
The Lords Of Midnight

by Mike Singleton
Gameboy Advance version by Quirky


The Speccy controls were a bit 'unusual' and I've had to alter them a fair bit to make the game playable with the GBA's d-pad and 6 buttons. Below is the list of controls, together with the 8-bit equivalents.

Press Start after the loading screen to start the game. You begin as Luxor the Moonprince on the day of the Solstice standing at the Tower of the Moon.

Movement and common controls

lom_mov night
Left, right rotate on the spot. (1-8)
Up move forwards. (Q)
L, R select previous/next character. (N/A)
A Think (R)
B Select (M)
down Choose (T)
select Bring the Night (You need to do this to end your "turn" and let Doomdark move his armies)(U)
Press A to bring a new dawn (G)
start Save, load, etc (D or S)

Choose, Select and Save/Load

lom_sel choose
A Choose highlighted option / select highlighted character (C, V, B, N, etc)
B Look (E)
Cancels on the Save/Load menu
up, down change highlighted option (N/A)
left, right cycle through Think, Choose, Select screens (R, M, T)
Not available on the Save/Load menu
L,R select previous/next character. (N/A)
Not available on the Save/Load menu


A Think again (R)
B Look (E)
up Move forwards, then look (Q)
left, right cycle through Think, Choose, Select screens (R, M, T)
L,R select previous/next character. (N/A)
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