Some more pictures...

This is Marisol, before she became cool...

This is Jeff several years ago, before coming to Miami...

On the right, Tammy is enraged because the vial containing the Potion of Eternal Youth and Wealth has been dropped and has shattered; in the middle, Gianni is singing with his eyes closed and has not yet realized what has happened; on the left, you can see the left hemisphere of Marisol's face, who is laughing joyfully and is as unaware of the loss of the vial as Gianni.

"Bobby" (Gianni's brother) with an up-to-no-good expression on his face, and me, wondering how exactly "Bobby" is planning to kill me.

This is Anthony.� He is the CEO of Duracell, and here he is standing in his successful store, "Ye Olde Battery Shoppe."� Not bad for a seventeen-year-old!!

Anthony, about 10 months ago... Big difference!

Jeff..."And that's the way it is."

You should know their names by now.

This is Javi... And it seems to me that he is trying to re-enact a certain scene from "The Blair Witch Project."

Javi has been going through an extreme case of constipation.� He is writhing in agony as he struggles with every fiber (tee hee) of his being to take a crap.

"Welcome to Miami Subs!"

This is Ismael, pretending he's a lamp.� After he makes your sub, you pull the cord to turn him on and he will keep your sub warm for you.

This is what happened to me when I said I had gone to Subway a few days ago.

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