Izzy," Joe said, both of them totally softening to the point of Jell-O when they saw how bad Izzy really looked. Gomamon yawned and went to sleep in Joe's lap at that point. T.K., happy that was all over, settled down with Patamon and went to sleep. It was about and hour before Sora came in to relieve Joe.  �How is he?� Sora asked. Joe looked down to her waist, finding the thing he had hoped he wouldn�t. Her arms were crossed. That was Sora�s sign she was extremely worried.  "Not doing any better, but don't worry, he'll get better. He's Izzy, the genius, isn't he? If there's a way, I know he's going to find it," Joe said, trying to calm a worried Sora, putting one of his large hands on her shoulder. She smiled up at him.  Izzy's eyes fluttered open from his deep sleep. He panicked as he saw Tentamon standing over him.   He screamed at the top of his lungs, Sora and Joe went to his side immediately.  �Mom? Dad?� he said, sounding like it was being forced out of him. He looked up. Why were Joe and Sora there, instead of his parents? This wasn�t his bedroom. Where was he? He couldn�t remember any bugs that size anywhere near his house. All he remembered was going to camp and getting sick. Why hadn�t they sent him home? Was something wrong? Why didn�t his parents come to help him?  "Where *sneeze* am I?" Izzy asked, his eyes searching for something familiar around at the cave franticly.  "You're in the Digiworld, Izzy," Joe said softly. Izzy's head bobbed like one of those little hula girl toys, which could have meant anything, but probably nothing good. Izzy was actually trying to nod, saying he understood, but his body was so limp, he could barely control it. His face was totally pale, and his eyes, once bright, full of statement and imagination, were now dull and lifeless. It looked as if he were hanging on by a thread.  "How are you feeling?" Sora asked, knelling down beside him. Izzy thought about the question in what was a few seconds to him, but in actual fact, was about ten minutes. Not a good sign.  "Not so *cough* good." He said truthfully. Joe and Sora let out a breath neither one of them knew they were holding.  Izzy began to breath very deeply. Then he threw up. Joe got a hollowed out melon they were using for a bowl to try to catch the sickly stuff while turning his head away from the horrible smell. Sora rubbed his back, trying to comfort her sick friend.  "I'm done, *cough* I think," Izzy said slowly. Though he was weak, he got out his laptop and set to work on e-mailing Geni. Because she couldn't see what Izzy was doing on the screen, Sora tried to pull him off it. Izzy pulled his elbow back, hitting Sora in the ribs. She sat back gasping, more surprised than hurt. She never knew Izzy was capable of that kind of thing, it really did hurt for a few seconds. She watched him play around on the keyboard, and threw a rage (as best he could because of the sickness) at the screen when it failed.  "Stupid *cough* computer, *sneeze* can't *cough* even send e-mail," Izzy grumbled, hitting the screen. Just then, a small ping sounded. Izzy looked at the screen, and his face immediately brightened.  "Prodigious!" he said weakly, typed in something, and then fell back down, fast asleep. After about an hour (totally satisfied that they had done all they could, and positive Izzy wouldn't wake again), Sora and Joe went to bed, leaving Matt and Gabumon to watch Izzy.  Joe awoke early, and looked at the six moons and billions of stars of the Digiworld. He could see where the sky split into darkness and light, as it always did when he woke early.  "Will Izzy get better? Of course he will, what are you thinking, you dope? But I doubt there are hospitals here. You are an idiot, he can make it. He�s Izzy, remember?" Joe said into the empty air. Suddenly he stopped, "Wait a minute, why am I asking myself questions, and why am I insulting myself back? I really need a vacation," he said, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. He didn�t notice the Digimon creeping up from behind him.  �What�s a vacation?� Joe heard suddenly, making him jump. He spun around.  �Gomamon!� Joe said angrily, pointing at Gomamon, who was laughing hysterically.  "Whatcha up so early for, Joe?" Gomamon said merrily, in his usual loud voice.  "Quiet, you'll wake every one up. I'm just thinking," Joe said.   "You think too much, go back to sleep," Gomamon told Joe, more like an order than a suggestion. Joe followed the small seal-like creature into the cave and tried (and failed) to get more sleep.   Far off, Geni stood at the edge of his pond. He threw a pretzel to the fish, and they gobbled greedily at the salty treat. He heard a small ding from his computer. He threw in a bag of salted peanuts for good measure and walked inside the house. Izzy�s email symbol, a MegaKabutarimon, flew into the screen. When Geni clicked on it, Izzy�s voice explained the problem. Geni downloaded some information onto the computer and went off to find himself some breakfast.     Izzy opened his eyes to a small ding from his laptop.  "Prodigious," he said as quietly as he could, but he still woke up Tentamon.   "What Izzy?" the large bug asked.  "I got an *cough* e mail from Geni! It tells *cough* which kind of medicine *cough* will make me better," Izzy told his partner, "hey, *cough* guys, wake up."  "This better be good Izzy, I was having a great dream," Matt said, in his usual attitude toward any one but T.K..  "I found *cough* a medicine that would be able to *cough* cure me," Izzy said. "It looks like *sneeze* this," Izzy said, whipping his nose with his sleeve and turning the lap top screen to face the others.  "Gomamon, get out of the way," Joe said, pushing Gomamon's head out of the way of the screen, only to be immediately blocked by Patamon. Joe gave a deep sigh. When all the Digimon were restrained, they could get a clear view of the screen. It was a plant that looked like Togomon's hair. It just needed to be ground up, sprinkled into the person's food, and obviously, devoured.   "So where are we supposed to find this thing? Why should we even care about it?" Tai asked, a little upset for having to wake up so early.  "Good question *cough* Tai, well, one of them, and the answer *cough* can be found by hitting one *cough* key," Izzy said, pressing enter. Just like the last time he tried this, they were immediately transported to the area. Izzy had a small smile on his face for completing this task, so simple for him, but so hard and confusing to the others.  "Right out *cough* there," Izzy said, pointing out the mouth of the cave which was now a dense forest, "I suggest that *cough* you go in *sneeze* pairs," Izzy finished. Almost all of them, but the Digimon, groaned.  "All right, but I don't want to be with Mimi. She complains way too much," Joe said.  "I complain to much? You shouldn't talk. You complain way more than any one here," Mimi shot back, obviously annoyed.  "I'm just being careful!" Joe yelled at her.  "You're the reason we stop so much! You can't take anything with out being allergic to it!" Mimi said.  "I'M the reason??? You�re the reason! We stop all the time because you're feet hurt. Well let me tell you this. Nobody cares!" Joe yelled at her. They went on for a while before they finally stopped. But they both were glaring at each other with murderous glints in their eyes, daring each other, or anybody else, to try do stop them. Sora stepped forward, but Joe tilted his head quickly, as if warning her to keep her distance, and she did.  "O.K., Joe and Mimi won't *cough* be together. The groups will be: Matt *cough* and T.K." Izzy told them.  "Come on bro, lets find that medicine before a certain goggle wearing geek dose," Matt said and whisked T.K. out of the cave. Tai growled softly.  "Tai and Mimi." Izzy said, and Tai tore Mimi and Joe apart. He took a very angry Mimi away, and Joe looked very pleased. Gomamon sighed.  "Well, I guess I can't complain. I did want him to have more self confidence," Gomamon shook his head. He just couldn't get these strange creatures called Humans.  "Sora and Joe," Izzy finished, and closed the laptop. Joe walked after Sora, and everyone was gone except Tentamon and him. Izzy watched the others go. Fog was rolling in, so after a few steps, they were out of sight.   "I can't see anything in this fog," Sora said. Her hands were out stretched in front of her. Joe, used to not being able to see very clearly (because Gomamon thought it was the funniest thing in the world to hide his glasses) walked around, depending on blurred images to find his way.   "It's easy once you get used to it," Joe said, looking down at the nearly blind Gomamon clutching to his leg so he wouldn't get lost.   "So what am I supposed to do till then?" Sora asked, frustrated because she couldn't see.  "Grab my hand, I'll lead you," Joe said. The pair went off into the fog, hand in hand. Both trying to figure out how they would recognize the plant.     "This is so bad for my hair!" Mimi yelled. Tai winced.  "We have to keep looking, for Izzy's sake," Tai said without looking at her.  "Why? If that little geek is so smart, how come he can't go find it himself? If my hair is totally ruined when we get home, I'm going to smash his stupid computer," Mimi said.  "But if we don't find the medicine, and Izzy dies, how are we going to explain that to his parents?" Tai asked.  "Good point," Mimi agreed, and searched the ground.  "Besides, I don't want Matt to have all the glory," Tai said under his breath.  "Did you say something?" Mimi asked, not looking up.  "Nothing," Tai told her.     "Come on T.K., we have to hurry," Matt urged his little brother.  "Why? You said Izzy was just fine and nothing was wrong," T.K. teased, looking at what he could see of his brother for some response.  "I was wrong, Izzy's sick," Matt said choking out the first three words as if they tasted bad. Matt shuddered, as if surprised that they were coming out of his mouth.  "You were wrong Matt?" T.K. pressed on.   "Just look for the plant," Matt said and dragged his brother off into the fog.     The night came, and one by one, the pairs returned.  "Anything?" Izzy asked hopefully to each group. But sadly, each group held out eight empty hands and paws. Izzy sighed.  "Maybe *cough* it was to *cough* much to hope for. Just forget *cough* about it," Izzy said, trying to keep from crying. He was to smart to be seen and remembered that way. Only Joe figured out what Izzy was trying.  "Go get some dinner, I'll stay with Izzy," Joe said. The group just stayed there. "Go!" Joe yelled at them and they scattered.  "Thanks Joe," Izzy said when they were all gone. Joe smiled. Tentamon buzzed overhead and Gomamon lay at Izzy's feet.  "Rooooooaaaaaar!" They heard. Izzy turned on the laptop and went in to the Digianalyzer. He frowned at what he saw.  "It says it's *cough* Crocmon. One of the strongest *cough* water Digimon. It's bite *cough* could crush *cough* steel," Izzy said. "Ready to *cough* Digivolve, Tentamon?"   Tentamon nodded reluctantly and quickly Digivolved. Gomamon, not wanting to be left out, Digivolved with him.  "Go Kabutarimon!" Izzy yelled as loud as he could, which was now only a loud whisper.  "Electro Shocker! Harpoon Torpedo!" Joe and Izzy heard about five times before a minorly hurt Tentamon flew in, followed by an overjoyed Gomamon.  "Well, I sure taught him a thing or two," Tentamon said triumphantly. Izzy smiled weakly and lay down.  The Digidestand had dinner and went to sleep. No one suspected that beneath is cheery smile, Izzy was crying. He was scared, and for once in his life, his laptop couldn't do any thing to help him.     "How'd you sleep, Gomamon?" Joe asked the next morning.   "Not so good. There was something poking me," Gomamon said. He rolled over to see what had been causing him discomfort. "Wake up Izzy!" Gomamon said happily as he jumped on to Izzy�s chest.  "What?" Izzy asked sleepily. Gomamon shoved the small orange plant in his face.  "You may now kiss my feet, Izzy, "Gomamon said. Izzy hugged Gomamon so hard that he choked. Sora ground up the plant and put it in his breakfast. Izzy ate it quickly and went to sleep.   The next day, Izzy woke early. Sora was collecting things for breakfast.  "Feeling better?"  "Yup, feels good to get rid of that cough."  "By the way, what did you want for breakfast?"  Izzy thought for a second as he typed quickly at his laptop. He looked up and grinned.  "Eggs with mustard and jelly beans please!" he said and they both burst out laughing. Though Izzy was still weak, he was recovering.     "You failed me Demidevimon, now you will pay!" Myotismon said angrily.  "Yes, but...."  Hundreds of bats flocked around Demidevimon and attacked. Close by, Gatomon laughed softly at his cries for help.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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