Notes and ideas regarding our home:

We choose our home to be:

Unique but not outrageous and not mediocre.

Aesthetics is paramount.

* Whimsical yet not cute,

* Meticulous yet not constrictive,

* Effervescent yet not lewd,

* Refined yet not constrictive,

* Balanced yet not obtrusive,

* Organic yet not boisterous.

Subtle in all facets of expression

Delicate balance yet distinctly individual.

Demonstrate how one can create in harmony with the natural realms.

A glorious masterpiece that is obtainable.

Understandings & perceptions based in experience will replace senseless rules and polarized regulations.

Fun & frolic are a major theme.

Whimsical air of delight.

Organic in expression.

Simple in nature and simple in maintenance.

Uplifting expressions of art & design.

Artistic expression of the highest levels of architectural design.

Architects to stretch themselves beyond 3rd dimension in expression and artistic manifestation.

Multi-dimensional multi-faceted structure for work and play, arts & crafts.

Letting go of the old paradigm of conventional structure and form.

Truly empty oneself and live in the now, to tap into universal creativity.

Designing around activities.

South West ambience to bring a feeling of family.

All aspects are to be intuitively guided before being executed.

Building shortcuts for convenience are to be avoided.

Buy not into the attitude of speed being the objective.

Stretch ourselves for creative solutions and out of our present limitations.

Go beyond the norm stretch beyond with a spiritual essence.

Incorporate South West spiritual energies and intelligence into the design.

The home will have quality in its expression.

It will be a juggling act with expression and high tech.

Not opulent and garish.

Built from natural non-traumatized materials, avoiding synthetics.

Bring in new technologies to heat and light.

Use technology to simplify our life style and mother natures.

Lots of windows so the light can shine in.

Symbolic representations abound.

Make this heaven on earth.

Create in harmony and connection with mother earth.

Awesome living space for the spiritually awake.

There is no need for competition.

Ask all who are working on the project to stretch themselves and let their inner knowing and intuitions guide them.

Don't let the era of high technology destroy the spirit of the craftspeople.

Do not settle for mass produced articles, bring the craftsmen back into the forefront.

Bring the crafts of the world to beautify your homes and bring harmony to you.

Through the gardens, the pathways there will be sculptures, artistic forms so aesthetic they will being tears to the onlookers.

Every step of the way will stretch visitors into their interiors.

Artistic consideration to the arches, gateways and doorways.

Doorways are portals to enact a higher consciousness.

Feminine forces in expression, rounded corners softness & flow.

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