Chapter 7
Evil shows his face

The Digimon just watched�  What else could they do?  With out the kids not awake to activate the Digivices, and with the incredible weight of worry for the kids, it was just impossible to Digivolve.  The shadows were together now, finally evil would show his face.  �What are we going to do?� Biyomon whispered as she watched Devimon rise.  �Protect Tai and the others for as long as possible� Agumon said as Devimon rose to his feet some 30 yards away.  Not a single Digimon opposed Agumon�s plan�not one.  Devimon glared at the seven beds and most important, the seven Digimon.  The evil lord was no fool, he knew very well that the Digimon were powerless to Digivolve.  �Well now, its time to play.�  At Devimon�s cold words all the beds zigzagged high in the sky, all above the dead
earth where the house once stood.  Devimon raised his hand and prepared a most
destructive attack.  While all this was taking place, Ogremon stood on the ground and watched the hapless battle in the sky.  Ogremon was a Digimon who followed Devimon faithfully, with out being controlled by a black gear.  He watched as Devimon prepared his attack and how the helpless Rookie Digimon stood on the foot of each bed in front of each child, with their arms spread out wide and just waited.  �My master doesn�t want them, why don�t they just run away?� Ogremon asked himself.  �They must really want to protect those kids for some huge reason, to be willing to die to insure success.  Humph, I know I wouldn�t do it for a bunch a� brats, no cirri bob.�  Devimon was fully powered for the attack.  Now it would begin.  The Rookie Digimon closed their eyes.  Their eyes filled with final tears, not for themselves but for the regret of never seeing their friends ever again.  They didn�t even know if giving their lives would be enough to block Devimon�s attack. 
They did know, at the very least, that they would weaken the attack, and that was enough.  Devimon was ready, took aim, and fired.

�THE TOUCH OF EVIL!�  That was Devimon�s chosen attack.  It was over as soon as it had begun.  It was so fast that the Digimon felt nothing�  But the children did.  They began to awaken, refreshed in body and mind.  The Digimon didn�t notice, they were still standing at the foot of each bed, still with their arms starched out.  The kids looked down.  Stopped looking down.  Swallowed the sudden lump in their throats.  And then looked at the Digimon.  Tai watched Agumon and the others in their stance and he knew that the Digimon were protecting them.  �Agumon?��  Tai whispered.  Agumon turned to see the person that he was willing to risk all to protect, with tears swelling in his eyes.  �Tai?�  TAI!�  Agumon leaped in to his open arms and felt the warm tears of happiness flow down his face.  The other Digimon turned to see what in the world was going on.  When they saw Tai awake, they immediately turned to their human counter parts.  The Digimon saw each was awake and had tears rolling down their faces, and they also felt major whiplash.  They rejoiced in happiness in a long moment of silence.  �What�s going on?� Tai whispered in Agumon�s ear.  Agumon knew just what to say.  �I don�t know.�

Ogremon stood on the ground very confused.  To confused for words.  Biyomon had figured out the mystery of how Devimon�s attack had woken up the kids.  Devimon had plagued the sleeping chamber of the house with his �The Touch of Evil� attack.  When the kids feel asleep the attack took affect.  When he used this attack a second time, it woke the kids up.  Biyomon was right on the money, the only thing she did not know was why Devimon woke the kids up.  It didn�t make sense.

Devimon was almost up to his full energy level again.  His last attack had taken a lot of strength.  When his energy was recaptured, he eyed the beds, which were still zigzagging around in the sky, at a slow pace.  �Hmmm, first lets speed things up a bit� Devimon said.  At once the beds where flying, and whizzing past each other at an incredible speed.  Joe felt extremely nauseous.  Mimi was upset because her hair was becoming tangled at an incredible rate.  �Second lets meet the leader.�  Devimon pointed at Tai and Agumon�s bed and it slowly landed on to the ground.  Tai leaped of it and Agumon was ready to defend him with "Pepper Breath.�  Devimon found this especially entertaining.  �So, how did you like my mansion?� he taunted.  Tai said nothing.  �That�s to bad, it was just an illusion anyway.�  Tai said nothing.  �Humph� The house may have been an illusion but Leomon was not!� Immediately Leomon charged out from the mist that surrounded Tai and Agumon.  Agumon pushed Tai and himself out of Leomon�s path.  Tai regained his posture. He reached in to his pajama pocket and pulled out his digivice, he and Agumon were more then ready for this.  �AGUMON DIGIVOLVE TO- -GREYMON!�  Greymon leaned down and Tai climbed up on the dinosaur Digimon�s neck.  This time they were battling together.  Tai watched the enemy from an incredible height, he felt unstoppable.  But Tai knew better and formed a plan of attack.  �Greymon!  Next time he attacks, aim for the black gear!� Greymon kept a close eye on Leomon and knew he had to move and attack carefully, or he might accidentally though Tai off.  Leomon was sick of waiting.  �FIST OF THE BEAST KING!�  Greymon took this opportunity to put Tai�s plan in to action.  �NOVA BLAST!�  Greymon�s attack was right on target and the lion Digimon fell to his knees.  Greymon deDigivolved to Agumon.  �Leomon are you okay?� Agumon asked.  Leomon rose to his feet.  �Yes, thanks to your assistance Agumon� he said.  Tai looked down at Agumon with a face that screamed �what�s going on?�  �Leomon is a friendly and powerful Digimon by nature but the power of the black gear made him Devimon�s salve� Agumon explained.   After Agumon had explained a couple more things, Tai noticed Leomon walking toward them.

�T.K., and Patamon just hold on tight!� Matt yelled to his frightened brother as
their beds whizzed past one another�s and everyone else�s.  TK and Patamon nodded and looked down at the ground.   Joe tried to reach in to his first aid bag for some Pepto-Bismol but the risk of the whole bottle flying out of his hand was to great, plus Gomamon didn�t even have hands to hang on with, so one of his hands was warped around him.  Izzy held on to the bedpost� with his feet!  One of his arms was around Tentomon and the other was around his laptop.   Mimi had forgotten about her hair, now she was doing her best to keep her bag and Palmon from slipping away from her.  T.K. and Patamon were trying to see where Tai was but their bed was just going to fast, it was to blurry to see anything.  Sora was doing the same thing as T.K. and Patamon.  �Matt!  What do you think is happening to
Tai down there?� Sora asked.  Matt looked down but had the same problem as T.K. and Sora, he couldn�t see a thing.  He looked back at Sora�s worried face.  �What�s happening� Sora asked again.  Matt looked back down.  �I don�t know� I DON�T KNOW!�

Leomon stopped in front of the nervous Tai and Agumon.  �I thank you again, but now I must get you and the others as far from here as possible� Leomon said as he picked up Tai�s grounded bed and placed it on the shore of the island.  Agumon agreed with the whole escape idea, the other Digimon were trapped in the sky and even as Greymon he wouldn�t stand a chance against Devimon and his goons.  �How will you get the others down?� Tai asked as he and Agumon climbed on to the bed.  �I don�t know� yet,� Leomon said as he watched and listened to the cries of the others in the sky.  Meanwhile Devimon was incredibly angry over his lose of Leomon.  He listened to Leomon�s plans for the escape of the children.  If any of the kids were leaving the island they were going to do it his way.

Leomon pushed Tai and Agumon in to the water, the bed would float.  �But�� Tai was still bent over the idea Leomon hadn�t a plan for his friend�s escape.  �But what about the others?� he asked Leomon again.  �I�m thinking� Leomon said as he kept pushing the bed out to sea.  �There are several islands surrounding this one, if you and your friends can make it to one, I can help you from there� Leomon said.  �Now how to get your friends down�� He said as he continued to push.  �I�ll be more then happy to help you!�  Devimon stepped from the shadows.  He was still quite a ways away, but still visible.  Devimon raised his arms and the beds in the sky stopped moving for a second.  This was not what the kids were hoping for, not by Devimon.  �T.K. hold on, don�t let go!� Matt yelled as loud as he could.  The others could not help but let out some small sound of fear.  Mimi looked down at Devimon�s twisted face.  �Palmon�� She whispered as the tears just streamed down her face.   Palmon just hugged Mimi and closed her eyes tight.  Izzy held his laptop and hugged Tentomon with both arms and with all his might, tears rolled his face and Tentomon hugged Izzy back.  Joe and Gomamon were as one as they sat in silence.  Joe looked at Gomamon.  �Gomamon� you�re crying.�  �So are you� Gomamon sniffed and he hugged Joe even closer.  Matt hugged Gabumon in his arms.  He watched T.K. and Patamon hug each other, they also had tears of fear in their eyes.  T.K. looked at his brother with fear in his eyes, his mouth just whispered �help� over and over and over.   Matt was filled with a horrible feeling that was incredibly strong� but he could do nothing to make it go away.  The one he was supposed to protect was in danger, with tears streaming down his face� and he couldn�t do anything about it.  Sora and Biyomon cradled each other in their arms.  The same tears as the others swelled their eyes.  She looked down and she could finally see Tai, he was looking straight in to her eyes.  Then Devimon tough his arms out and the beds flew in all directions.  All the kids couldn�t help but scream in fear, which delighted Devimon.  They all crashed on to different islands that
surrounded the one they were on and Tai was left absolutely speechless.

Leomon watched in horror.  Then he turned to Tai.  �I�m sorry, but there are is time for tears, at least one of the Digidestined must escape!�  �Digi what?� Tai asked, his voice still sounded very shocked.  �I�m sorry but there is no time to explain anything either, we must hurry!� Leomon said as pushed with all his might.  �But Leomon what about you?� Tai asked.  �There could be more black gears and- -�  �- -Leomon let me help you� Devimon said cutting Tai off.  He pointed at Tai and Agumon on their bed.  At once the bed flew from Leomon�s grasp and in to the sky.  �NO!� Leomon screamed as he struggled to think of something, anything to save the only survivor out of the seven children.  His efforts were futile.  He could hear Tai and Agumon screaming for rescue and for merci, but they received none.  Devimon pointed to one of the empty islands and the bed sped in that direction.  Leomon heard the screams get fainter and fainter until� they ended all together.  �N0�� Leomon felt to his knees, he had failed, he had lost not one, not two, but all of the children to the likes of Devimon.  There was just no will to try and silence Devimon�s evil laughter and there was just no will to run from the black gears.
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