Chances are that the number 666 was not chosen arbitrarily to serve as the lot number for the chandelier. Although this could be considered reading into the story too much, it does provide an interesting twist..

The number 666 is considered to be "The Sign of the Beast." While Erik is no beast, neither was he treated as an equal human during his life (or during the course of the show/novel). Many people automatically equate the number 666 with darkness and chaos. Since the chandelier came to represent the events surrounding the Phantom, the number 666 symbolizes the turmoil - both inner (Christine having to decide between Raoul and Erik) and outer (the chandelier crashing, and bodies having the nasty habit of appearing out of nowhere) - that engulfs the Paris Opera in 1881. Because darkness is the Phantom's domain, the number 666 also suits him, and bringing "a little illumination" (from the chandelier) would be considered a good way to banish him. Raoul represents the light to Christine, and as Raoul wins Christine over the Phantom in the end, light banished the darkness.

As this page is just being started, more information will be added as I find it. If you would like to add anything, please e-mail me at the address below.

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