Chapter 3
The Birth of Greymon

With all these new threats in mind, Tai and his crew were constantly on the look out for evil Digimon and traps.  This process was a very stressful process.   To a group of fourteen year olds (and one ten year old) stress only had one cure� FOOD!  The group settled on a empty beach.  Joe took off his backpack and began to dish out the food.  Sora was the first to notice that there would not be enough food for both the kids and the Digimon.  �Don�t worry about us we Digimon can find our own food!� Biyomon said.  The other Digimon nodded in agreement.  �All right have fun,� Sora said.  As the Digimon were just being to leave, Agumon volunteered to stay behind to protect the kids.  The rest of the Digimon were glad he had thought of it, but wished they had thought of it first.  The kids began to have their first meal in a long time.  Agumon sat beside Tai and watched his surroundings but his stomach forced his eyes to wander on to Tai�s yummy looking, mesmerizing turkey sandwich. However, this didn�t go unnoticed by Tai.  Even though he was hungry beyond words, Tai couldn�t let a friend go hungry.  He ripped the sandwich in two, giving Agumon the larger half.  Agumon just couldn�t help himself and he gladly excepted Tai�s wonderful (and delicious) gift.  As the seven children and one grateful Digimon sat and munched on their snacks, Tai spotted something moving near the surface of the water.  He sat his half of the sandwich down on the wrapper in with he received it, and rose to his feet.  �Tai, where are you going�? Agumon asked not taking his eyes from his sandwich.  �Nowhere� Tai replied as he proceeded down the beach.  As he reached the shoreline he peered in to the water� he saw nothing.  � Guess I was just seeing things� Tai said to himself.  He turned back toward the rest of the group and began to walk back toward them.  Suddenly something gigantic emerged from the depths of the water.  Whatever it was it had long tentacles, all of with grabbed Tai before he could even turn to face his attacker. The force of the tentacles against him paralyzed him for the moment.  It didn�t take long for the group to jump to their feet and start running to their hapless friend�s aid.  �Tai!� they called out as loud as they could and they could really feel their adrenaline start to rush when Tai didn�t answer.  Agumon was all most unable to believe that he had let Tai go down to the shoreline alone knowing very well that Devimon�s deadly servants lucked around every corner of the Digital World.  What�s more, how could Agumon defeat Tai�s attacker, the gigantic Shellmon, alone?

�Did you find anything� Biyomon called to Gabumon. �Nothing yet� Gabumon
called back to her. �I haven�t found anything either� Called Tentomon over his shoulder.  �I think I found something� called Palmon.  It sounded like she was struggling with something.  �What do you see Palmon� asked Patamon as he moved in under the tree Palmon was standing in.  �Is it food?� Gomamon asked as all the others followed Patamon�s lead and waited for Palmon�s answer.  �I see some purple digiberries and I�m�  all most� there- -�� Suddenly a loud cry filled the air.  This caused Palmon to fall from her perch and right in to the other Digimon.  She poked her head up and said, �Did you guys hear that.�  �They were calling Tai�s name,� said Patamon.  �They must be in trouble,� Gabumon said.  With that they all got to their feet and ran toward the beach, leaving Palmon�s find hanging in the trees.

Tai struggled to free himself but that really didn�t do much good in escaping
attackers incredible grasp� in fact it made the situation much worse�  When Tai caught a glimpse of his attacker, the first thing he saw was an ugly face, a very, very large spiral shell, and uncountable tentacles that all ended at himself.  Tai was about to cry out for help, but the tentacles began to contract, taking his breath away.  He certainly wasn�t enjoying being airborne and after he recovered from the Digital Monsters last attack, Tai remembered the last time a Monster attacked, little Koromon Digivolved in to Agumon, so maybe Agumon could Digivolve again.  It was his one and only option and the best one at that.  �Tai see if you can slip free� Sora called out to him.  �Hurry up, that thing is Gross!� Mimi yelled.  I don�t think that�s possible Mimi, that Digimon appears to have a increadible stronghold on Tai� Izzy said as he opened his lab top (with never leaves his site) and began typing whatever. �Tai don�t worry I�m- -� before Agumon could finish his reassuring sentence he was slapped twenty feet back by Shellmon.  �Agumon are you- -� Izzy began be he as well as the other children were treated the same way as Agumon.  Izzy recovered quickly and realized just how far he and the others had thrown in to sand.  �Whoa I guess we got to close,� he said groggily.  �I think your right� Joe said as he struggled to stand. �Tai�� Agumon said to himself in a voice so low only he could hear.  �That Digimon has a bad attitude!� T.K. said.  �I wish the other Digimon were here,� Matt said weakly.  �Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, T.K., we�re coming!� The group turned their heads to see the ragtag group Digimon running (some flying) toward them at an incredible speed.  Agumon was overjoyed to see his friends, now he could rescue Tai without hesitation!  �Guys hurry� Agumon said as he hurried back toward Shellmon.

�Man am I glad to see you guys� Tai called down to the Digital Calvary.  �Okay� said Biyomon, �Lets do it!�  �PEPPER BREATH� Agumon said as he fired the frist attack.  �BLUE BLASTER,� Gabumon called out his battle cry, but no BLUE BLASTER.  �What� Matt said as he watched his Digimon struggle to succeed, but it was useless.  �Gabumon� Matt called to him as he rushed to his aid.  The same thing happened to Biyomon, Palmon, Gomamon, and Patamon.  �What�s wrong with you guys� Agumon asked.  �You�re not broken are you?� Mimi asked.  �We�re not toys Mimi� Gomamon said.  �I know this isn�t the best time to ask this, but did you guys get anything get anything to eat?� T.K. asked.  �No we heard your screams and we left our precious food behind.� Gomamon said in a disappointed tone.  �Then that�s it, you guys are weak because you didn�t have anything to eat!� Joe said.  �Oh, yeah, that makes sense.� the Digimon muttered to each other.  �What will I do now?� Agumon thought.  �How are you doing Tai� he called out to him.  Tai was hanging upside down by one leg now.  �Sure, I�m just you know�hanging around� he said
in a sarcastic tone of voice.  �I�ll try my PEPPER BREATH again.� Agumon said.  Shellmon didn�t seem threatened by this in the least as he dangled Tai around above his head.  �PEPPER BREATH� Agumon began his attack.  He fired continuous attacks at the aquatic giant and this less then pleased it.  Shellmon was a another champion Digimon, but he didn�t take to the direct attack method, so instead he regained his grip on Tai and began to constrict at a rather fast rate.  This was more then he could take and Tai began to scream in pain and distress.  �Tai No!�  Agumon yelled as his mind raced a mile a minute trying to find a solution to the greatest problem he had ever faced!  Then it came.  �Agumon Digivolve to� GREYMON!�  Agumon was gone.  In his place was a another Digimon that equaled the size of Shellmon.  This was none other then the champion, Greymon, the fearsome Digi dinosaur with the gigantic battle mask and the blue war paint striped across its body.  Shellmon was now ready for real battle, another champion Digimon was a enemy worth fighting.  This was good, but the evil Digimon wasn�t stupid, it didn�t loosen its grip on Tai.  Greymon waited carefully and planed his attack.  Shellmon took the first move with great precaution.  He moved his tentacles back behind his shell and- -.  �NOVA BLAST!�  Greymon attacked with out hesitation and with out harming Tai.  The clever Digimon had waited until his enemy had moved Tai out of the line fire without the enemy even knowing it!  Greymon�s powerful attack hit Shellmon in the face with full force.  It dropped Tai in to the sand and cowered back in to the sea.
Agumon searched the beach for Tai.  He found his friend and his eyes filled with tears of joy.  �Tai!� Agumon ran as fast as his little Digital legs could carry him.  Tai sat up and blinked sand from his eyes and retraced his steps.   �First I got grabbed by that thing and than Agumon Digivolved and then- -Agumon Digivolved!  Tai was just now realizing the whole event that took place between his life flashing before his eyes.  But now Greymon was no where to be seen and Tai turned his head just in time to see Shellmon drift under the tide.  �Greymon!� Tai called out turning his head left and right feeling his eyes begin to swell up with tears.  �Tai I�m here!� Agumon cried out as he turned the corner and in to Tai�s open arms.
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