The word "Digimon" isn't said in this fic, therefore I don't need a disclamer.  HA!

Gone, But Not Forgotten
Raye Tajiri

  I'll be blunt; we live and we die, thus is the way of the world.  A child is born, it grows, possibly creates another child, then dies, but it doesn't stop there, no.  Then it's child grows and carries out the gift of life.  Yes life can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be a curse that haunts you from the moment it exists until the moment you don't.

Now some people will tell you that you can choose your life's purpose; your destiny, but what if it choose's for you?  Your powerless to stop it so why go on?  I ask myself this every-single-day.  It just gnaws and chews and claws at you, there's no other way to describe it.  It never stops tearing you apart until you break down and make the ultimate sacrifice.  Your life.   

The cold truth is that that is the only way out for half of this miserable world- -but not me, I'll keep going.  Keep fighting, keep screaming, keep crawling, keep slipping, but that's okay because I'll never let go.  Despite the praise and fame that come year after year, I'm not brave or strong or smart; I don't have to be.  Even those who are brave, strong, and smart can fall, struggle, and drown in the murky depths of humanity.

If you can imagine having to struggle with the world every day, every hour, every minute, every God damn second of your life.  It's.. it's like God has forgotten about you.  But what the hell, despite the fact I live it, I have no life and with every hour that passes the blade in the kitchen cupboard is looking more and more inviting. 

You can see the headlines now; "Tragic Suicide."  Lets face it, everybody you ever thought you knew is saying how it was only a matter of time before you finally did it.  Could there be a small chance that somebody, just somebody could be shedding one small tear for you?  Just one?  Pfft.  How the hell would you know- -your dead.  To late, your gone, you can't come back. 

I'm not going to lie, I myself wouldn't miss you, because I'm probably just like you.  I believe I am my everything and separation from the world is what makes it my enemy. 

So it appears I might be joining you in the bliss of heaven instead of living my unbearable hell.  I now see the light, promises were made to be broken so this is my final plea to the world.

Good bye to all of you.
Your trivial lives will plague me no longer.
My destiny awaits.
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