Karate-do - empty hand way
kara - empty
te - hand
do - way
Karate Titles:
kancho - supreme instructor (head of style/master of masters)
shihan - master
sensei - instructor/teacher
sempai - higher in seniority (generally higher ranked)
kohai - lower in seniority (generally lower ranked)
waza - technique
hikite - pulling arm
tai-sabaki - hip rotation technique
jiku ashi - pivot leg
yori ashi - sliding the feet (maintaining distance between them)
kamae (kamaekata) - posture/posture of upper body (eg: kumite kamae, gyaku-zuki kamae)
maai - correct distancing
shomen - front facing position
hanmi - half front facing position
hidari - left
migi - right
hai - yes
yoi - ready position
hajime - start/begin (in own time/not to the count)
mawate - turn about
yame - stop
naore - finish/recover (return to yoi position)
yasume - relax (generally preceded by bow)
ni rei - bow to (rei - bow)
osu - used as multi-functional karate word, including in greeting others (unknown origin, possible short form of good morning ohayo gozaimasu or if meaning is taken directly from kanji: push on, push yourselves, endure etc)
kiai - karate shout (eg: ehh, ayh, ohh)
kime - decided/finished
kime-waza - decisive technique (must have maximum power and be fully focused)
tanden/hara - centre of body in regards to ki
ki - chi or intrinsic energy (according to eastern way of thinking)
kihaku - spirit
karateka - karate practitioner
otagai - mutual/altogether
dojo - training hall
dojokun - training hall precepts
seiza - formal seated position
do gi - karate uniform
obi - karate belt
Training Methods:
kihon - basic technique
kata - form/pattern (formal self-defence sequence against multiple imaginary opponents)
kumite - sparring with partner
gohon kumite - 5 step sparring
sambon kumite - 3 step sparring
kaeshi kumite - 2 step sparring
ippon kumite - 1 step sparring
jiyu-ippon kumite - 1 step semi-free sparring
okuri jiyu ippon kumite - 2 step semi-free sparring
jiyu kumite - freestyle sparring
makiwara - wooden striking post with pad
bunkai - application of kata techniques
Ikken hissatsu - to kill with one blow (old karate term)
waza o hodokoso koki - the psychological moment to execute a technique
sen no sen - seizing the initiative earlier
go no sen - seizing the initiative later
zanshin - poise/total control of faculties (after executing technique)
Target areas:
jodan - upper level
chudan - middle level
gedan - lower level
Dachi (Tachikata) - Stances:
shizen-tai - relaxed attention position
heisoku-dachi - feet together shizen-tai
musubi-dachi - heels together shizen-tai
hachiji-dachi - feet apart (open) shizen-tai
zenkutsu-dachi - front stance
kokutsu-dachi - back stance
kiba-dachi - straddle/horse riding stance (feet parallel)
shiko-dachi - square stance (toes out)
fudo-dachi - rooted stance (sochin dachi)
neko-ashi-dachi - cat stance
sanchin-dachi - hour-glass stance
hangetsu-dachi - half-moon stance
Uke - Blocks:
age-uke - upper level rising block
soto-uke - middle level outside inwards block
uchi-uke - inside outwards block
gedan-barai uke - lower level block
shuto-uke - sword hand block
tate shuto-uke - vertical sword hand block
morote-uke - augmented forearm block
juji-uke - X-block
kakiwake-uke - reverse wedge block
haishu uke - back-hand block
sukui uke - scooping block
haiwan-nagashi-uke - back-arm sweeping block
Tsuki - Punching:
choku-zuki - straight punch
oi-zuki - lunge (stepping) punch
gyaku-zuki - reverse punch
kizami-zuki - jab punch
ren-zuki - alternate punching
san-bon-zuki - three punch combination
age-zuki - rising punch
kagi-zuki - hook punch
ura-zuki - close punch
yama-zuki - wide U-punch
mawashi-zuki - roundhouse punch
tate-zuki - vertical-fist punch
Uchi - Strikes:
ate-waza - smashing techniques (eg: elbow & knee strikes)
empi-uchi/hiji-ate - elbow strike (many types)
hizagashira uchi - knee strike
uraken-uchi - back fist strike (horizontal & vertical)
tetsui-uchi / kentsui-uchi - hammer-fist strike (horizontal & vertical)
Kaisho Uchi - Open-hand Strikes:
shuto - knife-hand strike (inside outwards & outside inwards)
haito - ridge-hand strike (inside outwards & outside inwards)
nukite - spear-hand strike
teisho - palm-heel strike
haishu - back-hand strike
Keri - Kicking Techniques:
mae-geri - front snap kick
yoko-geri-keage - side snap kick
yoko-geri-kekomi - side thrust kick
mawashi-geri - roundhouse kick
ushiro-geri - back kick
ushiro-mawashi-geri - reverse turning roundhouse kick
mikazuki-geri - crescent kick
fumi-komi - stamping kick
ren-geri - alternate kicking
ashi-barai - leg sweep
Counting in Japanese:
ichi - one
ni - two
san - three
shi - four
go - five
roku - six
shichi - seven
hachi - eight
kyu - nine
ju - ten
Kyukyu - ninth kyu (graded white belt)
Hachikyu - eighth kyu (yellow belt)
Nanakyu - seventh kyu (orange belt)
Rokukyu - sixth kyu (green belt)
Gokyu - fifth kyu (1st purple belt)
Yonkyu - forth kyu (2nd purple belt)
Sankyu - third kyu (1st brown belt)
Nikyu - second kyu (2nd brown belt)
Ikkyu - first kyu (3rd brown belt)
Shodan - first dan (1st black belt)
Nidan - second dan (2nd black belt)
Sandan - third dan (3rd black belt)
Yondan - fourth dan (4th black belt)
Godan - fifth dan (5th black belt)
Rokudan - sixth dan (6th black belt)
Nanadan - seventh dan (7th black belt)
Hachidan - eighth dan (8th black belt)
Kyudan - ninth dan (9th black belt)
Judan - tenth dan (10th black belt)
Start of Training Session: (to be announced by sempai)
seiza - be seated
shomen ni rei - bow to front of dojo
sensei ni rei - bow to teacher
End of Training Session: (to be announced by sempai)
seiza - be seated
mokuso - eyes (close for meditation)
mokuso yame - end meditation (open eyes)
dojo kun - precepts of training hall
(dojo kun is recited by sempai then repeated by students as follows)
- to strive for perfection of character (hitotsu jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto)
- to defend the paths of truth (hitotsu makoto no michi o mamoru koto)
- to foster the spirit of effort (hitotsu doryoku no seishin o yashinau o koto)
- to honour the principles of etiquette (hitotsu reigi o omonzuru koto)
- to guard against impetuous courage (hitotsu kekki no yu o imashimuru koto)
shomen ni rei - bow to front of dojo
sensei ni rei - all turn to face, then bow to head instructor ("sensei" is replaced by other title when appropriate)
sensei-gata ni rei - students turn to face, then bow to all other senseis, if present (apart from head instructor)
sempai ni rei - students turn to face, then bow to highest ranked sempai (generally only if black belt student/s present)
otagai ni rei - everyone turn to face, then bow to one another
(If more than one sensei is present then it is custom to say head teacher's family name followed by "sensei ni rei")
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