noahides: Recommended Halacha by Rabbi Schwartz Part VIII


It is important to form courts of justice, so that persons can be called upon
to uphold the mitzvot, the religious law. Also to be able to judge between
people. Sages were divided whether the Noahides should be judged according to
the Torah, concerning financial matters. Or whether they should be judged
according to common sense.


It is worthwhile that such courts of justice should give out sentence
according to the law. To men and not women. Since a woman should strive not
to be involved in public matters. Every person should go to a court for
justice and try not to mate out justice by himself. The courts of justice are
allowed to enforce regulations for the benefit of the society, and to improve
ethics and morality.


Every man should marry a woman and every woman should marry a man, since it
is written, "that it is not good for a man to live alone by himself."
Marriage brings about a partnership between two people and increases the
population of the world. In marriage, a Noahide too, will participate and
contribute in the building of the world.

Marriage is the couple's decision, followed by an agreement between the two,
to live together as man and wife. It is worthwhile that the two hold a formal
marriage ceremony.

A married couple can divorce if both sides agree. It is also possible if only
one of the two so desires. The marriage also ends if one of the two dies.

According to the Torah, a married woman is not allowed to have sexual or any
sort of intimate relations with another man. A man, on the other hand, is
allowed to marry more than one wife. But this is not the way a person should

Today there are also civil laws in many countries against bigamy. A person is
not allowed to have sexual relations with his mother, sisters, aunts from his
father and mother's side, his father's wife even after the death of his
father, daughter, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law and her
mother, his wives daughters and granddaughters. A person is not allowed to
have homosexual relations (man with another man or a woman with another
woman). Also a person is not allowed to have sexual relations with animals.

It is a commandment for a person to have children at least a son and
daughter. A couple should have normal sexual relations. Only the female is
allowed to use contraceptives like foam and pills.

It is a custom of Israel to be careful and not have sexual relations when the
woman is having her menstruation period. An Israelite married woman is not
allowed to have sexual relations with her husband for seven days, starting
from the very first day of her menstruation period. At the end of the seven
days she must go to a ritual bath, a mikvah, before she resumes having sexual
relations with her husband.

A Noahide is not called to do so, but it is worthwhile. Also the Noahide
woman does not have to go to a mikvah, but it is worthwhile that she go and
submerge herself in the sea, lake, stream or some artificial pool. A person
that submerges himself in water is as though canceling all his past and is
starting a new life.

It is not allowed to go near, hug, or kiss a married woman, or one of the
relatives mentioned above. It is also worthwhile not to do so with unmarried

A married or unmarried woman should strive to be modestly dressed and act in
a modest manner. The same holds true for a man. However, a doctor is allowed
to touch a patient while treating the patient but should do so in modest way.

The purpose of sexual relations is to increase the human race and to
strengthen the ties between the married couple. According to the Torah a
husband is called to gratify and satisfy sexually his wife. The same holds
true for the wife towards her husband and all this to strengthen the ties
between the married couple.

It is worthwhile for man and women not to sit one next to the other at least
in places of prayer and this is in order not to incite the passions and to
protect the holiness of a person. For this reason a person should not watch
pornographic movies and such other activities that can incite passions.

Contributed by Jack E. Saunders

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