Chapter 6
Our beautiful Castle in the sky

It had been about a week since Joe�s trip up Everlasting Peak and they�re adventures lead them to� homesickness.  The Digimon hated to see the kids look so glum but there was nothing they could do.  The kids were beginning to talk about home, and daydream more and more often.  Frankly the Digimon were getting worried.  �I wonder how my little sister is doing?� Tai said, staring off in to space.  �I wonder how my little brother is doing?� Matt said in an incredibly plan tone.  �Matt I�m right here� I�m doing fine�   thanks for asking� T.K. said in the same tone as his brother.  �I wonder if my parents are looking for me,� Mimi said.  �I wonder if soccer still exists� Tai said with a huge slump in his shoulders and in his voice.  The Digimon exchanged glances.

The group continued on and the Digimon ran out in front of the saddened children.  �We need to talk Tai� Agumon said.  The other Digimon nodded looking their kids straight in the eyes.  In the middle of the Digimon�s �We�re just a little worried about you� speech, something caught Tai�s eye.  �Look at that� Tai said as moved toward it.  �Please Tai, don�t interrupt- -Whoa!� Agumon said as he realized what Tai was looking at.  �Oh my-my prayers have been answered� Mimi cried.  �PRODIGIUS!� Izzy cried.  �I�ve only seen one of those on TV� T.K. said as he squeezed Patamon close to him.  �Yeahhhhhhhh� Matt said.  �Did we die and we just didn�t know it?� Joe asked.  The Digimon were also quite impressed.  �It is impressive,� Biyomon said.  �I�m glad they�re happy but they�re still acting like zombies,� Gabumon said.  �Maybe some R&R in a mansion will cure them,� Agumon predicted.

The mansion was completely empty people and Digimon wise, and seemed to have something for everybody.  Tai found a soccer ball and he could kick it all over the place, there was no one to say he couldn�t.  Matt found a nice and quite place that was all his own.  He relaxed on a sturdy hammock and played his harmonica, the melodies he played made Gabumon feel very relaxed, the most he�s felt in a long time.  Sora played soccer with Tai.  Izzy wondered up and down the halls looking for the computer room, he found several.  Mimi indulged in a nice warm bubble bath and Palmon was enjoying a shower.  Joe and Gomamon were having
a lot of fun playing referee for Tai and Sora.  T.K. and Patamon were having a rather fun ride down the main stair case railing.  Agumon was the goalie for Tai and Biyomon for Sora.   Mimi and Palmon dried off and went out to where the others were and sat on the stair case to watch the soccer game.  Once Izzy had picked the programs and equipment he wanted he went back to the room where the rest of the group was. 
If there�s one thing I�ve learned in Digiworld its to travel alone is to not travel very far. 

When the time for fun was over, the group wondered up and down stairs and halls for some beds, cots, anything to sleep on.  It took quit a while but they found a large and glamorous room (much to Mimi�s liking) with seven queen-size beds. Tai looked around. 
How convenient there are exactly seven beds, there being seven of us and all. �Come on Tai, get ready for bed,� Matt said.  A few minutes later all the kids were in nice new pajamas which they had found on their individual beds.  The Digimon slept at the foot of the beds, kind of like the pets some of the kids had left at home.  Something kept everyone�s eyes open.  Maybe who ever owns this place will come back when we�re sleeping Tai thought.  What if something happens and I can�t protect T.K. Matt thought.  This thought made him swap beds with Joe so he would be in the bed next to his little brothers.  After about an hour of these hauntings, the kids fell asleep and only then did the Digimon fall

Sleep was the best ever, that was strange seeing that each and every kid and Digimon was being haunted by the thought of being attacked in the middle of the night.  The sleep may have been the best ever, but it seemed unnatural.  It was also unusually quite�  Very calm�  Very peaceful�  �FIST OF THE BEAST KING� The battle cry belonged to Leomon, who burst though the wall.  �Its Leomon!� Biyomon said as she snapped awake.  It took about half a second for the others to awaken.  Agumon knew that Leomon was a good-natured Digimon, and would not have just attacked weaker Digimon, and sleeping children.  He�s got a Black Gear� �Tai wake up, wake up, wake up!�  Agumon said as he shook Tai�s arm.   �Matt get up, we�re under attack!� Gabumon pleaded as he shook Matt by the shoulders.  �Sora, Sora hurry up, I need your help to Digivolve!� Biyomon said as he nudged Sora�s side.  The other Digimon begged for their kid to awaken, but none obeyed.  �T.K. please wake up.� Patamon said on the brink of tears.  �Tai, what�s
wrong with you?�� Agumon said as he watched Tai continue his enchanted sleep.  Leomon just stood there and awaited his next order.  Then the sadden Digimon felt the house begin to shake, than levitate.

�This can�t be good,� Gomamon said as he looked around as the house lifted.  Then the kids began to twitch but not awaken.  This worried the helpless Digimon a great deal.  �Devimon must be levitating our house in to the sky� Agumon observed.  �It wasn�t even our house in the first place,� Gomamon said.  �Well maybe it was, or that is to say, still is DEVIMON�S!� Palmon said.   The Digimon agreed to Palmon�s theory.  Before they could even finish their conversation about their mystery paradise, it vanished.  Gone.  �Wh- - WHERE DID OUR PARADISE GO?!?� Gomamon shouted.  The Digimon were absolutely dumbfounded.  Their beautiful castle in the sky was gone, all that remained were the beds, and the children.  What�s more the creeping shadows of the night were beginning to take form�
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