~ Watch Me Grow! ~
Zander's Health Journal: 0 - 6 Months
Zander Taylor Quinley
This is my first "real" picture!
Where I Started ~ Birth Stats:
Weight: 8 lbs 1 oz, Height: 21.5 in,  Head Circumference: 35 cm
(Read my birth story here)
NOTE: Mom is using Autrianna's pages as a template, so if the date is before 2002 you know it's not MY info, just Autri's old stuff!
Well Baby Visit - Date: May 29, 2002 - 2 Weeks Old
My doctor checked me out today. The little bit of jaundice is all gone. Mommy was expecting something like 9 lbs the way I'm eating! Doctor Wynn said I look great and seem to be right on track - and so cute too! No shots today since I already got my Hep B shot in the hospital. Here are my stats:

Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz, (50%) Height: 21 in, (75%) Head Circumference: ** cm (75%)

My latest feats: I can hold my head up pretty well and I've mastered breastfeeding! I'm even sleeping through the night already! I usually sleep 4-6 hours. We all need our sleep around here with my 2 1/2 year old big sister running around!
I Don't Feel Well - Date: June 21, 2002 - 5 Weeks Old
Mom and Dad just didn't know what to do. I was either awake and crying, awake and eating or sleeping. I would eat and then throw it all back up and then feel just miserable. We went to see Dr Wynn and he said it sounds like I'm fussy because I throw up, not the other way around. He gave me some medicine for acid reflux and I'm feeling MUCH better! Now Mom & Dad can enjoy all my smiles! Dad says we should change my name to Greg after Dr. Wynn! =) I'm so much more fun!

Weight: 9 lbs 11 oz

My latest feats: I'm so strong I can just about roll over from back to stomach when I'm mad! I've been giving real smiles since I was 1 month old! I've found my hands and love to taste them!
Well Baby Visit - Date: July 15, 2002 - 2 Months Old
My check up went great. Doctor Wynn said it sounds like the medicine is doing what it should and I'm growing just perfectly! I got shots in each leg, but took it like a little man - I only cried for a minute. Here are my stats:

Weight: 11 lbs 1 oz, (50%) Height: 23.5 in, (50%) Head Circumference: 39.8 cm (50%)

My latest feats: Everyone agrees - I'm adorbale! I love my hands, they're so yummy. I love to smile and laugh with Autrianna. My favorite places are: eating with mommy, walking with daddy or swinging in my swing (this one is especially nice at 5 am when Mom & Dad want to go back to sleep!)
I Don't Feel Well - Date: August 12, 2002 - 3 Months Old
I was acting kind of fussy off and on again, mommy thought maybe an ear infection because I like to grab and tug at my ears when I cry. Dr Wynn said I look just fine, but that maybe the Tagamet antacid wasn't enough.  He started me on an additional medicine called Metoclopram. I have to take it 4 times a day and have to wait 30 minutes after taking it before I can eat. Hopefully it'll work!
Well Baby Visit - Date: September 17, 2002 - 4 Months Old
Dr. Wynn checked all my stats. I'm growing great and looking good! Mom and Dad stopped my Metoclopram because even after upping my dose - like Dr Wynn suggested - I still didn't feel better and it only made me mad having to wait 30 minutes before I could eat! I do seem to be slowly feeling better though. Instead of all bad days I've been having mostly good days with a few bad times now and then. He said we could start some rice cereal and that might help me sleep (since I've stopped sleeping through the day OR night!) and it might even help with my owie tummy. Here are my stats:

Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz, (50%) Height: 25.25 in, (50%) Head Circumference: 42 cm (50%)

My latest feats: I can grab my toys and love to get them in my mouth too! I can roll tummy to back and from my back to my tummy all by myself. It makes tummy time much more enjoyable when I put myself there! I love to giggle and "sing" while I'm nursing!
Date: September 21, 2002 - 4 Months Old
I got my first tooth - the bottom right front! At least that explains all this drool! The left bottom front tooth is trying to pop up too - now I just need to learn nursing ettiquite... no biting mommy please!
Well Baby Visit - Date: November 15, 2002 - 6 Months Old
Dr. Wynn says I'm growing just perfectly! Mom and Dad have tried taking me off the Pepcid a few times, but then I seem to spit up a lot more - some times even on my medicine. Dr Wynn said it sounds like I'm just outgrowing my dose so he upped it to 1.5 mL twice a day. Everything else looks great. Here are my stats:

Weight: 16 lbs 0 oz, (30%) Height: 26.5 in, (30%) Head Circumference: 44.3 cm (70%)

My latest feats: I have all 4 front teeth already! I've found my feet and love to play with and talk to them! I can sit unsupported for long periods of time before I get too tired and topple over! I'm getting ready to crawl, too! I get up on my hands and knees and rock back and forth before I take one big lunge forward. I also manage to scoot around on my tummy in an "army crawl". It makes getting into Autri's toys much easier! I am such an easy going little guy. I love my big sister and she loves watching out for me. Mommy and Daddy just can't get enough of me!
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7-12 months Health Journal
Zander's Home Page Health Journal: 7 - 12 Months
Last updated April 8, 2003
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