noahides: Recommended Sabbath Observance for Bnai Noach by

Noahide Commandments

By: Rabbi Yoel Schwartz

Translated by Yitzhak A. Oked Sechter


"H. Holidays: 1. Sabbath: There are those that say that every GerToshav (a non-Jew living in Eretz Yisrael) has to uphold and kep the Sabbath. (Kritot 9, Rashi, Yevamot 40). There are those that claim that the Noahides by accepting to fulfill the seven commandments are in the same category as a Ger Toshav.

So it seems that this is the way that the Noahites should celebrate the Sabbath. On the eve of the Sabbath (Friday night), they should have a festive family dinner with special food and light candles in honor of the Sabbath. During the meal they should sing songs to strengthen their belief, including songs about the creation. They should read from the Torah. They should call this day not the Sabbath but the seventh day. As it is written in Genesis.

On the Sabbath itself, they should refrain from going to work. If possible to go out to the fields or a park in order to feel close to the Creator of the world. If the congregation holds a prayer session, they should recite the Psalms connected to the Sabbath and Barchi Nafshi. They should also study portions of the Torah connected to the seven commandments of the children of Noah. They can also study the weekly portion of the Torah being read that Sabbath in the synagogues. At the end of the Sabbath (Motzai Shabbath), they can also recite the prayer for the new week (Havdala) after having lighted a candle, to thank G-d, for having taught Adam how to make fire. Which is the source of all energy which enabled man to make changes in this world. This Havdalah can be recited as a Noahide wishes and can do something like this. Blessed are you G-d King of the Universe that differentiates between holy days and regular days. Between the seventh day and the rest of the days of the week. Between Israel and the rest of the nations, who all together are partners in one holy objective. To make Your name holy in the world."

Contributed by Jack Saunders


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