Going to Kansas City....Kansas City here I come...
Thoughts on Greyhound Bus lines.
first thought ...DONT DO IT unless you like to be cramped in a teeny tiny seat with Paco sitting next to you reeking of colgne and spouting spanish to the people in the seats in front/behind you for hours on end. Then there is the bathroom provided for your convience should you need to go, of course goodluck getting out of your seat while the bus is moving ( there should be handles on the seats themselves but there aren't of course then you would be able to walk down the aile withot endangering your life or limbs as the bus tries to throw you thru the floor), and lets not forget that Paco is so busy talking that he won't move is ass out of your way so you can get into the aisle in the first place. Then there is the bathroom itself, ever spend time in a very small closet? Well that is luxury compared to this room , the Marquis de Sade would be proud of this torture device. One there is NO room at all so if you are a large person your best bet is to hold it, Two, there is no water, and it doesn't flush so make sure if you have to go you get in there before Paco dumps the 3 chalupas he ate before he got onboard. Otherwise entering the bathroom would be the equivilent of sticking your head  in a gas main....now it makes sense that there is no smoking on the bus...but at least when they give the list of No's on the bus, sex isn't one them.

Thoughts on Kansas City
its a city, big deal. I was going to meet some friends not jot down a review of the local architeture, but it was a cool looking place if you like big buildings and lots of winding streets. Mind you I doubt I could find my way from the bus stop to where I was staying by myself, but then I didn't have to. I do wonder though, if the guys that planned the streets out weren't drunk when they did it. The casinoes are cool though, not that I spent any of my hard earned money there gambling..oh no not this southern peach...I did the right thing  and spent my money on something worthwhile, namely alcohol. I know it's not common for people to order slow screws (that's sloe gin and orange juice to you underagers) but at a place that big I expected not to be told they didnt have any sloe gin at all so I wound up sucking down 3 long screws instead (vodka instead of gin). My ride got 2 heinikens (or however you spell that) too...hehehe..now we both know not to go drinking with each other LOL.

WHOA MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been friends with doc for awhile now , something like 3 years, and I knew he was a hottie but had no idea he was as sexy as he is. He and his brother John met me at the bus station (cool deal considering my bus was late) and  all I could think was "THANK YOU GOD !!!!!" He might be a short fucker but  they say big things come in little packages and he is the bomb ya'll. John  isn't that bad either I must say, he and doc are total opposites, doc being all of 5'5 maybe in his boots and John totally towering over my little 5'7 butt, but they are both great people. I got to meet their parents, and that was a trip let me tell you . I'm not the "parent" type person, usually I get nervous as hell, but their mom and dad were so nice that it wasn't a problem. When I think of how fucked up my family is I really wanted to beg them to consider adopting me. Everyone has a good sense of humor and no one gave me that " damn you are wierd " look that I've come to expect from anyone who doesn't know me. Even better was the fact that they are so easy to talk to , I'm already missing Doc's mom something fierce and I miss Dan the cat, white/ orange and walking furry love. I don't miss him shedding all over me but he was a sweetheart, and loved to be given attention (typical male you know)
I was there from Saturday night to Tuesday afternoon. Doc took me for a walk around the neighborhood and drive around the city. I stayed up way too late discussing (not arguing for a change) religion with is brother, got to finally see American Pie (hilarious!!) and American History X (tramatically thought provoking) AND got to spend quality time with a guy I'd walk thru fire for if he just asked. There were a few times that shit happened and I'm not going into the ugly details since it was pretty much my fault and embarrassing as hell. Plus it's no one's business but my own so :P. All in all a great trip if you forget greyhound and I look forward to visiting again as soon as possible.Although I think I'm gonna fly or drive myself next time.
Doc took pics so as soon as I get  copies and get them scanned some of the less embarrassing ones will be posted :)
One thing that totally freaked me out was that on Tuesday it snowed. I'm not talking a few flakes I'm talking inches pouring down from they sky. I'm not used to that stuff obviously (we rarely get snow so far south in GA) and Doc was like big deal but it was fun as hell. I went out and played in it until my feet and hands went numb 3 times...I made snow balls , a snow angel (it was snowing so much that it was covered up in like 20 mins) and just had a ball, of course having to ride the greyhound in wet shoes was a bummer but it was worth it.
More thoughts on Doc.
along with being a total babe, he is incredably talented (you don't want to know much how his guitar playing affected me) and has a great singing voice along with all his other wonderful qualities, such as a sweet smile, sexy voice, gorgeous body and cool ass attitude.  Love ya doc, always.
More thoughts on John.
funny as hell, sweet as candy, easy to talk to for hours and if he wasn't engaged......well I'll keep that thought to myself lol

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