This website is designed to inform individuals about four (4) types of cyber laws that are currently enforced
 in Jamaica. In addition, it also states the both the negative and positive effects of these laws.

What does CyberCrime mean?

 Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used as a tool to commit 
 an offense. Criminals or cybercriminals in this case, can use computers for communication and document or data 
 storage as well as to access personal information, trade secrets and or utilize the internet for exploitive or 
 vindictive purposes. Criminals who perform these illegal activities are often referred to as hackers 

Useful Links

Ministry of Justice

Houses of Parliament

Caribbean Court of Justice

Director of Public Prosecution

Larceny Act

The Interception of Communications Act

Child Pornography Act

Evidence Act

Sunset Laws