Doctor Who

Being an older gamer now, I remember watching Doctor Who as a child with fondness. To use, the simple sets, primitive special effects and stilted conversation were no problem. It was great Sci Fi. When the series started over here in Australia after a considerable absence, I jumped at the chance to draw some miniatures for a skirmish game I had in mind. Here are some of the Doctor's traditional enemies and allies. My favourite Doctors were John Pertwee and Tom Baker, so these are Doctor's I am concentrating on.

4th doctor.jpg (238369 bytes)  The 4th Doctor and K9  (232 kb)

brigadier and NCO colour.jpg (117720 bytes)     UNIT troopers colour.jpg (434974 bytes)  Some trusty boys from UNIT (538 kb)

scientists.jpg (222574 bytes)    Some scientist types (217 kb)

cybermen.jpg (243249 bytes)     cyberman mark 2.jpg (163427 bytes)   Some mark 6 Cybermen and a mark 2 Cyberman (396 kb)

daleks.jpg (332400 bytes)   Davros and his Daleks (324 kb)

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