The Patrons of the Proboscis Monkeys in Klias - 14 February 2004
The peat swamp forest and its associated wetlands of the Klias Peninsula harbour a sizeable population of Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus). The largest concentration is found along the riverine fringes of the Klias River, especially within the Padas-Damit Forest Reserve. Although under threat of shrinking habitats, such limited population is recognised as having significance to the nature-based tourism industry because this is where the world-renowned Klias Wetlands is located. On 14 February 2004, the proboscis monkeys received a rare VIP visit of 120 delegates; those who attended the Convention on Biodiversity, COP7 held in Kuala Lumpur on 9-29 February 2004. The half-day field trip was jointly organized by the Sabah Forestry Department and the UNDP/GEF Peat Swamp Forest Project. The VIP visit pledged commitment and support in the peat swamp forest biodiversity conservation efforts within the shrinking habitats of the Klias Peninsula.

I participated in the Field Tour to meet and share field experience with an illustrous group of like-minded people who place habitat protection agenda high in their list of conservation initiatives. During the brief encounters with the visitors, I was impressed by their immediate acknowledgement and understanding of the importance of cooperation and support of the stakeholders in championing the cause of global biodiversity conservation.
Cruising along the Klias River to view the Proboscis Monkeys
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