Cyber Terrorism

What is Cyber Terrorism?

 Cyberterrorism is the act of Internet terrorism in terrorist activities, including acts of 
 deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers 
 attached to the Internet. This is done to cause harm or to further ideological, political,
 or similar objectives or to intimidate any person in furtherance of such objectives
Consequences Cyber terrorism has alot of effects both on the economy and on the people. The aim of a cyber terrorism assault could go from monetary disturbance through the interference of money related systems and frameworks or utilized as a part of backing of a physical assault to bring about additional disarray and conceivable deferrals in appropriate reaction. Read: Jamaica Wesite Hacked

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Ministry of Justice

Houses of Parliament

Caribbean Court of Justice

Director of Public Prosecution

Larceny Act

The Interception of Communications Act

Child Pornography Act

Evidence Act

Sunset Laws