Chapter 2
The Threat
After their battle with Kawagamon, the group was renewed with a new hope of getting home safely.  As their adventure continued the group of kids, for the first time, realized that devices from summer camp had stayed with them when they were transported to the Digital World.  They had all noticed that when their Digimon digivolved the little device had reacted.  The biggest question besides how to get home was why were they were the only kids to be pulled in to the Digital World.  None knew the answer to that question.

Another interesting question was what does a Digimons level mean?  Agumon knew   the answer to that one!  Agumon explained that when they first met the kids they at their lowest battling level, In-training.  Then with the help of the Digivices they reached the next level, Rookie.  If they were to Digivolve a step further they would be at Champion Level.  Only the most elite Digimon are at the Ultimate Level.  Agumon also explained that all Digimon start out as Digieggs and then hatch in to Digibabies then they Digivolve in to the In-training Level.  Agumon also pointed out that Digibabies can�t battle because they only learn an attack at In-training level.                                                                                      

As they continued their travels the Digimon also explained that the most evil
Digimon of them all, Devimon was making many good Digimon do evil things.  He was doing this by releasing his BLACK GEARS, a device Devimon invented to fly in to a Digimon�s body and force it to become the Champion Digimon�s slave.  Tai could not help but wonder if they would fall prey to Devimon�s evil minions before getting home.  But even more horrifying, what if they fell prey to Devimon himself; the most powerful threat to the Digital World.
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