
Dramatics Personae 
Udayana - The king of Vatas.
Yaugandharayana - The Chief Minister of Udayana.
Rumanvan - The Second Minister of Udayana.
Babhravya - An Officer in the court of Udayana.
Vijayavarman - The nephew of Rumanvan.
Vasantaka - The friend of Udayana.
Vikramabahu - The King of Ceylon.
Vasubhuti - The Chief Minister of Vikramabahu.
Vasavadatta - The Queen of the Vatas.
Ratnavali - Daughter of Vikramabahu.
Kanchanamala - Maids of Vasavadatta.
Susangata - Maids of Vasavadatta.
Sagarika - Ratnavali in disguise. 


HUNDREDS of years ago there ruled over the country of the Vatasas a King named 
Udayana. He married Vasavadatta, the daughter of the King of Ujjain, a princess
of such extraordinary beauty that struck pale even the moon in the eastern sky.Being a 
cultured lady well acquainted with kingly duties, she proved a real helpmate to
her husband, and as time rolled on, became his friend and guide. 

The king was also assisted by a body of ministers headed by Yaugandharayana, who 
was eminently fitted for the place by his learning, character and devotion to God,
Crown and Country. Under their guidance the king vanquished his enemies and did 
everything conductive to the welfare of his subjects. During his reign the people
enjoyed all the fruits of a good government such as peace, plenty, security of person and 
property, and immunity from ills of all kinds. 

One day news reached the ears of the Chief Minister that a sage had predicated that he 
who married Ratnavali, the daughter of Vikramabahu, the King of Ceylon,
would be come an emperor. Naturally, therefore, his desire to win increasing glory for 
the king impelled him to secure the princess for the king. Without the King's
knowledge he sent messengers to Vikramabahu requesting his daughters hand for king 
Udayana. They reached the island safely and on their arrival were warmly
received and hospitably treated. In due course they informed the king of their mission. 
The king told them, much as he might wish for a direct alliance with King
Udayana for whose qualities of head and heart he had nothing but the greatest 
admiration, he did not like to give his daughter as a secondwife and thereby incur the
displeasure of the chief queen who was none other than his own sister's daughter.

 The king's reply was duly conveyed to the Chief Minister, but he was not in the least 
dismayed, though it would have sorely disappointed one with less ingenuity. He
soon hit upon a plan to achieve his cherished object. After the laps of a few months, he 
sent a responsible officer of the court named Babhravya with the message that,
while Udayana had gone a hunting, his tent set up near the village of Lavanaka caught 
fire, that Vasavadatta was there unfortunately burnt to ashes, and that he might
with the king. Vikramabahu was shocked to hear of the death of his niece. However, 
when time had blunted the edge of his grief, the king gladly agreed to the proposed
marriage, that he might keep up the old relation with the king impaired by the death of 
his niece. So he arranged to send the princess Ratnavali and his own minister
Vasubhuti with Babhravya. On an auspicious day they set sail for Dausambi, the capital 
city of the Vatasas. At the time of her departure the king presented her with a
fine necklace of sparkling gems befitting her name.

 Many months passed and yet the chief minister had no news of Babhravya.One day, a 
leading merchant of Kausambi sought an interview with the Prime Minister and
told him how during his return voyage from Ceylon he had rescued a girl found clinging 
to a spar. She was then almost exhausted, and, but for his help, she would nave
been drowned and gobbled up by some sea-monster. The girl was then brought and left 
in his charge. The minister could scarce believe her to be human; so angelic
were her looks and so refined her manners. So lustrous also was her beauty that her 
necklace served only as a foil it. The minister named her Sagarika and entrusted
her to the kind care of Vasavadatta, hoping that the king would chance to cast a glance 
at this young lady (born of a king, perhaps as he thought) during his] frequent
visit to the harem. But the jealous queen who knew well the ways of her royal husband, 
kept her out completely from his sight.

Then came, the smiling spring, when animals and plants began to glow with new life. 
The cool gentle breeze from the south gladdened the hearts of people, and made
trees put forth fresh and tender leaves. The jasmine creeper wound itself round the trunk 
of the mango tree and cheered lovers by its abundant output of flowers. A
hearty welcome was accorded to this returning spring and the festival of the Indian 
Cupid was celebrated all over the country.

At Kausambi also, arrangements were make on a grand scale for its celebration. Men 
and women of all ranks participated in the function, which provided an occasion
for the lower orders of the society for excessive drinking, ribaldry and tumultuous 
merrymaking. The people roamed about showing off their fineries. Of singing, dancing
and playing upon the several musical instruments there was plenty, besides the usual 
blowing of pipes and the beating of drums. The red powder and the red liquid so
characteristic of the festival were respectively thrown and squirted out from syringes at 
each other's heads. Some falling on the road, they formed a paste under the feet
of the devotes and the streets of the city looked like the dusty road of our modern towns 
after a slight drizzle.

 The queen for her part arranged to conduct the merry festivities in the Makaranda 
Grove. She sent words to her Lord to be present there on the occasion and moved to
the grove with her maid and Sagarika. On reaching the place of worship, she regretted 
that she had allowed her new charge to come out of her seclusion. Scolding her
for having left Sarika, a favourite bird of hers uncared for at that time of wanton 
drunkenness and grievous disorder, she ordered her back to the palace.

 Sagarika who had seen the worship of Madana in her father's palace came to the 
garden to observe how it was conducted by the queen. Disappointed in that hope, but
happily recollecting that the bird was under the safe custody of her dear friend 
Susangata, she resolved to gratify her curiosity remaining unnoticed.Finding, however,
that it would take sometime for the puja to begin, she thought that she might meanwhile 
fetch some flowers to worship Him. But she got too absorbed in the pleasant
task to note the quick lapse of time. So on her return she found to her disappoint that the 
puja was half done. But there was a pleasant surprise for her. She found Cupid
himself in flesh and blood worshipped by the queen in the place of a mere picture used 
in her own native land! All unconscious that this Cupid was none other than the
king, she offered him the flowers and prayed for his blessings. For a long time she stood 
rooted to the spot feasting her eyes on his beauty.

The day was far advanced and then was heard the sound of the town-crier that many 
kings were waiting at the palace to take leave of king Udayana. When Sagarika
heard the name Udayana, she was taken by surprise and exclaimed within herself; "Is 
this Cupid Udayana himself to whom my father consented to offer me? Oh, how I
swell at the sight of the King!" hearing the cry, the king and the queen started for the 
palace, while Sagarika stood weeping over the cruel fate that so soon robbed her of
the sight of the King.

 She returned to the palace, but she could not attend to her duties; the form of the king 
as she saw him in the Makaranda Grove stood constantly before her eyes. She
had no taste for food. She did not like to talk even to her fellow-maids. Not a wink of 
sleep could she get, but simply lay tossing restlessly in her bed of pain. She got up
at the first streak of dawn, and once again leaving the bird to the care of her friend 
Susangata, stole to the plantain grove with a board, pencil, brush and paints. On her
way, she passed by a servant of the queen named Nipunika who was sent by her to see 
if the creeper planted by the king had yielded the expected profusion of flowers.
Taking her seat in a convenient place in the grove, Sagarika said to herself: "Oh, my 
heart, be still. Why yearn after what is beyond your reach? Why so much longing to
see him, when it only aggravates your pain? Why desert me now? Having been wholly 
mine from my birth, you now run after the king, whom you saw only yesterday.
Oh, Cupid! Is it not enough glory to have vanquished the Gods in the celestial regions? 
Is it manly on your part to afflict me, a poor innocent weakling? That is why,
perhaps, you have lost your body. Anyway I see no reason to continue my existence. 
This place is not frequented by people. This much will I do. Let me sit here and
draw a portrait of the king. Let me have a full taste of its sweets before I kill myself." 
Quickly did she set to work and in a few hours she completed the picture.

 Susangata who was expecting in vain the return of Sagarika set out in search of her 
with the cage in her hand. She met Nipunika on the way and learning from her the
whereabouts of her friend, directed her steps to the grove. There she found her 
absorbed in drawing a portrait. She looked at it from behind her and started on seeing 
king him-self painted. Then she exclaimed, "Well done, Sagarika. Truly a celestial swan 
will choose only a lotus tank to live in." Sagarika was surprised and turning round
she saw only her friend whom she entreated to sit by her side. 

 Susangata: "Whom have you drawn here?"Sagarika: "Only Madana, who is being 
worshipped in this festival."Susangata: "Well done indeed. Only let me paint Rati by
his side." Forthwith she drew the picture of Sagarika by the side of King. Sagarika: 
(angrily) "Whom have you painted here?" Susangata: "Prithee, be not angry. I have
only drawn a Rati for your Madana. Why do you hide the truth from me? Confess freely."

 Now Sagarika felt sure that her love for the king had been discovered. So she 
unburdened herself to Susangata, but earnestly besought her to keep it confidential. She
replied, "Don't be nervous. It is but proper that such a gem of a woman should fall in love 
with such a king. I will keep your love a secret, but I fear that this silly bird
which is very proud of its skill to repeat the words uttered by others will betray you."

Sagarika: "I am all the more anxious." Susangata: "It cannot be helped, but, console 
yourself. Let me bring lotus-stalk and leaves." Sagarika: "Fetch them soon."

When she returned with them, Sagarika said, "Why should I worry myself thus? what a 
fool I am to love the king, being in the service, of the queen? Does it not spell
disgrace to me? Why not free myself from this predicament by death?" Before 
Susangata could reply, their attention was distracted by a cry that a monkey breaking
loose from the king's stable was running about in the palace pursued by the grooms. The 
two ladies became thoroughly frightened when the monkey came scampering
towards them. So they took to flight leaving behind them the board and the cage, and hid 
themselves in a bower. Thus safely ensconced their only anxiety was for the
safety of the bird. But they were somewhat relieved when they found that the bird had 
escaped and the monkey was feasting on the delicious viands in the cage. They
had but to recapture it. So they sped after the bird. 

Now appeared in the garden the king himself listening to Vasanataka's description of the 
plenteous bloom that the horticulturist had coaxed out of the creeper by his
expert methods. He was proceeding to see for himself the much extolled yield, when his 
attention was arrested by the voice of Sarika repeating, word for word, the
conversation between Sagarika and Susangata.

 Intently listening to it, he learnt that a certain beautiful lady had lost her heart to one and 
that despairing of gaining his love was about to commit suicide. Vasanataka
now plied the king with good raillery to confess that he was himself the fortunate Madana 
sought for by the love-sick lady of Sarika's narration. As he said this, he was
so highly diverted at the nation that he had caught at the truth that he burst into such an 
uncontrollable fir of laugher that the truant bird got thoroughly frightened, and
flew off as fast as wings could carry. The monarch calling Vasanataka to follow, panted 
after the bird to hear what more it had to say. Their eager quest brought them
to the plantain grove in whose cool shade they planned for themselves a short respite to 
get back their breath.

 When Vasanataka had sufficiently rested himself, he began to wander about the 
garden. He became across the open cage of Sarika and a board whereon were painted
his friend the king and a charming damsel. Delighted that his surmise had proved 
correct, he snatched the board and danced into the king's presence saying: "Who is this
Madana but yourself?" Looking at the portrait, the monarch got lost in the charms of the 
lady whose loveliness, he thought, outshone that of the full moon.

 Just then, Sagarika and Susangata, after a fruitless pursuit of Sarika returned to secure 
at least the drawing board, lest it should fall into the hands of some one else. As
they approached their seats in the grove, they heard human voices. So they stayed and 
hiding themselves behind the trees, listened to the conversation between the king
and his friend. Vasanataka was asking the king if he was pleased with the lady in the 
picture, to which the king truthfully replied and unconsciously made Sagarika thrill
with pleasure to hear that her beauties had engrossed his whole being.

 Thereupon Vasanataka showed the king the bed of lotus leaves and the rings of  lotus 
stalk used by the lady to soothe the agony of her burning love for him. The king
was fondly handling the lotus stalk, when Susangata revealed herself to the king. In 
great surprise the monarch asked her how she came to be there in reply to which
she averred that she knew not only his whereabouts but also the drawing board affair.

 Becoming greatly concerned at the possibility of this impudent lady betraying him to his 
queen, he earnestly importuned her to keep his love affair a secret, and be
gratified with the rich presents he offered her on the spot. But the saucy maid would 
have none of it. She preferred first to pacify her dear friend Sagarika, who was
near by and who was wild with anger at her having been painted as Rati by the Madana 
of her heart. The king felt that it was the proper time for him to plead his cause,
which was hers too, before her.

 But the timid pretended to take alarm and stood frigid before his advance. knowing well 
that women like to be wooded before being won, he began pouring forth his
praises of her, described her beauty as angelic, fondly protested that such rare gem had 
never before been seen on earth, declared that even the creator should have
been astounded at His own handiwork and wound up by saying that her apparent 
forbidding looks were only indicative of the great tumult of love within.

"If so, why not gather up the treasure in your arm?", was the bright suggestion of 
Susangata. It came timely for him and happy Udayana threw his arms round her neck.
As Sagarika struggled hard to slip out of his embrace, Vasantaka cried out, "What, here 
is another Vasavadatta." On hearing the terrific name of the Queen, the king
released her whereupon Sagarika and Susangata walked away from the spot.

The king looked about, but finding no Vasavadatta, he enquired of Vasanataka where 
she was. He replied that he did not mention anything of the queen being there
about, but only suggested that Sagarika was as ill-tempered as the queen. The king of 
course, was in the greatest grief at thus having mistakenly allowed Sagarika to go
away and keenly regretted why should always be many a slip between the cup and the 

But Vasantaka's words proved true, for by chance at that moment there arrived 
Vasavadatta herself to see how the new horticultural methods had affected the king's
creeper. Happy to see her royal lord there, she asked him if he had seen it. The king 
said, "No, I have not. How could I think of enjoying the welcome sight except in
your happy company"? Such a skilful reply so delighted Vasantaka that in pure joy he 
leaped high into the air. Down fell the board hidden in his garments, which sadly
spoiled the game. The queen found Sagarika portrayed by the side of her lord and asked 
him how it came about. The evasive reply of Vasantaka that the king's picture
was but his own fruitless attempt bettered by the king provoked the pertinent question as 
to who painted the lady. 

The prevaricating reply of the king that it was simply drawn from imagination and her 
maid's attempt to explain it away as a case of chance correspondence, only nettled
her the more and she turned for the palace in high dudgeon, complaining, however, of 
headache.Soon the king returned to his chamber and was confined to his bed. The
news spread that the king had an attack of fever, but no one, not even the queen, could 
guess the cause of this sudden rise in temperature. Vasantaka knew that his love
for Sagarika was the only cause of his affliction. So he approached Susangata to whom 
the queen had lately entrusted Sagarika and arranged with her that she and
Sagarika should meet the king in a particular grove after sunset disguised as 
Kanchanamala and Queen Vasavavdatta. But as fate would have it, this conversation 
overheard by one of the maid-servants of the queen, who duly reported the matter to her 
beloved mistress.

In the evening the king who was appraised by his friend of the arrangements made by 
him secretly left his apartments and made off to the grove where the meeting had
been arranged for. Impatiently he waited and at last the appointed hour came. But no 
Sagarika turned up. So Vasantaka left the king alone and marched in search of
her. At this time the king cursed himself for his folly in running after lady while he had his 
queen beautiful as the moon, doting on him, serving him as a slave and daily
proving her worth as his friend and partner.

 Not long after there came the queen and Kanchanamala to observe how the affair was 
progressing. The latter saw Vasantaka and beckoned him on her. He mistook
her for Susangata whom he was expecting all the time, congratulated her on her 
successful disguise as Kanchanamala and enquired after Sagarika. On her pointing to
the woman by her side, he exclaimed that she really looked like the queen and asked 
her quickly to follow him, as the moon was threatening to pry into their secrets. To
see how far their madness would carry them, the queen prayed to the moon to stay her 
course learn earlier their error in mistaking her for Sagarika. She approached the
bower and the king who was informed of her arrival by his friend came rushing to 
welcome her and begged her to cool his burning love by her balmy embrace.
Vasantaka also entreated her to gladden, by her gentle words, his friend whose ears had 
been recently bored through, as it were, by the harsh words of the queen. The
moon rising far above the sky, the king remarked, "What need is there for the moon to 
show her face, now that you are here? Does not your face make the lotus close
its bloom? Does it not cheer up the hearts of those who look at it? Does it not make 
lovers go mad? Well, if the moon has the heavenly nectar in her, you too have it kin
your lips." On 

hearing this speech the queen ironically remarked, "Surely, I am Sagarika, O king. 
Having fallen deeply in love with her, you take every woman you come across to be
Sagarika." The king's face fell, and he did not know what to say Vasantaka feared that 
his plot had been found out and that he would certainly be put to death. The king
begged her to pardon him. The queen shed tears and with bowed head begged the king 
not to talk so. Vasantaka implored her to for- give, in her magnanimity, his
friend's folly. The loving Hindu wife in her said that, as she stood in the way of the king's 
enjoyment, she was the real criminal and that it was the king who should
excuse her. Much moved at this speech he fell flat before her. She asked him to get up, 
but finding that he continued prostrate she walked away to avoid putting him to
such humiliation. Not knowing that she was gone, he again repeated his prayer for 
pardon, when his friend admonished him not to cry in the wilderness, as the queen had
gone. The king felt very sorry for not having secured the queen's pardon and both 
became anxious about the safety of Sagarika who, they feared, would be dealt with
severely for her insolence.

 Ere long there came Sagarika disguised as the queen. She said aloud to herself that as 
the queen had found out the plot and punished Susangata, the best course open to
her was to hang herself. Hearing the fort musical voice of a woman, Vasantaka told the 
king that perhaps the queen being a noble minded lady had returned. Presently
they heard the words, "Oh, father, Oh mother, why have you left me-unfortunate that I 
am-helpless?" Taking the voice to be that of Vasavadatta and fearing that she
was probably about to commit suicide, they advanced rapidly in the direction of the 

The king saw a lady with her noose made of a creeper in her hand and taking her to be 
the queen begged of her not to hang herself but to throw it round his neck as he
deserved much less to live. Sagarika, though anxious to part with her life in the bringing, 
now felt happy at the approach of her lover and longed to live for ever revelling
in his sweet company. Yet mildly requesting him not to obstruct her in his fixed purpose, 
she begged of him not to fall a victim to the queen's wrath. Thereupon, knowing
that she was Sagarika, the king tore off the noose from her hands and coming into a 
momentary contact with her fingers felt a sudden rush of joy coursing through him.

  At that time, the queen was coming there accompanied by her attendant to soo the the 
king's wounded feelings. When at a distance they heard the king say, "Foolish
lady, why do you stand aloof and thwart my heart's desire?" Thinking that the speech 
was addressed to the queen, the maid asked her to go forward. The queen had no
sooner finishes saying that she would go unseen behind their backs and surprise the 
king by clinging to his neck they heard Vasantaka say, "Don't be nervous. Be
amenable. Yield to his wish." The queen then recognised Sagarika standing beside the 
king and his friend. She told her maid that it was better to over hear the
conversation unobserved. They heard Sagarika begging the king not to offend the queen 
by that display of excessive love for her, to which he replied that the queen was
nothing when compared to her. This was more than what the queen could bear; and she 
exclaimed, "Well said, Oh king, your speech quite befits you!"

The king turned round and saw in his faithful wife a jealous fury and said submissively 
that he was not to blame and that he and his friend came there thinking that the
lady whom they saw was her own self. He then fell down at her feet. She asked him to 
rise and not to subject himself to such humiliation. Vasantaka showed her the
noose and said that they were attracted by the voice of a lady in despair whom, on their 
arrival, they mistook for the queen owing to the close resemblance she bore to
her majesty. This answer might account for their presence there; but would it heal the 
wound caused by her husband's 

passionate declaration to a scheming rival that she, his lawfully wedded wife, was 
nothing to him? She pointed this out to Vasantaka and seeing in him her husband's
abettor had him bound with that very creeper. Then the queen left the place with her 
maid leading Vasantaka and Sagarika as prisoners. The former marched forward
asking his friend to discover means for his release, while the latter cursed herself on her 
misfortune in not having been able to put an end to her life as she proposed.


They were taken to the palace and were imprisoned. On the way, Sagarika saw her 
friend Susangata and as the thought that her end was drawing near gave her the
necklace to be presented to some worthy recipient. Susangata often visited her in the 
cell and consoled her as best she could. One day Susangata missed her friend in
the prison and the rumour reached her that Sagarika had been taken away somewhere 
perhaps to Ujjain, the birthplace of the queen.

 Susangata was lamenting over the absence of Sagarika, when she happened to see 
Vasantaka who had been set free by the caprice of the queen. She offered the
necklace to him. He reluctantly accepted it that he might console the king at least with 
the jewel worn by his love. He soon saw him and narrated to him all that he heard
from Susangata about her friend.


Now was announced to the king the arrival of Vijayavarma who had come to inform him 
of the splendid success of his uncle Rumanvan, who had led an expedition
against the king of Kosala. When he was introduced, he congratulated the king on the 
success gained by his minister for war and at the king's request he described in
detail the exploits of the army and of its leader. He said, "At your Majesty's command a 
large army of soldiers riding on elephants, cavalry and infantry was collected
and made to attack the king of Kosala who was then stationed near the Vindhya 
mountains. Scarcely had the news of the march of our armies reached his ears, when
he gathered at a short notice a huge army composed mostly of soldiers on elephants. A 
close fight ensued which resulted in the death of many of our men; but in the end
our leader Rumanavan fought single handedly and killed the king of Kosala. He has now 
placed my elder brother Jayavarman in charge of the country and is returning
leisurely." The happy news of victory roused the king's drooping spirit and he sent word 
to his Chief Minister to reward the soldiers adequately.

Shortly after the arrival of Vijayavarman there came with a regiment of the king's troops 
Vasubhuti, the minister of Vikramabahu, and Babhravya. They told the chief
minister how they set sail from Ceylon on an auspicious day with the daughter of the 
king Vikramabahu. how their ship was blown to pieces, how by the dispensation of
a wise and overruling Providence, they were miraculously saved and how they joined the 
army under the command of Rumanvan. The chief minister Yaugandharayana
who had already head the story of  Sagarika was wise enough to conclude in his own 
mind that Sagarika was none but the princess of  Ceylon. He was glad that the
king and the princess had already fallen in love with each other and to fulfil his long 
cherished object he wanted to celebrate the marriage between them both as early as
possible. But the queen had imprisoned the princess and he knew that it was no easy 
affair to persuade the queen release her. However, his fertile brain whetted by
keen desire to see the marriage accomplished soon, hit on a cunning plan to secure the 
release of Sagarika.

He sent for a skilful magician and introduced him to the queen as having come from her 
father's capital. She naturally welcome him with great cordiality and consented
to witness with the king a performance of his. He asked her maid to take him to his 
majesty. After introduction, the magician said that by his skill and with the blessings
of his preceptor he could show the moon on earth, the mountain in air, fire on water, and 
sunset at midday. He begged of the king to choose the particular performance
he desired to see. The king at once ordered the maid to convey his request to the queen 
to be present there with him on the occasion. Accordingly she arrived and soon
afterwards the performance began. The magician showed them the heaven where they 
could see the creator Brahma seated on the lotus, Sankara with the crescent
moon on hid head and Vishnu the Destroyer of the Daityas with his bow, sword, mace 
and disc as well as the several gods and goddesses singing and dancing.
Thereupon Vasantaka exclaimed that his show was nothing if he could not present 

 At that time, a servant announced the arrival of Vasubhuti whom, the chief minister 
desired, the king should see immediately. The queen was eager to meet the minister
from her uncle's palace and so the magician was asked to stop his show for a while. As 
he left the hall he begged of their majesties to be gracious enough to witness at
least one more shoe, to which they consented.

Vasubhuti entered accompanied by Babhravya. The former was so struck with the 
beauty of the palace and the music of the minstrels that he was beside himself with
wonder, while the latter could not find words to express his thankfulness to God for their 
miraculous escape. When they entered the audience hall, they saw the necklace
worn by Vasantaka, and asked each other whether it did not resemble the one worn by 
Ratnavali. Babhravya wanted to question Vasantaka about it, but the other
stopped him saying that it was possible for a king to have a large store of such precious 
jewels. As they approached the throne, the king and the queen welcomed them
and enquired after the health of all near and dear to Vikramabahu. Vasubhuti remained 
silent unwilling to communicate the sad news of the loss of Ratnavali, the king's
daughter. The queen could not surmise the cause of his silence. Being very much 
pressed, the minister explained everything from the time of Babhravya's arrival at
Ceylon till the wrecking of the ship. The queen unable to suppress her sorrow cried, "Oh, 
Ratnavali, my dear cousin, whither hast thou gone? Why don't you reply me?"
The king consoled her with the words that the ways of God are mysterious and that 
Ratnavali might have been saved as the minister and Bahravya had been.The king
asked Babhravya to explain in detail what had taken place as he could not clearly follow 
the minister's speech. When he began to speak, there was an uproar outside
that the harem had caught fire. The king in his hurry cried out "Vasavadatta," when the 
queen reminded him of her existence by her side, expressed with great feeling
her anxiety about the safety of Sagarika, whom she had mercilessly imprisoned in the 
palace, and begged of him to rescue her. Immediately in spite of the advice of the
minister Vasubhuti and others not to risk his life, the king rushed forward to save 
Sagarika. The queen too realised brought the king and proceeded to the scene of fire,
with Vasantaka, Vasubhuti and Babhravya.

The king saw Sagarika surrounded by the flames on all sides. She stood aloof and did 
not approach him, though her desire to die vanished the moment she saw the king.
Lifting her up bodily he carried her in his arms and safely brought outside. The queen 
was wonder struck to find that the king had returned unhurt. Then it was evident to
all that really there was no fire but it was merely the work of the magician.

When Vasuchuti saw Sagarika, he observed that she looked exactly like Ratnavali and 
asked the king who she was. The king said that the queen alone knew it. She
answered that Sagarika was left in her charge by Yaugandharayana, who said that she 
was saved from the sea. On hearing this Vasubhuti concluded that she was his
King's daughter and exclaimed, "Oh Ratnavali, what a sad plight you have been brought 
to!" Sagarika thereupon recognised the chief minister of her father's court and
cried out, "Oh Father, Oh mother, where are you? please reply." The queen was startled 
to discover her cousin Ratnavali in the person of Sagarika and spoke soothingly
to her. Vasubhuti then asked her to embrace the queen, her cousin. But she replied that 
she had sinned against her and dared not look her in the face, whereupon
Vasavadatta assured her that she was only her affectionate cousin and requested the 
king to remove her chains which the king gladly did. Then the queen exclaimed
that she had wronged her on account of the chief minister, who had kept everything 

At this stage, Yaugandharauana came upon the scene. He tendered his apologies to the 
king and the queen and craved their pardon for having concealed his plans till
then. He narrated to them the whole story beginning with the Astrologer's prophecy and 
concluded that, though the ways adopted to secure Ratnavali were somewhat
objectionable, he was actuated only by the best of motives and by his loyalty to the 
throne. The king then asked him if the magician's latest display of his skill was at his
suggestion. The minister confessed that it was so. 

The queen now showed herself as ready to celebrate the marriage of Ratnavali with the 
king as she had been to thwart the love intrigues of Sagarika. Craving her
pardon in touching words for all the hardships to which she had subjected Ratnavali, the 
noble Vasavadatta herself best owed the hand of her cousin on the king and
begged of him to accord such a treatment to her as would make her forget her home, a 
needless request indeed, but one which showed how anxious she now was for
the happiness of her much wronged cousin. The king promised to do so. Ratnavali 
bowed to the chief queen. The king felt happy that Vasavadatta had softened and that
Sagarika had become his own. He sat on the throne like Vishnu with Goddess Lakshmi 
on one side and the Goddess Lakshmi on one side and the Goddess of Earth on
the other. Yaugandharayana, Vasubhuti, Babhravya, Vasantaka and Susangata, all 
forgot their trials and difficulties in the accomplishment of their purposes and
exclaimed to one another, "All is well that ends well."

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