Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When are you going to add something to this page?
A: When I get some time! Maybe you can send me your questions since I've forgotten them....

Q: Where are you?
A: Right here in front of the bomputer

Q: You can't say the letter 'c'? Have you tried using the letter 'k' instead?
A: What you mean as in Kettering, Keeble bollege Oxford?

Q: So... where are you?
A: Just outside Seattle, Washington State, left-hand coast of the USA

Q: Where are you from?
A: England

Q: How old are you?
A: You're not a gentleman are you? But since you asked: forty freakin' one<sob>

Q: Rachael, please tell me you're not married
A: OK, I'm not married. But I am in a LTR with a woman

Q: Are you gay?
A: No/Yes/Maybe/Bi/Who-knows? But I do love Love LOVE - darling - being en femme. Dressed. The whole Kitten Kaboodle. And the icing on that particular gateaux, the cream in that particular profiterole, is having a nice erudite gentleman who knows how to treat a female impersonator (off-camera: 'Dinsdale'). Being a moderne, progressive person and oh-so-bleedin' cool, I think labels are for squares, daddy-o. I'm also indecisive and non-commital. Or so I believe. I think.

Q: Well, do you date men?
A: Yes. I'd say you're about 40? In theory, yes. In practice, well, let's say I don't get much practice

Q: Are you into S&M?
A: Absolutely! I love Swishing & Mincing! As for pain, no I'm not into that. B&D is OK as long as its me who's being B&D'd :)

Q: How can I meet you?
A: Send your private jet to pick me up and whisk me off to your villa. But you'd better give me plenty of notice so I can get ready....

Q: No really, how do I meet you?
A: As I said, send your private jet... Helicopter is also fine

Q: I'm being serious!
A: That's not a question is it?

Q: Rachael, how can a chap ever hope to meet such an exotic and amazing creature as yourself?
A: Flatterer!

Q: Please! I've left my car on a meter...
A: Oh, very well. Send me some mail at [email protected] and include a NON-NAUGHTY picture of yourself, preferably engaged in reasonably normal pursuit, or relaxing in front of the TV (and she should not look better than me!)

Q: Do you like snails or oysters?
A: Bleurgh!

Q: What do you mean, 'bleurgh!'?
A: I don't like SPAM!

Q: I didn't ask you if you did. I asked if you like snails or oysters?
A: (Aha, you learnt about using the question form eh?). Neither. I'm mainly vegetarian, but I eat fish. Oysters make me come over all dead though. I think I'm allergic.

Q: You're a fan of 'Monty Python', aren't you Rachael?
A: I'm sorry, I have a cold...

Q: Can I see some 'naughty' pictures of you?
A: No. The only people who get to see naughty pictures of me are those who took the naughty pictures in the first place. The reason I don't give out naughty pictures is that it may cause a problem when I become President....

Q: Are you horny?
A: No.

Q: Are you excited in that picture? I think I can see your wotsit!
A: No! Oh no you can't.

Q: Oh yes I can!
A: Sod off.

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