Baby Quinley #2 ... A Pregnancy Journal
On Thursday, September 7, 2001 the pregnancy test showed up positive! Autrianna is going to be a big sister! Mommy is due May 14, 2002 - just two days after Mother's Day!

Mom's Thoughts: So far the pregnancy has been going pretty well. It's nothing like the first one, though. With Autrianna I had *no* morning sickness, just a little queasiness now and then. This time I seem to be qeasy *all* the time. I feel like I'm on a big boat with motion sickness all day long. I worry about my due date. How will it be having our brand new baby when it is so close to what would have been my nephew's 1st birthday?
October 8, 2001 - Our First Doctor Appointment - 9 weeks
Everything checked out wonderfully. Mommy had to have her blood drawn for all the blood tests they do. Everything came back normal. Dr Young did an internal ultrasound and Mommy & Daddy even got to hear my heartbeat! From the measurements of the ultrasound Dr Young moved my due date up a few days to May 11th - now just one day before Mother's Day!

Mom's Thoughts: I wonder if the first time around was this difficult, only I blocked it out with the excitement? Not that I'm not thrilled about this baby! I think last time I was able to rest when I was tired and enjoy every little moment. This time I'm so busy with Autrianna and the daily life that only at night when I lay down do I really feel like I get some alone time with this little one.
November 5, 2001 - Our Doctor Checkup - 13 weeks
We couldn't hear my heartbeat with the doppler so we got to have another ultrasound! I probably had hiccups because I looked like I was playing a game of leap frog in there! Mom thought it was the cutest thing ever!

Mom's Thoughts: The nausea seems to be letting up a bit now only to let way to a wave of new questions. Will I have enough love? Enough patience? Enough energy? How will Autrianna do with the new little one? How will I keep her busy while I nurse? Do we move her into the new bedroom and use all the baby stuff for the new baby or start all over again with new stuff for the new baby so she doesn't feel pushed aside? As far as I can tell these are all "normal" concerns ... so I gess they'll be addressed when and how they need to be!
December 3, 2001 - Our Doctor Checkup - 17 weeks
Was hoping for another ultrasound since we're so close to 20 weeks. Dr. Young was running behind so it was just a quick check. Everything looks great and I'll get to make my debut in 3 weeks with an ultrasound. Think I'll divulge whether I'm a boy or girl???

Mom's Thoughts: On November 23 I felt the baby move for the first time. I may have felt some movements a bit earlier, but couldn't be positive. I had been shopping all day and when I got home and layed down to put up my feet s/he went wild! I love this part! It's so wonderful to feel these little confirmations of the life growing inside.
December 21, 2001 - Our Doctor Checkup - 20 weeks
The ultrasound went well. I showed Mom, Dad and Dr Young everything... except my face and I was pretty sneaky about not letting them see for sure if I'm a boy or girl. Dr. Young says if had to take a guess he'd say girl because he didn't see anything to say otherwise. We'll have to get another ultrasound next time to check my face for cleft pallate so they'll get another try next time!

Mom's Thoughts: I thought for sure this one was a boy, so hearing that it's probably a girl was a bit of a shock. I really think that either way this new addition to our family will be a wonderful one. We're packing up for a 2 week cruise to the Panama Canal. Our last get away before we become a family of 4.
January 24, 2002 - Our Doctor Checkup - 25 weeks
Daddy couldn't leave work for this appointment. Mommy got a HUGE shock! I decided to show my stuff during this ultrasound. No doubt about it, I'm a
BOY! Everything else checked out great. Looks like maybe I'll even be a big guy - Mom is measuring 26 cm at 24 1/2 weeks.

Mom's Thoughts: Everyone seems to be MORE excited about this baby being a boy than when we thought we were having a girl. I guess it's the "Perfect American Family" - one boy one girl. Maybe I just hyped myself up over a girl and having a sister for Autrianna ... and not having to face any of the "boy" issues. How will I do as a mother to a boy? I didn't have any brothers or a father in the home growing up. Everything is going to be new. And to add to it: a boy a few weeks after Dominic's 1st birthday. Our family seems to have small, sick boys. Will he be strong and healthy? I'm excited, but scared.
February 22, 2002 - Our Doctor Checkup - 29 weeks
Everything is looking good. No sign of gestational diabetes and no elevated blood pressures or anything indicating pre-eclampsia. I'm just growing bigger EVERY day!

Mom's Though
ts: I feel HUGE! This little guy doesn't seem so little any more! He's really active and I feel his kicks all the way up to my ribs! I can't believe I still have more than 2 months to go!
April 3, 2002 - Our Doctor Checkup - 34 weeks
Mom & Dad had another look at me through an ultrasound today. Doc said he had some good news and some bad news for them. The good news is that I am indeed a BIG healthy baby (couldn't verify any boy parts today, but the last look was plenty! lol) I'm actually measuring a whole week ahead of my due date. Doc says full term I look to be about 8 1/2 - 9 pounds! The bad news is that I've decided I like dancing on mommy's bladder more than kicking up in her ribs - I'm full breech! So we'll check back in 2 more weeks to see if I decide to turn around the RIGHT way. If I don't then doc will try turning me from the outside (owie!). It may or may not work since the placenta is attached right to the front of the uterus. If it doesn't work then looks like I'll be a C-Section baby just like mommy was!

Mom's Thoughts
: Well, I'm not freaking out like I thought I would at the idea of a C-Section. I think that if that's the way we need to go then as long as we get our healthy baby I'll be more than happy! It is a little sad because we had been practicing HypnoBirthing and I was looking forward to using this technique to bring this "not-so-little" guy into the world. But the relaxation techniques I've learned have been great for every-day stuff as well. There's a chance that the external version will cause labor. I'm actually hoping that at 37 weeks we'll do the version, the baby will turn and I'll go into labor. That way I'll avoid the C-Section AND get to go early! =) I'm really getting axious to meet this baby and have about had it with all the pregnancy aches and pains!
April 17, 2002 - Our Doctor Checkup - 36 weeks
I decided not to torture mommy & daddy any longer. Today they saw the ultrasound and I'm head down! Did it all by myself! I'm still measuring about a week ahead of schedule so I'll probably be a big guy. Doctor Young checked mommy's cervix and she hasn't dilated at all and no effacement. I'm comfy right where I am!

Mom's Though
ts: I am SO relieved! I do have to admit that a little portion of me is a bit disappointed because I was hoping that maybe I'd get to have this "little" one in my arms a bit sooner. I am excited, though, that I get to wait it out and see how my body does this on its own. I'm ready to meet my son!
May 2, 2002 - Our Doctor Checkup - 38 1/2 weeks
Good news! Mommy's cervix has effaced to about 50% and she has dilated to about a 1-2 cm! I'm at a -2 station, so things are moving along. Doctor Young stripped mommy's membranes today to maybe help things get going. He encouraged us to be patient - especially since mommy wants to birth with the HypnoBirthing method and induction would be more painful.

Mom's Though
ts: Ok, so I'm disappointed that my cervix isn't "favorable" for induction, since I was debating whether it would be worth a little extra pain to go ahead and *schedule* this little one or wait to see how nature takes its course. I'm so excited to get this baby here and be done with all the aches and pains of pregnancy. However, I am excited to know that my body really does seem to know how this is supposed to work and I am at least making some progress at this point. Autrianna's room is all done and she's even sleeping in her toddler bed with no problems as I had feared. She kisses my belly and knows where "baby Zander" is. I look at her and am amazed at the love I can have for such a tiny little thing and look forward to gazing into another's eyes and sharing our family's love with him too.
May 10, 2002 - Our Doctor Checkup - 40 weeks
Check back to see if we make it to our doctor's appointment just 1 day before my due date!

Mom's Though
ts: Waiting, waiting, waiting!
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Last Updated May 3, 2002
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