The Intifada

Incident at Netzarim

Are the Israeli's *really* shooting at unarmed
'Demonstrators' and children?

Teaching them when they are young

PLO gunmen shooting at Jews.

Netzarim where the Palestinian boy Mohammed Aldura was shot and killed. Note that the IDF stronghold is across a four lane highway.
The boy and his father were caught between two PLO groups, shooting at the IDF Stronghold.

In this scene the father is looking toward the PLO gunmen at the corner of the Junction, and waving his hand.

The father was not shielding his son, the logical place for the boy, Mohammed, would have been right up against the cement water pipe, not exposed as he was. Notice the cement brick on top of the water pipe, near the father's head shielding him. Just when and how did it get put there?

"Don't Shoot, Don't shoot"

This is where the PLO Journalist with CNN Talal Abu Rahma, with his cameraman, was filming the 'event' and who is NOT a French photographer as reported in the major media.

If you remember the boy and his father were looking directly at the camera, and screaming for them to stop shooting. The media said that the cameraman was French, and he was located at the IDF position.
This is patently false, and this fact has never been acknowledged by the media.

From a report made several months ago.

"In Gaza Israeli Soldiers targeted Palestinian Journalists. Several were wounded with rubber bullets. Their names are: Shams Odeh, Ahmad Jadallah, Talal Abu Rahma,...."

Talal Abu Rahma is a journalist with CNN.


58. By letter dated 22 June 1994, the Special Rapporteur transmitted information to the Government on the fate of the press professionals working in the Gaza area.
Allegedly, on 21 June 1993, Mr. Majdi al-Arabid, a cameraman for Worldwide Television News was shot in the leg by an army officer who threatened to shoot Mr. Al-Arabid in the head if he were to continue filming a clash between 'demonstrators' and soldiers in a refugee camp. Allegedly, Mr. Talal Abu Rahma, a Palestinian reporter with Cable News Network (CNN) was arrested and detained by military personnel during a raid on his apartment and was forced, during his detention, to stand barefoot on a burning hot floor.

Talal Abu Rahma was interviewed on 60 Minutes, Australia, about his role in filming the shooting of the Palestinian boy.

The film went out of focus for several frames the media claimed that it was caused by gunshots in close vicinity of the cameraman.
Check out the aerial picture, and you can see that the boy was to the front and left of the cameraman. When the camera refocused the boy had been shot.

Above is an aerial photo showing the relative locations of the boy caught between two PLO sniper groups, and he was to the front and slightly to the right of the cameraman's position, according to one report the cameraman, and his 'sound man', were in a car on the opposite side of the road, while the IDF position was to the extreme right, across a four lane highway junction. It is my firm belief that the death of the boy, was nothing more than a PLO publicity stunt. Why else would the cameraman be sitting in that street, while a gunfight was being waged? Also according to the news reports, the boy and his father had caught a taxi, the driver refused to cross the junction, when he saw the gunfighting in front of him, to the left there are trees, which can be seen in the aerial picture. This would have been the logical place for the boy and his father to take cover. Yet they crossed the road in the line of fire, of the IDF and also from the Palestinian gunmen to their left, and to their right.

Look at the bullet holes, they seem to have been fired almost directly from the location of the camera. The Bullets right next to the father's arm, and just above the boy's leg seen in the photo of the boy lying down, were not in the previous frames, presumably one of these bullets went through the boy. The angle of the shots proves that they could not have been fired from the direction of the IDF Stronghold, because the cement block was in the way. The angle of the shot is from in front, not from the side, because a sideways shot would have a sideways angled bullet hole.

During the Australian 60 Minutes Interview with Talal Abu Rahma, Richard Carleton suddenly said to Rahma, regarding what happened at Netzarim, and the shooting, "It was Murder, wasn't it" Rahma was visibly startled, and stammered a non committal response.

The only scenario which makes any sense at all is that this was a pre arranged 'photo op.' With the boy, and his father, to be presented as 'victims' of Israeli violence. After all they count the lives of their children as nothing. Also the father was not shielding his son, if he had intended to shield him, the logical place for the boy, would have been right up against the cement water pipe, not exposed as he was. Take note of the brick on top of the cement block, strategically placed, to shield the father's head. This block is just visible in the other photos if you look carefully. When was it put in place? Presumably before the father took shelter there. Any normal loving parent would shield their child with their own body. But consider this, the whole 'event' was being stage managed by the PLO, the father believed that he and his son were in no danger, but were involved in a propaganda film. Then the shots were being fired at them from the Palestinians, so the father frantically tries to signal that he and his son are there, then he looked directly at the camera when bullets came from across the road, from the 'Journalists', and real fear is seen on his face and on that of his son. Then both were shot, the son fatally, who can he complain to? The Palestinian Authority? No because they did it. Besides he would receive, so he believed, several thousand dollars for his son being a martyr, except of course that the PA wrote him, and numerous other Palestinian martyr's families, rubber cheques. To whom could he complain? What happens when someone complains too much against the PA? They disappear! get shot.

The Palestinians examining the place where the boy, Mohammed,tragically and unnecessarily died, in Arafat's propaganda war on Israel.

This map shows the angle of the bullets. For more information see Who killed Mohammed al-Dura?

Yoseff Doriel's original report, on the killing of Mohammed al-Dura at Netzarim Junction.

Israeli Radio: Palestinian Ambulances evacuate fake wounded


Israel Radio correspondent
Nissim Keinan reported on Sunday evening that he observed the situation at the Karnei checkpoint. "At one point Israeli forces shot straight up into the air to scare away the mob. Now even though the soldiers shot straight up in the air, hitting no one, four Palestinian ambulances came up to the crowd with sirens wailing for the benefit of the cameras and proceeded to evacuate a few fake wounded.

The only people who were actually wounded while I was there were shot later as they were throwing firebombs. And they were hit by sharp shooters."

Comments from a reader:

Regarding the photos of boy caught between two PLO sniper groups. In particular the photo showing the bullet holes in the wall just after the boy was shot.

As a retired military man who's specialty was weapons and munitions, I'd venture to say that the bullet holes were fired from an automatic weapon, (note how the holes climb the wall and vir to the right -- the gunman was left handed). The weapon was also fired from across the street, probably very near the cameraman's location. Had the bullets been fired from either the left or right of the boy the holes in the concrete would have an elliptical shape that fans out in the opposite direction from where the shot was fired. The single hole behind the father's arm may or may not have been from the same weapon. I'd rather doubt that the hole was made after it past through the boy. As a bullet exits a body it carries a rather large amount of flesh and blood with it. There is no evidence of this in the photo.

However, when a bullet hits a wall like this one you can expect it to expel a quantity of cement rubble. (Ever see a science film where they show a meteorite hitting the moon, how it ejects material behind it) I'd suspect this ricochet material is what killed the boy.
In closing I'd like to say "Congratulations." Your the first person to note what I'd wondered about when I saw the news photo ... and that is, why is the father leaving his son in such a dangerous position? Most fathers would have put the boy between them and the concrete.

Crisis in the Middle East

October 15, 2000

Reporter - Richard Carleton. Producers: Howard Sacre, Gareth Harvey.

War looms in the Middle East.

"The television images were almost too horrible to watch. A young Palestinian boy, cowering in fear, cut down in a hail of bullets fired by Israeli troops. Then later, a lynch mob storms a police station and brutally murders two Israeli soldiers.

After half a century we've almost become accustomed to the endless violence between Arabs and Jews in Israel. Each new outbreak of fighting leads to another round of peace talks, only to fall apart with hateful recriminations on both sides.

In Jerusalem, Richard Carleton has been seeing first hand just how impossibly far apart the warring parties remain."

Unfortunately the transcript for the Sixty Minutes interview with Talal Abu Rahma by Richard Carleton is not available.

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2000 Arutz 7 reported Arutz 7


Israel transferred 30 million shekels to the Palestinian Authority several days ago, and is likely to remit the still remaining 40-million shekel balance within a few days. Although this is money that rightfully belongs to the PA - mostly tax and customs money collected by Israel for the PA - MK Michael Kleiner (Herut) says that it is historically acceptable for countries at war to withhold monies that belong to the enemy. "We're not talking about taking the money and putting it into our own coffers," Kleiner said, "as this would truly be unacceptable. Rather, just as the U.S. has frozen hundreds of millions of Iraqi dollars, Israel may certainly do the same with this money."

Arutz-7's Ariel Kahane reports that because of the ongoing violence, the amount of goods entering and leaving the PA via Israel was significantly reduced this month, thus that Israel owes the PA 114 million shekels, instead of the usual 200 million. Of this, some 40 million shekels must be subtracted because of various internal calculations, and 30 million have been paid. Although Israeli companies such as Bezeq demand that Israel withhold the amounts owed them by the PA, the government will apparently not take advantage of this punitive sanction.

When Kahane asked Kleiner if withholding the money might not lead to hunger in the PA, the MK responded, "If so, then it will certainly cause them to stop shooting at our soldiers and settlements." Polls this year show conducted by the Jerusalem Media and Communication Center (JMCC) and the Shechem-based Center for Palestine Research and Studies found that between 70 and 91% of Palestinians believe that there is corruption in PA institutions; a Newsweek article six months ago detailed various examples of corruption among top PA officials, and noted that the corrupt system is perpetuated by Arafat's practices.

Aldura - A web site with further information - by an IDF Officer.

More from another reader:

There are actually more cases to document of suspicious & possibly "staged" events.

1. BBC reporter was killed by mortar fire as Israeli troops retreat from Lebanon

2. Al Dura's unfortunate death by shooting that obviously came from the direction of the AFP camera.

3. Dead Palestinian found burned in car while Boston Physicians determined was "car accident".

4. Journalist shot in Bethlehem, while Army says could not have been Israeli fire.

5. CNN Report Shot in abdomen, while Army says no live fire was used that day.

6. UNHR High Commissioner's car shot, while Army says angle was impossible to be Israeli fire.

7. German Citizen Fisher body found three hours(!) after yesterdays attack in Beit Jala with his "upper body riddled with machine gun fire" according to the AP report.

Details of the killing of a German and then blaming Israel Based on information from AP reports

The IDF attack on sniper positions in Beit Jalla began at about 7:30 p.m. Given three hours warning by the IDF, the Fischers took cover under a stairwell. Several windows on the second floor were shattered by shooting, in spite of the fact the Fisher's house was a long distance from the IDF targets. At about 11:30 p.m., Palestinian paramedics knocked on the door and informed the family that a neighbor's house had been hit, and that there might have been injuries.

Fischer left his home to check out the report, his wife said. The street was deserted because of the intense fighting, Fischer, 68, had walked just about 50 yards when he was killed by heavy machine gun fire that severed his left leg. A wall near the spot where he died was pocketed with .50 caliber machine gun bullets, which could not have come from Israeli helicopters in the air. Fischer's left leg was severed and his upper body riddled with bullets.

It took two hours, until about 1:30 a.m. local time Thursday, before Fischer's bullet-riddled body was discovered by Palestinian police and taken to a nearby hospital.

Fischer was a Lutheran who came to Beit Jalla, a predominantly Christian town just south of Jerusalem, in 1981 with Lifegate, a charitable group that helps handicapped Palestinians. Fischer, who is originally from the town of Gummersbach near Cologne in western Germany, moved to Beit Jalla in 1981 and was a father of three children.

Afterwards, the Palestinians renewed their demand for a UN protection force to shield civilians, citing the deaths of nearly 200 Palestinians in ongoing clashes between Palestinians and Israel Defense Force soldiers, since late September.

"The international community cannot allow this Israeli campaign of killing and terror against the Palestinian people to continue," the Palestinian UN observer, Nasser Al-Kidwa, said in a letter to Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

By Lucrezia Cuen

L O N D O N, Dec. 6 � At first sight it looks like a regular cell phone � same size, same shape, same overall appearance.

But beneath the digital face lies a .22-caliber pistol � a phone gun capable of firing four rounds in quick succession with a touch of the otherwise standard keypad. European law enforcement officials � stunned by the discovery of these deadly decoys � say phone guns are changing the rules of engagement in Europe.
�We find it very, very alarming,� says Wolfgang Dicke of the German Police union. �It means police will have to draw their weapons whenever a person being checked reaches for their mobile phone.�
Although cell phone guns have not hit America yet, the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the U.S. Customs Service say they�ve been briefed on the new weapons.
�This criminal invention represents a potentially serious threat to law enforcement and the public,� said U.S.
Customs Service Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly. �We received word about these guns last month. We have since alerted our field personnel to be on the lookout for �cell phone guns� at U.S. ports of entry.�

Guns on the Move
These new covert guns were first discovered in October when Dutch police stumbled on a cache during a drug raid in Amsterdam.
In another recent incident a Croatian gun dealer was caught attempting to smuggle a shipment through Slovenia into Western Europe.
Police say both shipments are believed to have originated in Yugoslavia.
Interpol sent out a warning to law enforcement agencies around the world.
European border police and customs officers are at a heightened state of alert at all ports, airports and border crossings.

Realistic Appearance
�If you didn�t know they were guns, you wouldn�t suspect anything,� said Ari Zandbergen, spokesman for the Amsterdam police.
�Only when you have one in your hand do you realize that they are heavier,� says Birgit Heib of the German Federal Criminal Investigation Agency.
The guns are loaded by twisting the phone in half. The .22-caliber rounds fit into the top of the phone under the screen. The lower half, under the keyboard, holds the firing pins. The bullets fire through the antenna by pressing the keypad from numbers five to eight.
Amsterdam police says they are very sophisticated machines constructed inside gutted cell phones which do not light up or operate as real phones.
�These are very difficult to make. We believe experts are involved,� says Zandbergen.

America on Alert
U.S. authorities, including the FBI, ATF, Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Customs Service Authority have been supplied detailed information and pictures of these new weapons.
�They�ve been given a heads up,� said Jim Crandall, ATF spokesman.
To date no phone guns have been discovered either in the United States or in the process of being smuggled in, authorities say. But they know it�s only a matter of time.
FAA spokeswoman Rebecca Trexler said airport security officers had been trained to deal with this new threat.
�We don�t want to tell the bad guys exactly what we�re looking for,� she says, �We are trying to stay one step ahead.�

Will Affect Travelers
Airport authorities across Europe are implementing systems to X-ray all cell phones, those procedures will likely be followed by airports around the world.
�This is just one more item that we need to pay special attention to because nowadays, of course just about every passenger carries a mobile phone,� says the spokesman for Frankfurt airport security.
Customs officials in the U.S. say their safety procedure has normally been to require travelers to turn their phones on, however that may no longer be enough. Cell phone users will have to be made aware that reaching for their phones in some circumstances could be misinterpreted as a threat by authorities.


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Page Updated Fri. 13th April. 2001


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