I am occassionally asked about commission work.  The short answer is yes; I do take commissions.  I don't have fixed prices, because cost depends on variables such as the type of miniature, and the scheme required.  For example, a light mech done up in the drab gray of the Genyosha is an easy job, and runs about $10 each (perhaps a bit more for a rush or if I must provide decals).  But a complex scheme, like something from clan Steel Viper involving scales, and painted on a big mech like a Scylla...well, that's different, and might cost up to $25 or so to manage.  The best way to get a price is to contact me and tell me what you want, including the following information:

- mini type, and condition (new in pack, assembled, painted and needing stripping, etc.)

- scheme desired (established scheme, custom scheme, difficulty, etc.)

- stand type desired (will you send a stand, do I need to provide one, do you want a custom made "rock" stand, etc.)

- decals (do I provide them or you)

With this information I can give you a good estimate, and come up with a fair price for both of us.

Now, as for turn around.  Again, it depends on the job, but figure a couple weeks minimum, and possible a couple of months if it's a lot of work.  Again, it depends on what you want, and what other work I have already lined up.   I'm a first come, first serve kind of service, so it might be awhile. 
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