Author's Notes: Disclaimer: I don't own them, Joss Whedon is the lucky one. Pairing: Angelus/Spike, Angelus/Spike/Drusilla Rating: Between R and NC-17 Warning: consensual and non-consensual sex between two members of the same gender. Spoilers: Angel Season five, Destiny Notes: Bystander to my story Corruption, this time from Spike's POV Transformation by Ratwoman „Drusilla sired me, but you made me a monster." * 1880 Life had become wonderful since his death. It was full of miracles, every night an adventure. William had found the love of his life - or rather, his unlife. She was a beautiful, mysterious lady, and their love would last until eternity. Everything he had always hoped for. Also new to William was that he had a best mate. Angelus was a friend and teacher to him, he lead him into new adventures, where they prevailed over whoever dared to step into their way. The Victorian nobility had used to make fun over his poems. Now he was the stronger one, they crawled in fear at his superiority. Power was intoxicating. Drinking the blood of the butler of an old lady they had just raided, William thought that his life had really turned into a dark poem, like one of Byron or Shelley. He had always tried to imitate them - now he LIVED their work. William looked up when Angelus stood before him. „Stand up," Angelus said. William followed the order without questioning. Angelus stepped forward and pressed William against the wall that was close behind him. „Angelus?" William asked in confusion. Had he done anything wrong? Then Angelus kissed him. William froze, shocked for a moment. Victorian morals did not mean anything to him anymore, but brought up rather sheltered, he had not even been aware that there was something like homosexuality. And there was Drusilla, his one, true, eternal love... After a while, William struggled to break the kiss. Angelus let him, but licked at his neck instead. William felt shivers of arousal going right to his groin. „Angelus..." he said in a begging tone. „What is it, William?" Angelus asked, then traced with his tongue the line of William's jaw. „Drusilla..." „What about her?" Angelus asked and started unbuttoning William's shirt. Determined on staying faithful to his beloved, William closed his hands around Angelus's wrists. „I can't cheat on her." Angelus quickly freed his hands, grabbed William's wrists instead and pinned them to the wall. „It's not cheating as long as it stays within the family," he said, rubbing his body sensually against William's. `O God, or rather, Lucifer' William thought, fighting his growing arousal, his wish to just give in to Angelus's seduction. He became suddenly very aware that Angelus was a handsome man. „Drusilla wouldn't mind." Angelus whispered, then let go of William's wrists. William closed his eyes, moaning softly as Angelus ripped his shirt apart and moved his hands over his skin. But yet... „Drusilla and I, we are meant for each other..." he said, shaking his head. Then every capability to think evaporated when Angelus opened his pants and moved his hand inside. Stroking his cock with one hand, Angelus grabbed William's neck with the other and kissed him fervently. *** Spike did not really remember how they'd come to the bed afterwards, just that - at that time - what followed had been the best fuck of his life. Well, of course, now that he was about 150 years old he would not describe it anymore as the best fuck of his life - but among the top ten. Spike sighed. He could hardly believe how naive he had been back then. He had only understood years later that Angelus had seduced him because he could not stand the thought, that he, being a vampire, truly loved someone. Since Angelus's seducing him had not shown the effects on his feelings for Drusilla Angelus had hoped for, he had turned to other means. *** 1880 One evening, Drusilla offered William a cup of wine. William deeply trusted that woman and drunk it, not noticing that it was spiked with a sleeping drought until it was too late. William woke up later, lying on his stomach, chained naked and spreadeagled to the bed. „What the hell...?" he cursed. „Tsk, tsk, tsk," he heard Angelus say, „William, you should know, one shall not curse." William looked around, as far as possible with being restrained. Angelus was sitting on the bed to William's right. On his left Drusilla was sitting. „Angelus?" William asked, „Dru? What are you doing?" He really had no clue what they were up to. „Not much, yet," Angelus said. „But I promised Drusilla an entertaining evening, so, sorry pal..." Then he spoke to Dru, „Be careful with it, Drusilla," he said, „you'll hurt yourself if it touches your skin." Holy water? A cross? Moments later William felt a drop of an acid fluid fall onto his back. It burned like liquid fire. William cried out in pain, then he heard Drusilla say in a sweet voice:„Am I doing it right, daddy?" „Yes, you're doing well, Dear." Angelus answered in a merry tone. More burning liquid fell on his skin, this time his legs. But why were they doing this, why was Angelus staging this? William asked Angelus the same question. „I'm just doing Drusilla a favour," Angelus answered. William gasped in pain when Angelus moved his fingers over his sore flesh. But he knew, Dru was not to blame: „She doesn't really know, what she's doing. But what are you getting from it?" „You've been boring me lately, William," he heard Angelus say, „you've hardly shown any creativity. That way, at least, you are of some use." He had believed Angelus to be his best pal, his teacher, his friend, and now he said he was boring him? It hurt almost more than the holy water. „B... but..." William stammered, „but I did everything you asked for..." „Yeah, and exactly that is boring!" Angelus replied. „May I use the cross?" he heard Drusilla say. „Yes,"Angelus said, „but take on your gloves first!" Drusilla did something out of William's sight, then she told him: „This might hurt a bit." William couldn't help but scream in pain, when she pressed a wooden cross against his back. It burned like fire. Drusilla did not stop for a while, taking turns with the cross and holy water. Obviously, she ran out of holy water after a while, because William heard her ask Angelus, whether she could have some more. To his relief, Angelus answered with „no", but then he added: „But you may watch." William felt Angelus straddling his hips, then heard him opening his pants. No, he would not...? He would. Something hard entered William and his world exploded in pain, worse than the cross and the holy water had been. Not been prepared, he could feel his inner muscles tear. „Don't worry," he heard Angelus say in a friendly voice, „you're a vampire, you'll heal quickly." At that time the rape seemed to William to last forever, but after a while Angelus climaxed and withdrew. „You can open his chains now, Drusilla," William heard him say. William felt battered, beaten and confused, but also increasingly angry. Why the bleeding hell had Angelus done that? As soon as he was freed, William jumped at Angelus. The older vampire fell to the floor with the impact. William knelt on him, hitting his face once, twice with his fist. It was a good feeling to give Angelus back some of the pain he had put him through. But since he was not so well trained yet, it was only a short fight, at which's end William was on his back and Angelus straddling his hips. Full of anger and hurt, William growled at him and bucked, trying to escape. Suddenly Angelus started laughing. William looked at him in surprise. What was so funny about it? „That's how I like you, William," Patting his cheek, Angelus added, „maybe you're alright after all." With these words he stood up and left the room, William staring after him in utter confusion. *** Lighting a cigarette, Spike thought, it had propably been that evening that had turned him into a rebell. He had been linked to Angelus by an odd mixture of love and hatred, and he still wanted his recognition. Since Angelus had told him that he was boring if he obeyed, he had turned defiant. Another reason was... he had started to enjoy pain. Spike was not sure whether he had developed his lust for pain in order to survive, or whether it had been in him all along and had just been awakened that night. Provoking Angelus, of course, had always been a good way to get his dose of pain. Spike gazed at Angel, who was sitting at his desk, brooding. Angel probably was even more masochistic than Spike, judging from the way he kept tormenting himself with feelings of guilt every night of his life. Spike shrugged. He had never seen any use in going buh-huh for things past. He couldn't change what happened, he could only make the best of the present. So when Angelus finally left the office to do some rescuing the helpless, Spike followed him, because it was the right thing to do. Fin***