Ran tells us that Christene arrived in the States on the 31st of March after a long flight from her native Australia. After a small bout of jetlag, she has settled in nicely. The two of them were married on the 30th of June and are planning a vow renewal on Lake Erie in the spring of 2007 (On Lake Erie? Yes, on Lake Erie.). Ran has hinted that this is going to be a little different, �interesting and fun,� he said. So stay tuned for more on this.

They are currently engaged on a number of writing projects. Christene is working on her HARLEYING AROUND TASMANIA book as well as a couple of short stories, one a horror story set in Australia and Egypt, and another about ghost bikers. Ran is currently working on two chapbooks.

Of course, the highways and byways of Pennsylvania and beyond also beckon the couple. Like Ran, Christene rides a Harley (she has one of her own), and both are members of the Patriot Guard Riders. So don�t be surprised if you see them somewhere on the road.


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